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Need a XF Gti Setup for Blackwood GP
(14 posts, started )
Need a XF Gti Setup for Blackwood GP
Need a good setup for Blackwood GP for the XF GTI

Im now driving times around 1:34:400

Hope someone has a better one than the ones from team inferno

#2 - Jakg
the team inferno ones are the wr ones, i would say get an easier set as the WR may be to extreme, but looking at your times, i think the WR one is your best bet
Quote from Jakg :the team inferno ones are the wr ones, i would say get an easier set as the WR may be to extreme, but looking at your times, i think the WR one is your best bet

Where can i download these Team Inferno setups from?
I always end up chaning other peoples sets anyway. Its such a personal thing. Now I always make my own sets. Sometimes I'll try some others just to see if I'm in the right ballpark for grip. Also I do the test drive thing in the hotlap replays for the same reason.
What about an appropriate set for someone struggling to maintain 1.37? That's my best atm, I'm using a pretty pro set, maybe something a bit more within my league would be more helpful..
Quote from Electrik Kar :What about an appropriate set for someone struggling to maintain 1.37? That's my best atm, I'm using a pretty pro set, maybe something a bit more within my league would be more helpful..

That's normal. The WR setup might not be fit to your driving style. You can find a setup but you have try many different ones. Who knows maybe with the same setup you'd drive 1.33 and I'd 1.37 It's all about how do you drive your car and how a setup should be for you.

BTW: I liked your avatar so much
BTW: I liked your avatar so much

That's Cuneyt Arkin, star of the cult 1982 Turkish Star Wars rip off (literally, they ripped scenes from out of Star Wars!! And music from Raiders of the Lost Ark!) - "The Man who Saved the World".

It's truly one of the funniest things i've ever seen.

Here's the plot! hehe...

The film follows the adventures of two comrades, Murat (Arkın) and Ali (Akkaya), whose ships crash on a desert planet (curiously identical to Cappadocia in Turkey) following a less-than-epic space battle that randomly inserts footage from Star Wars as well as newsreel clips of both Soviet and American space rockets. They are soon assaulted by desert skeletons on horseback who are easily defeated with the pair's knowledge of martial arts. However the film's main villain soon shows up and captures the heroes, bringing them to fight in his gladatorial arena. The villain mentions that he was actually from earth and is in reality a wizard at the age of 1000 exactly. He tries to defeat the Earth, but his attacks are always repelled by a shield of concentrated human brain molecules. The only way for him to bypass this impenetrable defense is to use a human brain to bring it down. The protagonists escape their captors and flee to a cave full of women and children who are also hiding from the tyrannical rule of the villain. While there, Murat develops a romantic connection with one of the women (Uçar) tasked with looking after the children. Zombie minions of the dark lord soon attack the cave, which the now-three main characters all escape from, after seeing several of the children killed and made zombies themselves. Resurfacing at a local bar lifted directly from Star Wars, the two men quickly manage to find themselves in a bar brawl that attracts the attention of the main villain who suddenly appears and captures Murat, leaving Ali and the woman behind.
unyayi_kurtaran_adam_fight_scene.jpg" target="_blank"> unyayi_kurtaran_adam_fight_scene.jpg" target="_blank">
The hero fights two golden monsters

A mentor (Peyda) then informs Murat about a sword made by "the 13th clan" by melting a mountain, thousands of "space years" ago, in a temple dedicated to Hacı Bektaş Veli that broke free from the Earth when it exploded and eventually landed on this planet.
Shortly afterwards, Murat finds the large sword shaped like a lightning bolt in a cave defended by 4 ninjas who he quickly dispatches. Now renewed by the power of the sword, he sets out to free his friend from the underground cavern where the dark lord is holding him. Unfortunately Ali turns to the dark side since he is also in love with Uçar's character and tries to insult Murat with the quote "Who do you think you are? The man who saves the world?". Murat defeats his possessed friend. Grief-stricken, he decides the next logical step is to boil his golden sword and gold-like human brain in a large pot, and forge it into a pair of gauntlets and boots for himself. Now girded with magically-endowed gloves and super-jumping boots, he sets off to find the dark lord and avenge his friend's death. After fighting the many minions the dark lord has summoned to his defence, he comes face-to-face with his nemesis and karate-chops him in half. The film ends with a Star Wars like ending speech where the watcher learns that human brain is the strongest weapon in the whole universe.

Edit:- WOW. I just learned that a sequel is being made, "The Son of the Man who Saved the World" ! Awesome...
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
There's also a cool Turkish E.T., that i've never seen... here's a funny review,

And a funny video, ... e=related&search=bady
Quote :

A Turkish remake of the classic American family film ET, only this one is better. The alien, this time known as "Badi" looks like it was found in the trash then stuffed with a clumsy midget!

The more I read and hear about it, the more I want to see it!
hehe cool vid
@EK: Yes, of course I know himö very well From the "classic" science fiction movies like The Man Who Saves The World and also from the historical legend movies. Ohh Kara Murat, unforgetable

Using genarally English: keep on!

Race Doctor,

forgive me, but I failed to notice the Turkish flag next to your name You would know Cuneyt Arkin's stuff much better than I, as I've only seen him in that one movie. But what a movie... Will you go and see the sequel? Here's a sneek peek...

Nothing is revealed really, except that the movie is coming... Joyousness
Hehe, it's no problem I just wonder if you were an Australian or Turkish? BTW I red a interview with the old classic movies director, he must have noticed how "perfect" they did that he said: "No actually we were joking about Star Wars and others". Scary Movie was made so many years before actually (as he says :P)
Yes, i'm an Aussie.
And I think Scary Movie is just terrible...

Need a XF Gti Setup for Blackwood GP
(14 posts, started )