Quote from Intrepid :It would be impossible to regulate.

Is there a difference between deliberate and non-deliberate hand ball?? What if the handball stopped the ball but it was going wide anyway?? Unlike like a goal across a line this is not a black and white case.

The ruling atm is about right in my opinion. If you want to stop the ball with you hand then you get an instant red-card and there's a penalty. Injustice??? Well don't shoot the ball near the defender and if you do don't miss the penalty!

Well yes there is. If the ref deems the arm to be in a a natural position when the ball strikes then no foul, however if the ref thinks the hand is in an unnatural position (i.e. a deliberate movement to the ball) then foul and appropriate action taken, that is the advice given to the refs in determining if a handball offennce is indead wohty of a foul. And you all though that the FIA ruling was screwy....ain't got nothing on FIFA

imo, the ruling should be made simple, just like the offside rule needs to be simplified. Hits your hand/or arm (up to the tip of the elbow) = Handball, likewise if any player is offside regardless if they are interfering with play or not = offside.
C'mon, a red card (imagine if it was at the start of the match), penalty, and the player misses a next match. What more do you want? Just don't miss the penalty, simple as that..
That free kick that led to the whole handball situation wasn't justified apparently. A red card because of a simple ref mistake. Small prize for not losing . But yeah Holland's gonna win prolly.

Thanks Suarez, Uruguay showed that have extra eggs.
Forgot to add: now I understand why "Loco Abreu".
Quote from de Souza :Forgot to add: now I understand why "Loco Abreu".

yep, I knew that would happen that, he always do.
Crazy, crazy...
Quote from Intrepid :It would be impossible to regulate.

Is there a difference between deliberate and non-deliberate hand ball?? What if the handball stopped the ball but it was going wide anyway?? Unlike like a goal across a line this is not a black and white case.

The ruling atm is about right in my opinion. If you want to stop the ball with you hand then you get an instant red-card and there's a penalty. Injustice??? Well don't shoot the ball near the defender and if you do don't miss the penalty!

maybe you should try reading the posts youre replying to or actually knowing anything about the game youre discussing
there already is a clear distinction between a deliberate hand play and an unintentional one and theres also a difference in using you hands in the penalty box and using them to prevent a clear cut goal chance (ie yellow vs red card)
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Cheating is breaking the rules, which he did, he got the right punishment as far as the rules are concerned, but it was wrong in that situation. Down to 10 men for penalties...oh no what a massive blow.

Cheating is getting away with it.
He got a red card, and the team a penalty...the rest is football.
My problem is what is deemed acceptable by a lot of so called football fans. Diving is disgusting to me, it's the worst part of the sport, but it seems to be almost encouraged in other countries, their biggest heroes are the ones that cheat and con their way through every game. I would like to see harsher punishment for players that fake injuries or dive, FIFA needs to start banning players for persistent diving, maybe if everyone stayed on their feet they might actually learn how to kick this new ball properly.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :My problem is what is deemed acceptable by a lot of so called football fans. Diving is disgusting to me, it's the worst part of the sport, but it seems to be almost encouraged in other countries, their biggest heroes are the ones that cheat and con their way through every game. I would like to see harsher punishment for players that fake injuries or dive, FIFA needs to start banning players for persistent diving, maybe if everyone stayed on their feet they might actually learn how to kick this new ball properly.

Notice how well the Portugal - Spain game went when Ronaldo wasn't able to con the referee?
The current rules are correct as written

The ball never crosses the goal line, so a goal cannot be awarded. A penalty kick without the goalie is not a viable option, the referee on the field cannot tell what exactly a ball would have done if it was not handled. There are a lot of shots that it is unclear from on the field in real time whether it is even hitting the goal, until it actually goes in. There is just punishment, an automatic red card and a pretty sure shot at the goal. In this case, sure it's obvious, but that is not a judgement that it is acceptable to expect the referee to make. In all cases except something this painfully obvious, that call can't be made. And I would not want to make even this call as a ref, you really have no idea what's happening with shots until it either hits something or flies past.

And yes, it should be a PK for a handling infraction that is not a shot... it's a direct kick in the penalty area, and something that provided an advantage for the defending team... it's the exact same as a foul in the area. It is not an automatic red as SAxor claims, it's situational. A yellow may be more appropriate, but a PK still warranted. If you read the Laws of the Game, nowhere does it say that handling in the area must be a red. The red is for deliberately blocking a obvious goal or goal-scoring opportunity.
Imo they should now shoot Suarez in the head and the refferee should have just given ghana the goal.
I hate Suarez now what a wanker, not that it matters he god red though because he is the most dangerous player in Uruguay. So now it's Netherlands versus Forlan, will be a piece of cake considering their horrible play. Yes we don't play nice footbal either but alot better than them.
Quote from G!NhO :Imo they should now shoot Suarez in the head and the refferee should have just given ghana the goal.
I hate Suarez now what a wanker, not that it matters he god red though because he is the most dangerous player in Uruguay. So now it's Netherlands versus Forlan, will be a piece of cake considering their horrible play. Yes we don't play nice footbal either but alot better than them.

