The online racing simulator
[Beta v0.2] Live For Speed MSNStats
Hey guys

I am currently working on an LFS MSN Stats program that would allow you to show off your LFS Stats to all your MSN buddies (just like your Music Now Playing)...

BETA v0.2 Available For Download!!

Outgauge Port: 35555 (Edit in "cfg.ini")
InSim Port: 29999 (Type "/insim 29999" Ingame to activate, Before opening MSNStat!)

Download: See Attachments At Bottom Of Post
ChangeLog: (Since Beta V0.2)
Re-Written Code - Works a lot better and faster updating of MSN PM
Added Online Host - Show what host you are online at!!

Stay Tuned for more updates soon
Attached files
LFS_MSNStat_V0.2.rar - 52.4 KB - 404 views
Wah! Cool

Sadly it doesnt work here.

Its reading LFS data, MSN is switched to; "show what I'm listening to" but it doesnt show the data in MSN (I added myself ).

The panel with vars also says beta 0.1, not 0.2?

Exact same MSN version, only Dutch, not English. Windows 7.
Hhmm Windows Media Player also refuses to share data. Might be a local problem here

*edit, ok WMP does work now (had to switch something to on in WMP as well). Your app however, don't.

When using this obviously you'd disable the WMP plugin from within WMP to stop any conficts

There maybe differences in the way that im changing the MSN PM becuase its Dutch it my be slightly different
Quote :FindWindowEx(0, hMSGRUI, "MsnMsgrUIManager", vbNullString)

MsnMsgrUIManager... Maybe that would have to be the users windows language, in your case dutch?
Yeah WMP or any other program which could conflict was/is off... But no go.

Language is not logical but it's the only difference. I don't know, let's await other reports.
i swear i posted an idea like this well done for making though
I have same problem.
Win Vista, MSN 2009 v14.0.8089.726
Nice idea! Not sure how useful it really is (or the "I'm playing now" status in the first place) but everyone is different people can find a use for anything if someone is willing to make it.
Quote from Bob Smith :Nice idea! Not sure how useful it really is (or the "I'm playing now" status in the first place) but everyone is different people can find a use for anything if someone is willing to make it.

People who use MSN will find the use of this right away. Imagine MSN contacts group, containing your LFS friends (teammates etc) - kinda the same functionality as LFSWorld's Alert, but without opening browser window which would cover your working app. MSN is opened all the time, some people probably have it always on top. Makes sense to me.