The online racing simulator
#1 - nssf
lfs lapper 6.00 bug report
i dont know if its a bug but i think so

the first thing is i never did change a file befor so i started to test and figer out what it does when you change some numbers at the last and of the story i did know where the numbers ar to change position so put all the drift things to the right of the screen

but it dont work when i change the number in the line for that part

openPrivButton( "TDSM",6,140,20,4,2,-1,16,langEngine( "%{driftmeter_TDSM}%" ) );

it want to go there when im drifting but it always flips back to the old position

and that is the only code left what i didnt change so it must be that one

does some1 have a selution for this when you need to see more of the file (driftmeter) than ask me please
It's not a "bug".

There's another line of code somewhere, with button name TDSM0 (search for 'driftmeter_TDSM0' to find it).

You have to change the button location for this line of code too.

Buttons TDSM and TDSM0 look the same, and have exactly the same text, but text for each is in different colours (one is white, and other gray).
#3 - nssf
thank you very mush that helped me it was all those TDSM what i did need to change but why its ordered so stupid and not all codes for each section under echother..... i got head dach of those codes xD
oke 1 problem solved now the next one XD

the yellow great drifting pops up in the mirrow i was looking at those codes for the name great drifting
driftmeter_TDSM5 = "^5That was great";
so the fail must be in the tdsm5 section right?

this is the tdsm5 line
openPrivButton( "TDSM5",178,122,20,4,2,-1,16,langEngine( "%{driftmeter_TDSM5}%" ) );

this is for example tdsm6
openPrivButton( "TDSM6",178,122,20,4,2,-1,16,langEngine( "%{driftmeter_TDSM6}%" ) );

all those lines matching why is stil pop up in the mirrow

and than there is that other problem when not really bother me but its comming up sinse beginning but maby know what it is couse even without changing that pops up so its some program fail i think
its called id_main_agooddrift not found
Quote from nssf :thank you very mush that helped me it was all those TDSM what i did need to change but why its ordered so stupid and not all codes for each section under echother..... i got head dach of those codes xD

It's not ordered stupid(ly).

It's all ordered on how good a score you get - get a poor score and you get poor message - get a good score you get good message; better the score the better the message.

Default is set at

## Scoring totals = message
## < 150 = rubbish (garbage/sucks)
## > 150 = adequate
## > 300 = ok
## > 450 = good
## > 750 = great
## > 1200 = fantastic
## > 1950 = superb
## > 3150 = awesome
## > 5100 = insane

# numbers can be changed if you think too high or too low

Then if you want to change numbers, look at the coding, for example

[COLOR=blue]IF( $LastDriftScore > 150 )[/COLOR]


[COLOR=blue]IF( $LastDriftScore > 300 )[/COLOR]

If you want to make the "adequate" message appear on a thousand, then change to

IF( $LastDriftScore > 1000 )

and so on.
You can do it by:
> 150
> 300
beacuse every text to the max state will be shown. Better make a function with
> 5000 print(asdasd); return
> 4000 print(asdasd); return

> = if
Quote from nssf :1 problem solved now the next one XD

the yellow great drifting pops up in the mirrow i was looking at those codes for the name great drifting
driftmeter_TDSM5 = "^5That was great";
so the fail must be in the tdsm5 section right?

this is the tdsm5 line
openPrivButton( "TDSM5",178,122,20,4,2,-1,16,langEngine( "%{driftmeter_TDSM5}%" ) );

this is for example tdsm6
openPrivButton( "TDSM6",178,122,20,4,2,-1,16,langEngine( "%{driftmeter_TDSM6}%" ) );

all those lines matching why is stil pop up in the mirrow

Because this is a message that depends on an Event, as in
CatchEvent OnGoodDrift( $userName ) # Player event

If you don't want it, put # (hash) symbol in front of line starting openPrivButton on that section, or move the button to appear in new location.
Quote from nssf :and than there is that other problem when not really bother me but its comming up sinse beginning but maby know what it is couse even without changing that pops up so its some program fail i think its called id_main_agooddrift not found

This is bug that appeared when my text was slightly changed and the driftmeter became an add-on.

