Competitive Racing..
(26 posts, started )
Competitive Racing..
I've noticed.. especially recently.. that alot of Racing Servers are very restricted to only the very fast drivers.

Well i'll admit on not a very fast driver.. i'd say i was average lol.

But i'm a safe driver, i stick to the rules, and i like to race fairly.

It would be nice to see alot more servers with varying Abilities rather than having to meet certain requirements that are much harder to reach.

Why not have a top and bottom time.. with drivers that have a PB lap between XX:XX time and XX:XX time being able to enter.. so not to be out-performed by much faster drivers.. and not being slowed down by more careless drivers?

seem's its catering for the elite drivers or the destruction derby style stuff.

i get left entering servers with very good drivers miles ahead.. and drivers or who dont care.. and use me as a brake into bends.. ramming me off the track
Start your own server then!

There's 900+ servers available, surely you can find something.
Besides, if you ask, most of those fast guys will share a setup, which
can only help you improve.
Quote from liveforspeed1987 :I've noticed.. especially recently.. that alot of Racing Servers are very restricted to only the very fast drivers.

Well i'll admit on not a very fast driver.. i'd say i was average lol.

But i'm a safe driver, i stick to the rules, and i like to race fairly.

It would be nice to see alot more servers with varying Abilities rather than having to meet certain requirements that are much harder to reach.

Why not have a top and bottom time.. with drivers that have a PB lap between XX:XX time and XX:XX time being able to enter.. so not to be out-performed by much faster drivers.. and not being slowed down by more careless drivers?

seem's its catering for the elite drivers or the destruction derby style stuff.

i get left entering servers with very good drivers miles ahead.. and drivers or who dont care.. and use me as a brake into bends.. ramming me off the track

Come to s2 , if you stick to the rules and you are a fair driver, ppl gona love you fast there., and is no need to be "Alien lap maker" anyone can race there and learn
Quote from Inouva :Come to s2 , if you stick to the rules and you are a fair driver, ppl gona love you fast there., and is no need to be "Alien lap maker" anyone can race there and learn

You mean Only problem is that 99% of the slow ass ppl are not only slow, but can't race neither. It has never meant to be about the pace, but the about quality. (being fast isnt = being fair tho)
It has been, and will always be a problem how to deal with slow people, and by slow I mean often 4-5-6 secs off the pace. With that kind of difference it's very easy to get into a situation which ends with crashing.
I do understand both sides. It's not fun getting crashed by fast guys when you are learning the track, and it's also not fun to have somebody in front of you who brakes 30m sooner, or stops on the ideal line to let you past.

If you want clean and competitive racing, you really gotta be radical with admining which will not result in being very popular. The problem with the current public server is the loose rules and slow admining, which destroys everything. Personally, when I get crashed out 2-3 times in a row by some idiot who thinks its fun not to brake, I won't race there any more for a while.
I admire people who has the patience to do so. But don't worry, we have a plan :P
Quote from RevengeR :You mean Only problem is that 99% of the slow ass ppl are not only slow, but can't race neither. It has never meant to be about the pace, but the about quality. (being fast isnt = being fair tho)
It has been, and will always be a problem how to deal with slow people, and by slow I mean often 4-5-6 secs off the pace. With that kind of difference it's very easy to get into a situation which ends with crashing.
I do understand both sides. It's not fun getting crashed by fast guys when you are learning the track, and it's also not fun to have somebody in front of you who brakes 30m sooner, or stops on the ideal line to let you past.

If you want clean and competitive racing, you really gotta be radical with admining which will not result in being very popular. The problem with the current public server is the loose rules and slow admining, which destroys everything. Personally, when I get crashed out 2-3 times in a row by some idiot who thinks its fun not to brake, I won't race there any more for a while.
I admire people who has the patience to do so. But don't worry, we have a plan :P

It`s true, but if you know how to deal with the "slower ones" there shouldnt be any kind of problem.

The main problem is, the 2 or 3 servers that have multiclas are allways empty exept cargame. IHR or other server dont have much ppl like cargame.

They are so few but sow few server that allow multiclas, that you can count with one hand.

I`be see 2 servers with multiclas and Airio rank system, One is cargame and IHR. , and when i talk about multiclas i talk from xfg to Big GTR`s, without open wheels or mrt.
#7 - ErAri
"we have a plan"


What you mean? Explain, explain. Might doing an striptease?
If there's one thing RL(tm) racing has taught me, it's that there are all types out there where ever you go. From the superfast aliens who are gone in a second to the complete noobs who can't get within 2 meters of an apex. You just have to deal with it and ride your ride (or drive your drive as the case may be).
Quote from ErAri :"we have a plan"


What you mean? Explain, explain. Might doing an striptease?

Not me, but Tukko

Quote from Forbin :If there's one thing RL(tm) racing has taught me, it's that there are all types out there where ever you go. From the superfast aliens who are gone in a second to the complete noobs who can't get within 2 meters of an apex. You just have to deal with it and ride your ride (or drive your drive as the case may be).

You don't have to deal with it if you don't want, and have the opportunity to not to do so. It's called racing standards. It's a good thing that anyone can join race and have fun, but also you can set a higher racing standard on a server, and great racing will happen.
You know, when you outcorner a FXR with the XRG something is very very wrong.
Quote from liveforspeed1987 :I've noticed.. especially recently.. that alot of Racing Servers are very restricted to only the very fast drivers.

Well i'll admit on not a very fast driver.. i'd say i was average lol.

But i'm a safe driver, i stick to the rules, and i like to race fairly.

It would be nice to see alot more servers with varying Abilities rather than having to meet certain requirements that are much harder to reach.

Why not have a top and bottom time.. with drivers that have a PB lap between XX:XX time and XX:XX time being able to enter.. so not to be out-performed by much faster drivers.. and not being slowed down by more careless drivers?

seem's its catering for the elite drivers or the destruction derby style stuff.

i get left entering servers with very good drivers miles ahead.. and drivers or who dont care.. and use me as a brake into bends.. ramming me off the track

I think you're lucky to be in europe, where there are lots of servers around with reasonable pings...
Anyway, is an (the?) Australian "league" that's not exclusive or elitist and is also somewhat open to Outlanders (there's a couple of Britishers joining in at the moment) as long as they don't cause crashes. Between the two divisions, there's about a 4 or 5 second spread of lap times from the fastest to the slowest (not counting people having a bad night) so there should be room for anyone who can do a few hours of practice
Quote from Inouva :...or other server dont have much sheep like cargame...

Quote from z-ro 8 :corrected.

Today was a sad day in cargame, i race 10 races and finish only 2, the rest or a gtr rams me and spaming "BLUE FLAG" trying to overtake in a IMPOSIBLE place ( Like the chicane of south city "So1R" When you are in the downhill to take the chicane) or someone just use your car as a brake or they just smash you against the wall...

I want a server with multiclas , with Badass admins, where if a admin see a wreeker or a driver like i say above, they get perma ban.

Is not for flame to cargame now, but they are 3 or 4 admines, they see how ppl wreek and smash other and guest what, they dont do anithing.

I want a badass server with badass admines that have zero tolerance for wreekers ppl or noob`s drivers
Quote from Inouva :
I want a server with multiclas , with Badass admins, where if a admin see a wreeker or a driver like i say above, they get perma ban.

You had that at IHR.
Sometimes the line was crossed yes, but babysit a server full of people not knowing how to act proper and that'll happen.

