Poll : Would you participate in such a league (would you give a fee)?

Yes. Good idea.
Yes, if the league is PRO...
No, I'm not fast enough.
Don't know yet.
Matters on how much would be the fee.. (make a post)
Question: Are you willing to pay a small entry fee?

NDR already came up with a similar idea, I don't really remember the whole idea and how it would work, but this is how I see it.

If there's a league or a race and it's very well-organised, would you be willing to pay a small entry fee to get in? On the other side, a few top positions would get payed back as a prize money.

Example: 50 competitors give $5 which makes $250.
After a season or a single race ended, the prize money will be given.
1st: $75
2nd: $50
3rd: $35
4th: $20
5th: $15
or similar.
Organizer might keep something as it takes a lot of time to run a league.

Some people will say that the fastest guys will take it. Well, this is why more top positions would get a prize money. Maybe reversed grids would help a bit as people think they can at least try to hold their positions like this. Well, eventually the fastest will have most points anyway, but it's still better than let them start on top again after the first race.

There's another option. Like only those who want to fight for prize money will give the entry fee and only them can win the prize money, of course. If no one else gives anything, the entry fee will be given back.

That prize money doesn't have to necessarily limited.
An example: A gives $20, B gives $10. B wins and gets $20.
Basically you can't get from anyone else more than you have given as a fee.

If there are more people like this, it would be a bit more complicated as you would have to find out how much can get everyone and it would be related to how much has he given etc. Some kind of formula would be made for it.

Also, some people who say they are not fast enough might eventually take a part if the league is really "PRO", I think. Something like IGTC/MoE. A league, which can give them some kind of respect even if they only participate.

...any other idea?

Lets keep it as free as possible
Classic. Try to keep the posts decent although I clearly understand you want to drive for nothing till the end of LFS.
In principle it should work but the hardest part is getting people to actually put the money on the table. I think a system like this would only work if the league had a large infrastructure and commanded a large amount of respect. If you were to do something like this I think you should run your first season FOC 'free of charge' then see how it goes from there. Also invite drivers/teams that you want to be involved as you will have more confidence in those drivers not to ruin, wreck or just effect the league with general poor driving standards. If you'd paid, for example £10, to race the season and every race you were hit off because of poor standards then it would be quite difficult to manage. Something like the STCC would have been a good platform for this.

Overall my verdict is, too much hard work for little gain.
Well, right now, it's too much work for NOTHING. Litte gain is still better than nothing.

And, yea, of course it shouldn't be like who pays can drive.
Well what I meant was, a league which is free can be run more loosely than a pay to race league and would probably require less work.
Quote from Drift King CZ :Well, right now, it's too much work for NOTHING. Litte gain is still better than nothing.

And, yea, of course it shouldn't be like who pays can drive.

You will have a LOT MORE work to do if you charge even $1 per person, per season (or event). Reasons; cheating, protests and those little "whoops" moments will really tick someone off. Thing is, the racing won't get cleaner, and accidents _ARE_ part of racing.

I wouldn't do it, and if I were to do it - all money would go back to the people, or cause; servers and setup fees. None would go to "profit" or "gain" for doing the "too much work" of running a league/event. Afterall, the work you do before the event, will make the event run smoother.
People lose more money to net poker anyway. Why be a cheapskin over such a small amount of money?
#9 - J@tko
I would maybe pay a small amount towards fees e.t.c. but definitely not towards prizes.
Amm...if the fee is max 5$ then maybe...
OT: Mike,why you write "$" then number of money ?
(manneF1) DELETED by manneF1
Because this is how it is with dollars .
meh, I wouldent pay to get drive, im not serious enough
IMO pay to drive is flawed, it'd simply set people off being whiny and greedy.

In theory it's fantastic, the fees contribute to the prizes. In practise however it's not that good
Well if every league charged 5 dollars then people would be losing a ton of money, especially those who suck like me.
if you did it you would see a major drop off of competitors. IMO

Problem, entry fee?

Never ever isnt worth the money.
Quote from Mustangman759 :if you did it you would see a major drop off of competitors. IMO

It could, or it may just increase the level of competition with only the best in the series.
Quote from Mustangman759 :if you did it you would see a major drop off of competitors. IMO

There would be probably less sign-ups overall. But we could expect to have a better turn-up rate, if the fee is a 1 season basis - if people paid to take part, we can expect them to show up more often. IMHO this could be one of the solutions to the turn-up rate problem we have nowadays in league racing.

Of course, the main drawback is that most of the people under 18 would not be able to pay easily, and would have to ask their parents. This is a real issue, since, according LFSW, 27% of the LFS players are between 10 and 19.

In the end I do not see any problems with small entry fees morally wise. Organising a league costs money, especially if you want to make it nice(with streams, etc). Afterall, not so many real life contests(local sport events, etc) are free: you will often have to pay a small fee if you want to take part, in order to contrbute on the organisations costs. I do not see why it should be different on the internet.

On the other hand, I have problems with prices money. I have the feeling it could make some people to try to win at all costs, and do risky/dangerous/unfair moves.
I have raced in a pay-for-entry series before...it died on it's arse (UK eTM).

We had 2 racers (me and one other) for the final round after a steady drop off during the season. I came 3rd overall in the championship purely because I competed in all rounds even though I was beaten like the proverbial ginger stepchild in the races.
Quote from racer hero :It could, or it may just increase the level of competition with only the best in the series.


Overally I think it would work if we had more people around LFS, but we don't :/.
And there wont come any new ones....due to understandable reasons.

Once you have got to know the lfs community, you will be disgusted by it.
Once you've seen one moron, you've seen them all.
yep true indeed!
Quote from Timo1992 :And there wont come any new ones....due to understandable reasons.

Once you have got to know the lfs community, you will be disgusted by it.


You've never browsed the "LFS Beginners Forum" section have you? New people are coming every day. And the people posting on this forum are only a very very small fraction of them.