Instead of main_agooddrift, change to driftmeter_agooddrift

PS Can you keep all the Lapper posts within the LFSLapper section of the forum please? Some of the questions you've asked have already been raised, and answered there.
#8 - nssf
and the other thing what i dont understand is just thy the great drift... apears in the mirror and not like the other masseges on the left side cose the coding is the same on all thos lines its only the great drift what fails
If you want to play around with a drift meter, but would like something a bit simpler to start with, may I suggest the circular driftmeter I made?

Doesn't come with any of the text, just scores and angle.

Look at

This lapper add-on might be a little buggy though - I was playing around with it for a while, adding things, taking them back off, etc, but couldn't get consistant results. I think my pc was playing up at about that time, so may have been that rather than the coding, but more likely my coding!
#10 - nssf
you ar a nice helper and i try always to find the right sections to post i thougt here was it good couse this is programming so next topic about lapper i wil put in the lapper section

that ongooddrift change did work ty very mush

its just what i sed i never done this just yesterday i thougt give it a try more than wrong it cant go xD
#11 - nssf
i got 1 more important q for you guys

is it posseble to change the !top file for drifting to? couse now there is no stats for drift points or tops like in race that you see who have the most points who is 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

and if some1 want he can help me xD when not i wil try to figger it out by myself i only need to know if its posseble
type !drf to see table from top downwards.

Or !drfnn where nn = any number to show table from that point on, eg !drf24.

Or !drfnear which will give you table depending on car you're in and how high you scored.

Or you can do !drf then car name, such as !drf UF1, which will only give you table with scores by people driving UF1 cars.

Or you can make your own buttons to show same info (and no, I'm not sharing mine, although should be easy to reverse engineer seeing the images).
Attached images
lfs drf.PNG
#13 - nssf
lol if would know that its so easy xD wouldnt ask it hehe
the point is i just didnt know the commands

i would never ask some1 als his machine/program/add the only thing i would ask is how to do it

i did drift a round i did typ !drf !drfnear and its stil emty do i need to unlock a code or im to stupid?

i think i found the problem could it be this ? couse i have no driftpb file

#Drifting options#
# This is the filepath for a file containing the collected data.
# This file will be created if it doesnt exist yet.
# You must ensure read/write access to this path.

$DriftDatabase = "./DriftPB";

i dont have the driftpb file

do i just need to write in the title driftpb or /driftpb and where to put into includes or default

i just tryed to make a file driftpb and put it into default nothing changed stil have no score in the !drf

and what about this
SWITCH( $command )
CASE "!oldtop":
Top( $argv );
CASE "!top":
# Top( $argv );
DoMyTop( $argv,FALSE,FALSE );
CASE "!near":
# Near( $argv );
DoMyTop( $argv,FALSE,TRUE );
CASE "!topqual":
# topQual( $argv );
DoMyTop( $argv,TRUE,FALSE );
CASE "!nearqual":
# nearQual( $argv );
DoMyTop( $argv,TRUE,TRUE );

do i need to change somthing here some1 told me to put it all on treu than i would be see points but im not sure annymore if its treu so i ask it here
Can you tell me what version of lapper you are using?

Quote :
$DriftDatabase = "./DriftPB";

i dont have the driftpb file

In your directory that has your LFSLapper.lpr file, you should see 2 files - DriftPB.dbs and DriftPB.elp.

These are SQLite tables that hold the drifting scores, and you don't have to make them, as they get made by lapper when you get a drift score.

Likely that this is $DefaultTopCar issue.

In your LFSLapper.lpr file, search for $DefaultTopCar.

You probably have something like $DefaultTopCar = "XFG"; which is probably not the car you're drifting with.

Instead, make it either $DefaultTopCar = "XRT"; (if this is car you drift with, or change car name to the one you drift with)



For the !top and other CASE issues, I just use things like

CASE "!top":
top( $argv );

CASE "!near":
near( $argv );
#15 - nssf
oke i drifted a round stil nothing happen i watching i that part of the file and see this do i need remove this things # ?

