I got in a car crash
(73 posts, started )
Quote from Chrisuu01 :My bike and me got hit mi bike was so screwed it was hard to belive i still live

dangit stupid UPs van drivers theres one plus it got me this wonderwful nice pc to pay lfs on

I second that, courier van drivers
My dad was swinging out to pull onto our drive, the van driver was reading something, not paying attention, said he thought my dad was pulling to the right, even though he had his left indicator on. Just wasn't paying attention more like. The driver lost his job in the end too, because he wasn't supposed to be where he was, he was using the van for personal duties lol.
Attached images
On Friday i just about got hit up th back by a woman (again pfff) in a Volvo while i was slowing down for a car turning off the road... Stupid bitch was chatting away swaying her head about n didnt see everyone coming to a halt... She locked it up, swerved and spun the car past me just about hitting the car coming the other way, Luckily it was a man coming the other way and had seen what was going on and stopped in time...

IDK how she even locked it up or spun as it should have had ABS and was only maybe 8 years old, Was an estate too so would have ripped thru my sis Punto id borrowed, Which had 2 kids in it at th time...
#28 - aoun
Actually just afew days ago i was with my friend driving with his family and all his young kids. I was in the passenger seat and his wife and kids all in the back jumping around being silly.

Going through an intersection with the green lights for us roughly at about 60kph out of no where we get t-boned in the intersection. The impact was really big and for a 4wd ford territory 2005 model, it absorbed most of the impact. My friend walked away limping with a swollen knee and his 4 year old kid with a bump on the head.

The other guys car was totaled and his hand was busted, which he deserved.

Everyone was shooken up about it and in abit of shock. I suppose lucky me also to have been in uncountable accidents, it didnt faze me

Lucky that everyone walked away.
Quote from mutt107 :LOL you are retarded if you don't know doing a j turn at high speed will flip you.

i wasnt going fast, i was going barely fast enough to pull it off in a lawn mower....and now i know
Quote from aoun :Actually just afew days ago i was with my friend driving with his family and all his young kids. I was in the passenger seat and his wife and kids all in the back jumping around being silly.

Going through an intersection with the green lights for us roughly at about 60kph out of no where we get t-boned in the intersection. The impact was really big and for a 4wd ford territory 2005 model, it absorbed most of the impact. My friend walked away limping with a swollen knee and his 4 year old kid with a bump on the head.

The other guys car was totaled and his hand was busted, which he deserved.

Everyone was shooken up about it and in abit of shock. I suppose lucky me also to have been in uncountable accidents, it didnt faze me

Lucky that everyone walked away.

care to share some more of your accidents
hot reared by a white boy in an integra last november...
Quote from chavm481 :hot reared by a white boy in the back of an integra last night :P

edited for you
duuuuude. not cool
#34 - Migz
Quote from flymike91 :Anyone else got dinged lately?

Dinged? Errr yeah, you could say that....

80Mph + Wall, never a good idea.
#35 - 5haz
#36 - Migz
Oversteered to the left coming out of the corner, tried correcting it, car went into a spin, did about 90 degrees hit a wall on the other side of the road side on, bounced off the wall and span another 270 degrees in the same direction before stopping a fair bit down the road back on my side of the road again.
Scary as ****!
hard to follow

got a video
#38 - Migz
But i do have paint haha.
Isn't exactly spot on but it'll do.
Attached images
#39 - 5haz
Ooof nasty FWD never easy with oversteer.

I already talked about quite an embarrasing accident last time out one off racing a 924 at Anglesey last autumn, these are the only thumbnails I could find courtesy of one of BRSCC North Western's photographer people, might buy the full size images...

Went into the barrier sideways at a fair rate. Basically the brake pads knocked off when I hit a curb so when I got to braking for Rocket, which happens to be the hardest/highest speed braking zone on the track, I had none. Within a minute im surrounded by an ambulance and about 20 different wreckers for what was really quite a minor accident, just I got some air before I dissapeared from view and lots of tyres got thrown up in the air so it looked far worse from the pitlane.

British marshalls/medical/other voulenteers are amazing and so friendly, nearly all done just for the fun of it but in a professional way, great people.
Quote from Becky Rose :I was hit by my garden wall. It was illegally parked, didn't see me, and speeding. Mhmm.

Yeah, I once got hit by my house's front window... The stupid thing even fell apart, I mean what a coward.
Lol at Teenagers crashing their cars, thinking they can drive because they´re good at a computer game.
Lol at thinking old men are cool because they make fun of kids.
#43 - Jakg
Still nothing proper from me... so i'll make do with some from friends...

While we were travelling in convoy on holiday my friend met a rather greasy corner - my car went slightly light, but he got a little oversteer and hugely overcorrected to avoid an oncoming car leaving him with this (straight through the fence):

My other friend did something similar - tailgated down a country road, decided to boot it away but on the next corner the back slid out and there was a bus taking the corner wide so he opted for the bush...

