Hello Racers.
Try our RaceControlSystem(RCS). It's not finished, but you can have some fun. It's not for lappers, but for racers.
What you get at present:
-central database for playerstats and -settings
-can connect up to 8 servers with one database
-autom. skill-managemant (skill measures clean and realistic driving, not speed)
-a server can kick a player, if he/she hasnt a needed skill
-rolling starts, gp starts or random
-crewcomments to positionfights, laps and other things
-pitboard to show the distances to the real next/prev player on track (not the lfs-position distances)
-more real penaltysystem (penalty are delayed for inspection [RCS-Penalty only])
-automatic pitstopwindows (you must pit wihtin this windows to complete the race)
-special QualifyingRules
....and more
for ingame-commands enter "#help", ".help" or "!help"
known bugs:
-no take over cars (dont know what happen here in insim
Give it a try and have fun
change 06/09/09 : extended the server-config-file
change 06/26/10 : many changes http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1445841#post1445841
change 06/27/10 : fixed the zip (wrong configfile fixed)
change 07/03/10 : more options in configfile http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1449490#post1449490
change 07/19/10 : added pitstopwindows, command to reduce textoutput http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1457595#post1457595
change 07/26/10 : added some new commands and a new qualy-module http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1460890#post1460890
change 08/08/10 : bugfixes, translationfiles (multilanguage-support), an eventmonitor http://www.lfsforum.net/showpo ... =1466631&postcount=17
change 08/15/19 : bugfixes, ai, replay, local connects are working now http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1469997#post1469997
change 08/22/10: bugfixes, http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1473320#post1473320
Some infos what happens and how it works:
There are 3 groups of infotext:
a) RCS-Messages are general infomessages from the masterprogram (Records or sessionchanges for example). They appear mostly at the top of the screen, and are often doubled with normal lfs-textchat
b) OrgaMessages are infomessages from the virtual racedirector (Racestart orders, penaltys for example). They appear in the upper middle of the screen and can adress all drivers or only you (your team)
c) Crewmessages are messages from your crew. Personel infos, hints and comments. They appear in the bottom middle of the screen and are only visible to you.
You can switch the general chatlevel with the command "#chatlevel". This option is saved in database.
closed Pitlane: You can enter the pitlane from track only if you have a penalty. If you enter a closed pitlane from track or enter a closed pitlane from spec/garage and move the car you will get a penalty from orga and negative skillpoints.
commands: '#pitopen','#pitclosed' (by admin only)
closed track: if you enter a closed track from spec/garage you will go back to pit and get negative skillpoints.
If you enter a closed track after a pitstop you will get a penalty from orga and negative skillpoints
commands: '#trackopen', '#trackclosed' (by admin only)
Skillpoints: you get positive skillpoints for finishing laps, finishing penaltys or driving to pit and jump THEN to garage. Simply for clean and realistic driving.
You get negative skillpoints for getting penaltys, creating yellow flags, car reset, and some other things.
The change of your skillpoints can be watched in the bottom left corner. The skillpoints are saved in the database. To join a Rcs-Server you need a minimum skill-level (level 0=default). Skill-Levels are from 0-10.
commands: '#skill', '#setskill <lfsworldname> value' (last by admins only and not to yourself
Database: the Db saves all player with their driven combos,records,setting and skillpoints. Players without driven laps are not saved.
All servers (up to 8 servers) are using this one database.
edit the server_x.cfg to setup the rollingstart or use the command 'setstart','nextstart' and 'setspeed' ingame (admins only). Try '#<command> ?' for some help.
How it works:
After the green light the leader accelerates to the minimum speedlevel (You can see the speeds with '#info rs-speed'). His primary rule is to hold the correct speed.
Later he gets the command to speed up. At this time he defines the speed. He must not accelerate straight away, but he is not allowed to brake. Braking will send the leader to spectate without warning!!!
All other drivers have to hold their positions (single line start). They can drive faster to go nearer to next car, but they must stay in position.
If a car is to slow, left the position, is to far away from the next car or if the leader is to fast/slow the driver gets a first warning. After a short time the driver goes to spectate, if he doesnt correct the mistake.
Any 2nd mistake will produce a rcs-penalty.
After every warning the driver has the chance/time to correct his mistake, but he must hurry!
A 3rd mistake will send a driver to spectate without a warning.
Noone is allowed to pass a car before crossing the finishline. The individual race starts with crossing the finsihline.
If to many cars are in wrong position, the start will be stopped by rcs.
commands: '#setstart','#nextstart','setspeed' (all for admins only)
This windows are forced pitstops in a race. You can stop more often. But outside a window, the stop doesnt count for the race. If you miss a window, you will get a penalty from orga. A window is missed too, if you enter the pitlane inside a window to finish a penalty. You have to come in a 2nd time here.
Your crew will give you information to pitwindows. And there is a infobox in the bottom right corner.
Delayed Penaltys:
all penaltys from rcs are delayed to make them more realistic. The orga is inspecting a fault and after a short time the penalty will occur. Further penaltys dont overwrite existing penaltys, but they are stored. So you will get one penalty after the other.
You can define special qualyrules in the server_x.cfg. With this rules its possible to create 'onelap-qualy' for example. A player, who finished his qualy cant join the track again. RCS is tracking the rules for all players. The qualy ends automatically, if no more player can drive (limited by rules) a fast lap.
Use the command '#info qualy' to view active rules
The monitor will appear if you are in spectate or in pitlane without moving the car. The monitor is turned off by moving the car. The monitor can be turned on/off with the command '#emon'.
The monitor shows all "important" things which happens around you. You can compare times, or see if a player has problems for example.
AI's can join. But there are some restrictions, because the ai dont know rcs and is not ai enough
a) a AI will never get a rcs-penalty!!!! (missed pitwindow, rolling start-mistakes)
b) a AI cant drive rolling starts. The AI cant and must not hold the inlapspeed, the ai cant follow other drivers
c) a AI cant finish a pitstopwindow
You can watch replays with rcs. But you should notice the following:
If rcs-rollingstarts are active, you should have the right serverconfigs (the serverconfig when the replay was saved). If you have no serverconfig set rcs to gp-starts (#setstart gp).
The same for pitwindows. If you have no serverconfig, set the pitwindows to none (server_x.cfg)
If you have the right severconfig everything will be fine
If you see problems with rcs and your loaded replay, simply restart the replay. Sometimes rcs needs two replaystarts.
Helpful with replays:
"#emon" turns on/off the eventmonitor
"#watch lfs-worldname" (hold ctrl+shift for lfsworldnames) let you see all the messages the driver got from rcs and the camera goes to the cockpit.
Not helpful with replay
No fast forward or jump. This will produce unexspected results or crash rcs.
You can enter commands, but the replay cant react to them. So this will lead to unexspected results too.
Dont replay MPR's, made without rcs, under rcs. A replay cant react to insim-commands
btw. sorry for (d)english
Try our RaceControlSystem(RCS). It's not finished, but you can have some fun. It's not for lappers, but for racers.
What you get at present:
-central database for playerstats and -settings
-can connect up to 8 servers with one database
-autom. skill-managemant (skill measures clean and realistic driving, not speed)
-a server can kick a player, if he/she hasnt a needed skill
-rolling starts, gp starts or random
-crewcomments to positionfights, laps and other things
-pitboard to show the distances to the real next/prev player on track (not the lfs-position distances)
-more real penaltysystem (penalty are delayed for inspection [RCS-Penalty only])
-automatic pitstopwindows (you must pit wihtin this windows to complete the race)
-special QualifyingRules
....and more
for ingame-commands enter "#help", ".help" or "!help"
known bugs:
-no take over cars (dont know what happen here in insim