If you look at the history, most populated servers start out with comments like "great racing at team blah blah server last night" and "awesome admins keeping the server clean for good racing", but then the comments and posts in the forums progress (or digress actually), to "shitty admin banned me for nothing" or "wreckfest every lap".
What many fail to see is the teams and Admins on those "flavor of the month" servers want the same thing most of their visitors do. So they sacrifice their own enjoyment of racing to watch out for the numpties.
The user base is usually directly responsible for the end result of a popular server.
FM Fox has had it's fair share of good/bad threads, go check the IHR thread (all of them). Same thing a couple years ago on RSR server when 5 or so people wanted to race TBO's, which turned into weeks of a full server. Then the overpopulation killed it. is no different. I've heard great comments about it, which have given way to not-so-great ones (such as yours).
For those that know the inside story, was born as a direct result of one person having conflict with one of those "Bad-ass Admins", who just wanted to keep a high standard on their servers.
Join a full server, you have to expect trouble. At the time of this post, 13 of the 21 people on track at cargame have less than 30k miles in LFS, so you should expect to come across some turmoil on track.

There's too many threads about "bad racing" and "bad adminning".
You have an Escape button, use it. Try somewhere else.

/end rant
Cargame I thought was fine and had a better atmosphere than IHR at first. Then it became populated by IHR rejects and more people got access to the GTRs which ruined it.
Quote from z-ro 8 :If you look at the history, most populated servers start out with comments like "great racing at team blah blah server last night" and "awesome admins keeping the server clean for good racing", but then the comments and posts in the forums progress (or digress actually), to "shitty admin banned me for nothing" or "wreckfest every lap".
What many fail to see is the teams and Admins on those "flavor of the month" servers want the same thing most of their visitors do. So they sacrifice their own enjoyment of racing to watch out for the numpties.
The user base is usually directly responsible for the end result of a popular server.

what's the deal with that anyways? i remember when LR was always packed, and now it's perma-empty. it's no fun trying to get rank on a server to have it become useless in a matter of a couple months.
like i said.

Quote from z-ro 8 :You had that at IHR.
Sometimes the line was crossed yes, but babysit a server full of people not knowing how to act proper and that'll happen.

If you look at the history, most populated servers start out with comments like "great racing at team blah blah server last night" and "awesome admins keeping the server clean for good racing", but then the comments and posts in the forums progress (or digress actually), to "shitty admin banned me for nothing" or "wreckfest every lap".
What many fail to see is the teams and Admins on those "flavor of the month" servers want the same thing most of their visitors do. So they sacrifice their own enjoyment of racing to watch out for the numpties.
The user base is usually directly responsible for the end result of a popular server.
FM Fox has had it's fair share of good/bad threads, go check the IHR thread (all of them). Same thing a couple years ago on RSR server when 5 or so people wanted to race TBO's, which turned into weeks of a full server. Then the overpopulation killed it. is no different. I've heard great comments about it, which have given way to not-so-great ones (such as yours).
For those that know the inside story, was born as a direct result of one person having conflict with one of those "Bad-ass Admins", who just wanted to keep a high standard on their servers.
Join a full server, you have to expect trouble. At the time of this post, 13 of the 21 people on track at cargame have less than 30k miles in LFS, so you should expect to come across some turmoil on track.

There's too many threads about "bad racing" and "bad adminning".
You have an Escape button, use it. Try somewhere else.

/end rant

IHR is good, but dont have LX6 or FZ5 or rac, they skip that cars , and those cars are fun to drive.

That why i skip IHR...

In cargame, i`m almost class 6 ( GTR without restriction ), but i dont care the gtrs , i only race with lx4 the 90% of time , and 10% with fzr2 in the oval

I realy enjoy a challengin car like lx4 , that can fight against any tbo, and some times against fz5 or rac or lx6
Quote from Inouva :IHR is good, but dont have LX6 or FZ5 or rac, they skip that cars , and those cars are fun to drive.

Do you realize what you said?

In IHR, classes are sorted by !ex. If you haven't got enough !ex(which obviously, you pretty much said you dont with 'I don't have LRF class cars', or you haven't raced there at all), you can't race there. So don't complain about it, it's either your low experience points or just you.

