The online racing simulator
Initial D Driftlayouts
(8 posts, started )
Initial D Driftlayouts
Hi Guys,
i made a Initial D Driftlayout for a up- and downhill battle. Its better to play it 1on1 because the incoming traffic could be a problem.

This layout is for FernBay Gold Rev

more layouts will be released soon^^
Attached images
2nd part.JPG
Attached files
FE3R_Initial D.lyt - 404 B - 1914 views
so... what exactly have you done to the track besides put barriers up to block the road?
I test this layout yesterday.

At start, i didnt understand this layout but after a little explication, i thinks it's a good idea for drifters.

Like Initial D, the up and down style ! Basic layout but so funny when u'r in multiplayer and u need to pass an other driver on wrong way ^^

interesting idea
might try this out
i was online wen he had this up. it was a fun layout
48 objects.... so all you did was put down some arrows pointign to where the pit is and put a barrier blocking the track off at the start line......... cool layout...
Exactly mate, I don't see how this has anything to do with Initial D at all....
Quote from Barrin84 :What it does is create a compound stage. Just like in initial d stage 4 where takumi is against the pro racer in the civic or when keisuke is against god's foot, you have to go one direction, then u-turn at the end and continue the course in the opposite direction. It's in stage 4 guys. ^^;

Yes youre right^^

here you can see the scene (the moment with the EK9 and the ae86^^) ... &search=noisy%20tribe
God Foot (R34) vs. Keisuke (FD3S)

Initial D Driftlayouts
(8 posts, started )