Give it a try and have fun
change 06/09/09 : extended the server-config-file
change 06/26/10 : many changes http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1445841#post1445841
change 06/27/10 : fixed the zip (wrong configfile fixed)
change 07/03/10 : more options in configfile http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1449490#post1449490
change 07/19/10 : added pitstopwindows, command to reduce textoutput http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1457595#post1457595
change 07/26/10 : added some new commands and a new qualy-module http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1460890#post1460890
change 08/08/10 : bugfixes, translationfiles (multilanguage-support), an eventmonitor http://www.lfsforum.net/showpo ... =1466631&postcount=17
change 08/15/19 : bugfixes, ai, replay, local connects are working now http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1469997#post1469997
change 08/22/10: bugfixes, http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=1473320#post1473320
Some infos what happens and how it works:
There are 3 groups of infotext:
a) RCS-Messages are general infomessages from the masterprogram (Records or sessionchanges for example). They appear mostly at the top of the screen, and are often doubled with normal lfs-textchat
b) OrgaMessages are infomessages from the virtual racedirector (Racestart orders, penaltys for example). They appear in the upper middle of the screen and can adress all drivers or only you (your team)
c) Crewmessages are messages from your crew. Personel infos, hints and comments. They appear in the bottom middle of the screen and are only visible to you.
You can switch the general chatlevel with the command "#chatlevel". This option is saved in database.
closed Pitlane: You can enter the pitlane from track only if you have a penalty. If you enter a closed pitlane from track or enter a closed pitlane from spec/garage and move the car you will get a penalty from orga and negative skillpoints.
commands: '#pitopen','#pitclosed' (by admin only)
closed track: if you enter a closed track from spec/garage you will go back to pit and get negative skillpoints.
If you enter a closed track after a pitstop you will get a penalty from orga and negative skillpoints
commands: '#trackopen', '#trackclosed' (by admin only)
Skillpoints: you get positive skillpoints for finishing laps, finishing penaltys or driving to pit and jump THEN to garage. Simply for clean and realistic driving.
You get negative skillpoints for getting penaltys, creating yellow flags, car reset, and some other things.
The change of your skillpoints can be watched in the bottom left corner. The skillpoints are saved in the database. To join a Rcs-Server you need a minimum skill-level (level 0=default). Skill-Levels are from 0-10.
commands: '#skill', '#setskill <lfsworldname> value' (last by admins only and not to yourself

