The online racing simulator
sold everything to buy a lamborghini
(10 posts, started )
sold everything to buy a lamborghini
#2 - oli17
brilliant, love it!
Sounds good but have you read the comments from the aptly named whistleblower

#4 - JJ72
We will soon hear from him, probably turned prostitude because a drive shaft cracked. XD
STUPID RICH BOY so he's driven across America
Hawaii to Maine - 5280 miles
Alaska to Maine - 4750 miles
California to Maine - 2860 miles
he must of driven acrross it twenty times yeah right !
Quote from Antman :STUPID RICH BOY so he's driven across America
Hawaii to Maine - 5280 miles
Alaska to Maine - 4750 miles
California to Maine - 2860 miles
he must of driven acrross it twenty times yeah right !

First, why is he stupid? And I also don't know if I'd call him rich - sure the car wasn't cheap by any means, but if he sold everything he had (including a house) then I don't know what makes him so rich.

In any case, this sounds like something I would do... I mean, really. If you don't want to be stuck somewhere, just get up and leave- take a little adventure.

And it would be easy to put on 100k miles, without driving 20times. Your distances are for driving straight through from one end to the next - ever think of just zig-zagging up and down while moving across to hit each state? I don't know if I'd pick that car - but I do have thoughts of doing an epic roadtrip at some point in my life. Just because it doesn't suit you / your life-style doesn't make it stupid to do...
read the comments below the article, the whole things a lie dont believe everythng the internet tells you.
Quote from Antman :read the comments below the article, the whole things a lie dont believe everythng the internet tells you.

I didn't even read the article to be honest, and the comments _could_ be the same BS as the article, as you said - it's the internet.
#9 - Mysho
If only life was really this easy.
Quote :His wanderings yielded as much joy and humor as they did introspection and isolation, including a trip to strip club in Ohio where Richard, then 32, was mistaken for Moby by an a waitress who was convinced he was the musician because of his shaved head, glasses and fancy car.

sold everything to buy a lamborghini
(10 posts, started )