#44 - 5haz
Quote from BastianB :Lol at Teenagers crashing their cars, thinking they can drive because they´re good at a computer game.

Why don't you get to understand the situation of the accident before you open your wise old gob?
Quote from 5haz :Why don't you get to understand the situation of the accident before you open your wise old gob?

Because a worrying amount of these stories seem to start with something like 'I was doing 80mph round a corner...'
#46 - 5haz
Quote from Crashgate3 :Because a worrying amount of these stories seem to start with something like 'I was doing 80mph round a corner...'

Yes I'm sure none of the supposedly wise adults of this forum have never done 80mph through a corner. The emphasis is on kids while the roads are still full of aggressive gits who tailgate or the absent minded who drift along in a self righteous bubble while causing chaos. But nevermind about these, lets blame road accidents on 'kids' using worn out stereotypes, and while we're at it lets blame eveything else on immigrants and jews just to save even more time.

Just because you don't hear about driving stupidity caused by supposedly older and wiser folk dosen't mean it hardly happens, just it dosen't make such a good story what with it not fitting in with the established boy racer stereotype upon which things as serious as car insurance are based!

In my case it was 100mph at a corner, but I can't help having no brakes can I?
#47 - 5haz
IMO its the other way round, racing in real life made me better at computer games.
#48 - 5haz
Well its all part of a very patronising attitude that older people have towards younger people thanks to the hysterical media, in the same way that people like to think that playing a shooter for a few hours will make children want to shoot up the town and young adults being 'exposed'* to pornography will make them into rapists, the popular opinion is that racing games make kids think they are racing drivers.

In truth the majority of young people are not that stupid and can tell the difference between the virtual world and reality, and I find it really insulting when older types talk as if we can't. Its all driven by ignorance of how young people really think which creates fear and suspicion, youth and young adulthood isn't as sheltered and naiive as it was in the conservative old days.

In reality its usually the complete faliure of parents to instill their children with some sort of moral compass, so they can tell the difference between right and wrong, virtual or real that helps cause 'kids' to become murderers, rapists or drive dangerously, but who wants to admit that they're a failed parent when its much easier to blame it on the evil interwebs when your own kids are giving you lip because you didn't teach them respect.

Of course there are a minority of those who can't tell the difference between the virtual world and reality, but there will always be idiots within each generation or social group, and they are a minority.

*when in fact they actively seek it out due to hormones, it dosen't just jump out at you as soon as you enter the internet as some seem to think.

After getting in two accidents and getting pulled over twice, I no longer drive like an idiot.
First time I got in an accident there was no damage to my car but the other person's front bumper got ripped off. Basically, they backed out of their driveway without stopping and I slowed to like 10mph, and then I saw her start accelerating so I just start going like half throttle and then she was still pulling away so I floor it, and at about 40mph I feel the back end of my car shake to the right. Bitch hit my rear bumper. So I go onto the gravel on the side of the road and she goes shooting past me still accelerating, and then slams on her brakes and pulls over. Insurance company blamed it on me. Even though she was in my blind spot and we were both going at least 40mph in a 25mph zone.

Second time, I was a dumbass and went too quickly into a corner, started understeering, braked, then spun the other way and slammed into a guardrail. $600 later, I replaced the bumper, bumper cover, and two front fenders. Would have been less, but $140 of that is freight shipping, $70 was a makita angle grinder. Oh, and the spaceframe/unibody got damaged, but oh well.

I got pulled over for going 50mph in a 25mph zone, paid $900 for a lawyer and ended up not getting charged with anything.

Went 40mph in a 25mph zone to get through a yellow light, cop gave me a verbal warning.

Unrelated, but I blew my engine because it ran out of oil, but the low oil pressure light didn't come on until 1 second before the engine shut off. It still spins, so it's not seized. Have no idea what's wrong with it, haven't had the chance to take it apart. Got a motor from a junkyard for $450, and spent $100 in tolls and fuel driving to go pick it up with my friend. So, being an idiot with my car has cost me $1600. Got the car for free from my parents at least. I did a bad job at putting the junkyard engine in, I get a P0300 code occasionally, and the transmission (automatic ) makes funny sounds. Probably going to get a different car. Or I may fix it properly, not planning to spend more than $1000, since I got the car for free anyway it may be worth it.

All of that was enough for me to learn my lesson. I still have some fun driving spiritedly, but not so unsafe that I'm anywhere near losing control.
Quote from 5haz :In my case it was 100mph at a corner, but I can't help having no brakes can I?

you're not supposed to go twice the speed limit anyways, so yes.

I got in a car crash
(73 posts, started )