What animal would you be?
(31 posts, started )
#1 - Mr.46
What animal would you be?
Ok, was bored so did this. Well one thing to answer:

What animal would you be? Why?
A cat...'coz I'm cute.
...a moose
An Axlotl
A Dog, so that I could lick my own balls without my Girlfriend thinking I'm wierd.

#6 - VoiD
I cat, owned/attended by me and the missus.
#7 - dadge
peregrine falcon because it can reach speeds of over 200mph(when diving).
Wolf or Coyote.
A shrew - the only animal that can eat three times it's own weight without taking a breath in between.
#10 - 5haz

Or perhaps a Gigantoproductus, their fossils always look smiley so...
A sloth. Cause then I'd have an excuse for being incredibly lazy.
Quote from dadge :peregrine falcon because it can reach speeds of over 200mph(when diving).

+1 just being free, having a look from every perspective
A racing pigeon. Because it's a smart bird, and always loyal to its home and partner.
Maybe only me...
A duck. Because ducks are awesome.
a fly. ill fly into nice looking girls showers

Whats wrong?
A homosapien.
An anteater

Yes ... the girls will like me.
A woolly mammoth.
a unicorn
A Scorpion. 'cos I will have a venomous stinger and I can kill anyone who ticks me off.
Fly, the one that flies at night
I would be...earmelon

What animal would you be?
(31 posts, started )