And I thought G!nho was a nice person :sadbanana
Quote from SAxor :
2. Team x passes the ball in the box(but is still far from getting a shot off never mind the ball being almost past the line!)and a player handles the ball on purpose. Penalty kick and redcard.


Penalty kick and yellow card.

Here's prooof. From 1.25. Bad quality, sorry. He got a yellow card for that.

Quote from BlueFlame :So being 'bright' means I need to have no life and follow football news intimately does it? Oh ok.

No, it means keeping quiet when you have no idea what you are talking about.

Especially when it's a post like this trying to be a smartass and correcting someone else, lol:

Quote from BlueFlame :Mourinho is at Inter, not Real Madrid, lol.

Oh, and this was quite big news since he was the coach of the CL winner so you wouldn't need to "follow football news intimately" to know this by now.

Quote from ATC Quicksilver :My problem is what is deemed acceptable by a lot of so called football fans. Diving is disgusting to me, it's the worst part of the sport, but it seems to be almost encouraged in other countries, their biggest heroes are the ones that cheat and con their way through every game.

Examples of that?

Because I don't believe it one bit.

The main fault in ths lies with the FIFA for not giving out hard enough punishments, IMO.

Quote from G!NhO :Imo they should now shoot Suarez in the head and the refferee should have just given ghana the goal.

So the ref should just change the rules as he pleases as the match goes along? Niiice.

Quote from J@tko :And I thought G!nho was a nice person :sadbanana

Football brings out the worst in everyone. What an awful sport.
Quote from zeugnimod :
So the ref should just change the rules as he pleases as the match goes along? Niiice.

Football brings out the worst in everyone. What an awful sport.

Yeah he should have punished Uruguay for that hands and he just should have said the ball crossed the line.

And i am a fan of Ajax and that is where Suarez plays, but now i hope they sell the god damn gnome.
Quote from G!NhO :Yeah he should have punished Uruguay for that hands and he just should have said the ball crossed the line.

But he did punish him in exactly the right way laid out by the rules.
Quote from zeugnimod :But he did punish him in exactly the right way laid out by the rules.

They should make a rule to kill people doing that.
Quote from G!NhO :They should make a rule to kill people doing that.

They should make a rule to sterilize idiots so they couldn't reproduce.
No that's a terrible idea!

But tbh i don't really care because Uruguay won't make it to the final anyway.
This is just what the sport is. Suarez is world class not only because he can score goals, but also because he can disrupt an entire game with his behaviour. At least I'm glad I won't have to look at his face during the semi-final game, I just hope the Netherlands won't play dumb with their eternal understimation syndrome and lose the game... they should formally apologise to 200 million Brasilians if they can't defeat Uruguay now, which is basically a bee without stinger next match.

On a different note of unsportive behaviour, I do think the FIFA should be less hesistant to hand out punishments post-match; Melo deliberately attempting to hit Robben's previously injured hamstring (or still recovering hamstring, I should say) was not sufficiently punished by a red card. The man is mental and such grotesquely unsportive and unprofessional behaviour ought to be punished much more severely. This is a non-contact sport after all, not a mixed martial arts match. Attempting to wound a man in a game...
Quote from Jertje :On a different note of unsportive behaviour, I do think the FIFA should be less hesistant to hand out punishments post-match; Melo deliberately attempting to hit Robben's previously injured hamstring (or still recovering hamstring, I should say) was not sufficiently punished by a red card. The man is mental and such grotesquely unsportive and unprofessional behaviour ought to be punished much more severely. This is a non-contact sport after all, not a mixed martial arts match. Attempting to wound a man in a game...

Yes just shoot him.
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :
Suarez could have headed that ball, hell he even made the movement to do that as it struck his hand.

Not really. He made the movement but there's no way he would have reached it.

It's funny that what we perseive as cheating depends on whether the player gets away with it. If the ref hadn't seen Suarez do it, I would have thought of him as cheating scum but now he's a hero who saved his team. It's very hypocritical, I know, but that's just how my mind works.
What's wrong with this picture?

Crazy Finns. Drunk again, eh?

FIFA South Africa 2010
(2134 posts, started )