
Next , can be? : Track Photography.
#28 - aoun
Done Voted
(Angel89) DELETED by Angel89 : deleted
(LightBulb) DELETED by LightBulb
Voted "5" to everyone, except mine.

Cheers and good luck to all.
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
Quote from brandons48 :I see why you did that, great quality of edits this week. Keep it up fellas.

Amazing the theme this week.
Fail.. i just remembered i forgot the results :doh:

I'll do them when my printer and my brother's iCrapPod have stopped breaking :chairs:

Update: iFailAtLifeBecauseIBoughtAniPod-Pod fixed, printer still being a bitch

Update 2: Printer ended up being fixed after rebooting both computers connected to it.
(Raito) DELETED by Raito : bleh i post something bad

Lynce is the winner, please PM me with the theme you would like for next round

Some other notes:

- I have stopped including the number of ratings each person recieved, since it wastes my time to calculate it and add it to the graph, and it is also an almost completely irrelevant statistic.

- Could the select few bunch of morons who vote for themselves please refrain from doing so in future, because I simply delete any scores given by people to themselves.

- From now on, blatent 'sabotage' votes, whereby someone votes 1 for all pictures except voting 5 for one picture will be ignored.

Attached images
Photomode R64.png
Thanks for the cca 5th (looks like im) I had a really good oponents, gratz
Quote from JO53PHS :

Some other notes:

- I have stopped including the number of ratings each person recieved, since it wastes my time to calculate it and add it to the graph, and it is also an almost completely irrelevant statistic.

- Could the select few bunch of morons who vote for themselves please refrain from doing so in future, because I simply delete any scores given by people to themselves.

- From now on, blatent 'sabotage' votes, whereby someone votes 1 for all pictures except voting 5 for one picture will be ignored.

Very nice idea, Joseph.

Thanks to all who votes for me.

This week, really, all the photoshopers have worked very well, that's sure.

Special mention to brandons, sarker and Skiper. Good shots.

As always, this week, misses Taavi, andRo, Tazka and JJ72.

Quote from Raito :I had a really good oponents

And you have really good skills.
#44 - pipa
Well done lynce
Well done Lynce, hope you choose a good theme :P, I'm feeling to enter the next one
Gratz Lynce. Im entering the next one too even though i failed here
Well done lynce.

I feel a bit happy sinse i got a "Good" score , was thinking gona have any vote.
Well done (: