well fact is i will run a race server and 2 drag servers just for them to fill up with arab drifting nubcakes ^^ they dont comprehend the meaning of the sentence "not a drift server" so this leads to me bannign every last tard in the servers cos they are all doing the opposite of what the server is for.
So yes, mornoic of me to ban peopel for blatantly ignoring the server rules, the only reason all those gits are on X still anyway is because they are too thick and probably get banned every account they make on Z cos nobody in Z patch will tolerate them
So ye, for me to ban them all from mys ervers in a swoop is magnificent fun, its not like they dont deserve it.
Arab drift is fail, it was designed by a guy who 1 day lost control driving in a straight line and thought to himself " hey i will just make up a name for this and say its a hip thing to do"