Database: the Db saves all player with their driven combos,records,setting and skillpoints. Players without driven laps are not saved.
All servers (up to 8 servers) are using this one database.
edit the server_x.cfg to setup the rollingstart or use the command 'setstart','nextstart' and 'setspeed' ingame (admins only). Try '#<command> ?' for some help.
How it works:
After the green light the leader accelerates to the minimum speedlevel (You can see the speeds with '#info rs-speed'). His primary rule is to hold the correct speed.
Later he gets the command to speed up. At this time he defines the speed. He must not accelerate straight away, but he is not allowed to brake. Braking will send the leader to spectate without warning!!!
All other drivers have to hold their positions (single line start). They can drive faster to go nearer to next car, but they must stay in position.
If a car is to slow, left the position, is to far away from the next car or if the leader is to fast/slow the driver gets a first warning. After a short time the driver goes to spectate, if he doesnt correct the mistake.
Any 2nd mistake will produce a rcs-penalty.
After every warning the driver has the chance/time to correct his mistake, but he must hurry!
A 3rd mistake will send a driver to spectate without a warning.
Noone is allowed to pass a car before crossing the finishline. The individual race starts with crossing the finsihline.
If to many cars are in wrong position, the start will be stopped by rcs.
commands: '#setstart','#nextstart','setspeed' (all for admins only)
This windows are forced pitstops in a race. You can stop more often. But outside a window, the stop doesnt count for the race. If you miss a window, you will get a penalty from orga. A window is missed too, if you enter the pitlane inside a window to finish a penalty. You have to come in a 2nd time here.
Your crew will give you information to pitwindows. And there is a infobox in the bottom right corner.
Delayed Penaltys:
all penaltys from rcs are delayed to make them more realistic. The orga is inspecting a fault and after a short time the penalty will occur. Further penaltys dont overwrite existing penaltys, but they are stored. So you will get one penalty after the other.
You can define special qualyrules in the server_x.cfg. With this rules its possible to create 'onelap-qualy' for example. A player, who finished his qualy cant join the track again. RCS is tracking the rules for all players. The qualy ends automatically, if no more player can drive (limited by rules) a fast lap.
Use the command '#info qualy' to view active rules
The monitor will appear if you are in spectate or in pitlane without moving the car. The monitor is turned off by moving the car. The monitor can be turned on/off with the command '#emon'.
The monitor shows all "important" things which happens around you. You can compare times, or see if a player has problems for example.
AI's can join. But there are some restrictions, because the ai dont know rcs and is not ai enough

a) a AI will never get a rcs-penalty!!!! (missed pitwindow, rolling start-mistakes)
b) a AI cant drive rolling starts. The AI cant and must not hold the inlapspeed, the ai cant follow other drivers
c) a AI cant finish a pitstopwindow
You can watch replays with rcs. But you should notice the following:
If rcs-rollingstarts are active, you should have the right serverconfigs (the serverconfig when the replay was saved). If you have no serverconfig set rcs to gp-starts (#setstart gp).
The same for pitwindows. If you have no serverconfig, set the pitwindows to none (server_x.cfg)
If you have the right severconfig everything will be fine

If you see problems with rcs and your loaded replay, simply restart the replay. Sometimes rcs needs two replaystarts.
Helpful with replays:
"#emon" turns on/off the eventmonitor
"#watch lfs-worldname" (hold ctrl+shift for lfsworldnames) let you see all the messages the driver got from rcs and the camera goes to the cockpit.
Not helpful with replay

No fast forward or jump. This will produce unexspected results or crash rcs.
You can enter commands, but the replay cant react to them. So this will lead to unexspected results too.
Dont replay MPR's, made without rcs, under rcs. A replay cant react to insim-commands
btw. sorry for (d)english