Yes, IHR might have a lower popularity that it used to have, but for gods sake, it has cleaner racing. I love S2 as well, it's a great server, but I think everyone shouldn't have access to GTR's. It's not very normal that GT2/GTR drivers crash into each other in T1,or is it? Now kill me.
Quote from hp999 :Do you realize what you said?

In IHR, classes are sorted by !ex. If you haven't got enough !ex(which obviously, you pretty much said you dont with 'I don't have LRF class cars', or you haven't raced there at all), you can't race there. So don't complain about it, it's either your low experience points or just you.

Yes, IHR might have a lower popularity that it used to have, but for gods sake, it has cleaner racing. I love S2 as well, it's a great server, but I think everyone shouldn't have access to GTR's. It's not very normal that GT2/GTR drivers crash into each other in T1,or is it? Now kill me.

Last week or 2, they didnt have lx6/fz5/rac, i`be checked now, and have it, plus i have 512+ exp...

Still a low populated server is not fun, when everyone is alien lap, I`m fast to, but not a the alien lvl.
Quote from ErAri :"we have a plan"


What you mean? Explain, explain.

Yeah, since when do we plan things upfront ?
Quote from hp999 :(...) I love S2 as well, it's a great server, but I think everyone shouldn't have access to GTR's. (...)

The GTR's should just be removed from the server altogether. When will (some) server admins finally understand that having GTR's (and GT2's and whatnot) racing with road cars is retarded. It. Just. Doesn't. Work.

From the GTR drivers' point of view all the roadcars are so slow in comparison that they're just moving obstacles rather than drivers they're racing. And from roadcar drivers' point of view the GTR's are just insanely fast. Depending on the track and the car you're driving you sometimes have less than a second between you getting a blue flag message and a GTR blazing past you. It's no fun for roadcar drivers and I can't honestly imagine it being any fun for GTR drivers either.

Give them a server of their own with multiclass GTR racing and remove them from the roadcar server. It would make the racing so much better and cleaner for both roadcar drivers and GTR drivers.
Quote from obsolum :the gtr's should just be removed from the server altogether. When will (some) server admins finally understand that having gtr's (and gt2's and whatnot) racing with road cars is retarded. It. Just. Doesn't. Work..

Quote from Inouva :Today was a sad day in cargame, i race 10 races and finish only 2, the rest or a gtr rams me and spaming "BLUE FLAG" trying to overtake in a IMPOSIBLE place ( Like the chicane of south city "So1R" When you are in the downhill to take the chicane) or someone just use your car as a brake or they just smash you against the wall...

I want a server with multiclas , with Badass admins, where if a admin see a wreeker or a driver like i say above, they get perma ban.

Is not for flame to cargame now, but they are 3 or 4 admines, they see how ppl wreek and smash other and guest what, they dont do anithing.

I want a badass server with badass admines that have zero tolerance for wreekers ppl or noob`s drivers S2 is good, when there is no racing fun anymore and enough GTRs they move to OW or how it is called, but not so often

the problem is, there is everybody and you have to deal with that, if you're fast you're fine most of the time, if you're slow and you get into those noobish FXOs? You're dead, they can't drive people don't take the FXO, it's like a family wagon and that's the only thing you can drive, take a XRT and learn to drive properly.
So with GTRs, for me still GT2s you just need to be good in overtaking, there is no point in crashing etc. and mostly it's because the car in front of view doesn't leave you space, brakes, makes a manevuer into your line, etc. it's their fault! I just stay in the perfect line and when I see a chance of overtaking I take it, sometimes they are very good and they really show respect and let you pass, show you the direction with lights where they will go and so on, but those are special days
Admins, I think they're good, they're doing their job, some times more sometimes less, well they race too! If you have a problem tell them, they'll watch a replay and act don't worry be happy
You get what you pay for...
All i can say, is thanks Havoc for your voice of reason and uncommonly good sense..........As you said... If people were really concerned with clean racing and badass admins..... Most people know where they can find just that.....


Competitive Racing..
(26 posts, started )