Event OnMSO( $userName, $text ) # Player event
$idxOfFirtsSpace = indexOf( $text, " ");
# $LOF = getListOfPlayers();
# dumpVar( $LOF );

and what do you mean with this
CASE "!top":
top( $argv );

CASE "!near":
near( $argv );

do i need to change that in the file or can i let that part in default
#16 - nssf
man im so pissed off i dont understand annything annymore of that stupid crap the crap dont want to work f*ck sake i set all that crap on treu i removed the # in front of it i changed the default cars why the crap dont want to work and even stranger when i put the 2 # again in front of it the lapper exe letts me dump of lof end dump of lof :S its even telling me now without that # in front :S and when the # ar on i cant open !drf annymore pffffff now i set all treu false to default and stil not working
#17 - nssf
its exaly lfs lapper 6,00 beta i using

this i changed but put it back in orginal

Event OnMSO( $userName, $text ) # Player event
# $idxOfFirtsSpace = indexOf( $text, " ");
# $LOF = getListOfPlayers();
dumpVar( $LOF );

this i changed to my cars i using in my server
$DefaultTopCar = "XFG+lx4+lx6+xrt+rac+fz5";

tops i changed to default again

SWITCH( $command )
CASE "!oldtop":
Top( $argv );
CASE "!top":
# Top( $argv );
DoMyTop( $argv,FALSE,FALSE );
CASE "!near":
# Near( $argv );
DoMyTop( $argv,FALSE,TRUE );
CASE "!topqual":
# topQual( $argv );
DoMyTop( $argv,TRUE,FALSE );
CASE "!nearqual":
# nearQual( $argv );
DoMyTop( $argv,TRUE,TRUE );

and this is a new problem
i dont want to people can vote so i did that but everytime people vote lfs lapper turns off than it goes on again
i tried serval code combinations like 0-0 -0 0- there is only 1 that working when i do the other 2 lfs lapper wont start up it sy its running but you get no screen

$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = "-";
$VoteRestart = -0;

Event OnVoteRestartChange($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
openGlobalButton( "bargr1",60,1,10,6,6,30,96,langEngine( "%{main_vote_restart1}%"));
openGlobalButton( "bargr2",70,1,20,6,6,30,96,langEngine( "%{main_vote_restart2}%",$Vote,$PlayerOnTrack,$Need ) );
Event OnVoteRestartReach($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton( "bargr1&bargr2" );
Event OnVoteRestartZero() # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton( "bargr1&bargr2" );
$VoteQualify = -0;
Event OnVoteQualifyChange($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
openGlobalButton( "bargq1",90,1,10,6,6,30,96,langEngine( "%{main_vote_qualify1}%") );
openGlobalButton( "bargq2",100,1,20,6,6,30,96,langEngine( "%{main_vote_qualify2}%",$Vote,$PlayerOnTrack,$Need ));
Event OnVoteQualifyReach($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton("bargq1&bargq2" );
Event OnVoteQualifyZero() # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton("bargq1&bargq2" );
$VoteEnd = -0;
Event OnVoteEndChange($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
openGlobalButton( "barge1",120,1,10,6,6,30,96,langEngine( "%{main_vote_end1}%") );
openGlobalButton( "barge2",130,1,20,6,6,30,96,langEngine( "%{main_vote_end2}%",$Vote,$PlayerOnTrack,$Need ) );
$VoteRestart = 200

this alow that 200% of player have to vote restart, in this case it's impossible to reach 200%. No vote allowed
#19 - nssf
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i could laugh me to death
nice 1 im not that smart to think that way lol epic fail

but i need to reinstal lapper again couse nothing annymore working like it chould

here standing
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = Laps in between where votes are allowed in race
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = 0-0 Votes are never allowed
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = -5 Votes are allowed between lap 1 and 5
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = 2- Votes are allowed between laps 2 and the end of the race
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = - Votes are always allowed

so it should work now like this

$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = "-";

$VoteRestart = -200;

Event OnVoteRestartChange($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
openGlobalButton( "bargr1",60,1,10,6,6,30,96,langEngine( "%{main_vote_restart1}%"));
openGlobalButton( "bargr2",70,1,20,6,6,30,96,langEngine( "%{main_vote_restart2}%",$Vote,$PlayerOnTrack,$Need ) );

