The online racing simulator
Team DDGTR skins
(13 posts, started )
Team DDGTR skins
hi guys first time request here but was wondering if someone could help us out with a few skins for our team.

the cars we run on our team are the XRR, XRT, FZR, FZ5, and the BF1.
our team is called DDGTR and wer have 6 members on the team ive tried to make a nice skin but failed quickly, im just not that good at making them.

now as for credits you may put anything that credits you on the skins it will be fully yours and if anyone asks ill send them your way.

if you want some more details on anything please send me a msn or a reply here as im new to all the skins stuff i dont know much but will help out in what i can.

thanks racemania
Do you have any preferences for the skin such as colours, logos or even your own logo that you want used. I think it would be a good idea to set a colour scheme at least cos if different people are making the skins they will have at least some similarities!

Also, what style skin would you like (drift, gtr, v8 etc)?
well the team is drift drag and grip so it dont matter about the decals just any that look good atm would be cool.

as for colors i will ask my team mates and post back

thanks for your reply

[EDIT] colors any of these or a mix orange, red, blue, green, black
I'll try and get a skin done for you in a few days, im swamped at the moment but I'm sure I'll be free a somepoint next week!
Heres an early fzr skin in 2048 and 1024 res. I can edit the skin if you want me too or if you are happy with it I can transfer it to any other cars you want
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done some colour variations...
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skins.rar - 972.2 KB - 166 views
cool thanks man there nice

heres one a team members worked on but its plain and its private atm
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LFS 2006-06-10 18-18-55-07.jpg
#8 - shim
Race, give Mitch the pink skin.. :P
Quote from manintightpants :Heres an early fzr skin in 2048 and 1024 res. I can edit the skin if you want me too or if you are happy with it I can transfer it to any other cars you want

ok this is what some of my team mates asked for:

some nice big DDGTR on the back and the sides where you got the other logos please and if posible one on the wing.

and can we have one for the xrr cause one of the members runs the xrr the rest run the FZR but still good job thanks

is there a way to change the color behind the skin like to diff colors instead of the silver if not dont worry but just thought idd ask.

thanks racemania
Udated versions!

I've put ddgtr on the cars (designed a quick litle logo that i thought would fit better), done two different colour schemes based on the XRT skins above and converted the skin to the XRR.

I can do any colour and character combination that you want me to do (Im currently doing some for the other members), just give me a shout!
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now done skins for all the members on your web page. i wasnt sure who wanted the XRR so ive done them all on the FZR for now, although it will be easy to transfer one of the colous schemes accross.

Again if anything needs changing then let me know!

take it easy..
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ahh thanks man im in your debit now lol

they look really good ill ask my team mates what they think and post back to let you know, also the xrr driver is M1tch he loves the XRR.

thanks racemania
No probs happy to help

Ive done a red xrr skin for mitch too now (i think the red kind of suits the car better!) plus I'm working on a drift skin for the XRT which is a personal project but ill post it up here when ive finished it (if its good enough!) and see what you think about using it, which you'll be welcome to do (i suck at drifting anyway :dunce: )

Anyway, till then take it easy!
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Team DDGTR skins
(13 posts, started )