So, about 25 minutes up the expressway from me, is a statue of Jesus officially called "King of Kings Statue" but more commonly known as "Touchdown Jesus" or "Big Butter Jesus" was struck by lightning during severe storms through the area last night and burned.
Story linkage:
Comedian Heywood Banks made a song about it calling it "Big Butter Jesus" - here's a clip of the song:
Wikepedia about the statue / chruch:
Basically, it's the butt of many jokes now. Nearby to where it's at is a Hustler (Hustler, for those who don't know, is -as wikipedia puts it, "pornographic heterosexual men's magazine" - indeed NSFW) store. Joke I heard today was "Hmmm, so Lightning strikes a jesus stature, but a Hustler store across the street left unharmed"
Also, reports indicate now that the score is Zeus 7 - 0 Jesus (Reference to a football [Handegg] Referee's raised arms signal used after a sucessful touchdown or extra point kick
Thought you'd all like to see what silly things happen here :o
Story linkage:
Comedian Heywood Banks made a song about it calling it "Big Butter Jesus" - here's a clip of the song:
Wikepedia about the statue / chruch:
Basically, it's the butt of many jokes now. Nearby to where it's at is a Hustler (Hustler, for those who don't know, is -as wikipedia puts it, "pornographic heterosexual men's magazine" - indeed NSFW) store. Joke I heard today was "Hmmm, so Lightning strikes a jesus stature, but a Hustler store across the street left unharmed"
Also, reports indicate now that the score is Zeus 7 - 0 Jesus (Reference to a football [Handegg] Referee's raised arms signal used after a sucessful touchdown or extra point kick

Thought you'd all like to see what silly things happen here :o