Event OnVoteRestartReach($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton( "bargr1&bargr2" );

Event OnVoteRestartZero() # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton( "bargr1&bargr2" );

$VoteQualify = -200;

Event OnVoteQualifyChange($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
openGlobalButton( "bargq1",90,1,10,6,6,30,96,langEngine( "%{main_vote_qualify1}%") );
openGlobalButton( "bargq2",100,1,20,6,6,30,96,langEngine( "%{main_vote_qualify2}%",$Vote,$PlayerOnTrack,$Need ));

Event OnVoteQualifyReach($PlayerOnTrack, $Vote , $Need) # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton("bargq1&bargq2" );

Event OnVoteQualifyZero() # Lapper Event
closeGlobalButton("bargq1&bargq2" );

$VoteEnd = -200;

and 1 more thing
the minimum pb times ar so crazy hi that no1 can come into the !pb list do i need to change all those times in default>trackinfo file each after each?
Quote from nssf :...
and 1 more thing
the minimum pb times ar so crazy hi that no1 can come into the !pb list do i need to change all those times in default>trackinfo file each after each?

I have a faster?

But seriously, the split times are calculated as a percentage of the WR times, and even getting within 10% is sometimes a challenge, but stick with it. Watch the WR replays and learn the lines. Even the gear change points can take up to .5 off a lap. Good luck.

PS: Gai, Theoretically it would be possible for Lapper to calculate the split times on the fly using PubStat, and then we could set the threholds in Lapper itself. If you thinm it's not worth it, I might take a crack, so any thoughts you have on the best way to do it would be appreciated.

it's possible, but it's better to let the choice to the admin.

track = ALL
car = ALL
MaxLapTime = 105%
split1 = 105%:110%
split2 = 105%:110%
lapTime = 105%:110%
car = XFR
MaxLapTime = 112%
split1 = 106%:112%
split2 = 106%:112%
lapTime = 106%:112%
track = BL1
car = XFR
MaxLapTime = 110%
split1 = 105%:110%
split2 = 105%:0.55.00
lapTime = 105%:1.16.61

But the pubstatidk must be required in this case or maybe using an alternate value separated by '|'. % are used if pubstat value are availlable or time if not
MaxLapTime = 150%|2.30.22

looking for a % or a time in time section to calculate the good time value.

Adding track = ALL allowing only % in value. this section can be alone, no need to definite all over track, car section

removing len in each section, because the value are present in the file tracklist.cfg

@krayy : for test is attached

Attached files - 23.2 KB - 291 views
#22 - nssf
Quote from Krayy :I have a faster?

But seriously, the split times are calculated as a percentage of the WR times, and even getting within 10% is sometimes a challenge, but stick with it. Watch the WR replays and learn the lines. Even the gear change points can take up to .5 off a lap. Good luck.

PS: Gai, Theoretically it would be possible for Lapper to calculate the split times on the fly using PubStat, and then we could set the threholds in Lapper itself. If you thinm it's not worth it, I might take a crack, so any thoughts you have on the best way to do it would be appreciated.

i dont believe that i asked to talk crap......
you have no awncer on th q than dont react on it
thank you
Quote from nssf :i dont believe that i asked to talk crap......
you have no awncer on th q than dont react on it
thank you

Take a chill pill so you can recognise a joke when you see it.

And the advice about how to drive faster is, I think, quite valid. Only through practice can you get quicker. My league racers regularly hit good & great splits only through practice and racing hard against each other.
#24 - nssf
i reconise the joke but im not here for joking and im chil

maby i told it in wrong words and i just want lower times.......why should not care or should it? but anyway

i tell you i just want to have people in top to with lower times i dont need only elite in the top thats why


gai luron and what when im the admin?

but can i just change those times into those what you did write there?

car = ALL
MaxLapTime = 105%
split1 = 105%:110%
split2 = 105%:110%
lapTime = 105%:110%
car = XFR

the post you quoted is for krayy. Restore your default file

This thread is closed