Good drivers will always be missed, its how you define 'good' that's interesting, as zeug mentioned fair, fun,then fast sound about right to me in the long run, where's a cab when you need it?

A great aspect of LFS is it teaches a lot more than just about how to go fast and win races.
me too, i´m very happy about knowing the game will go on
Haven't we known that for last couple of yours?

I don't want to be skeptical or rude, it's nice to hear from scawen, but after reading his long posts we basically know nothing new :-( We're back in point "early 2009" :-(
Quote from zeugnimod :But those "good drivers" have started as "newbies" as well, didn't they?

I couldn't care less if one so called alien leaves. The other 3 F's mean much more to me than just the one F(ast).

And how does LFS "lose much more when one alien leaves than when 20 average drivers leave"?

Can't really follow that train of thought.

for me a good (alien as you call them) driver means an opportunity to learn more from his replays and also they are the ones who make the best setups so I think when such person leaves lfs it is a loss
We are different then.

I value a fair and friendly racer more than someone who I can get sets of and who otherwise might be an **** (not naming any names :razz.
Quote from Speed Soro :Wrong is to complain about the complains.

What any post of his boils down to.
Quote :first thing that this "team" must to understand is that this situation was created by them, not us.

More of the same.
Quote :That weren't us that come here and ask for someone to create a simulator, we didn't come here and said: Hey, you, please, develop something for us.

What's that got to do with anything?
Quote :Second, they promise, and if you promise something, you must to make it. Pay you debts, stay there on the clock, be honest.

Show this as legal contract or admit you're making it up.
Quote from zeugnimod :We are different then.

I value a fair and friendly racer more than someone who I can get sets of and who otherwise might be an **** (not naming any names :razz.

well i like fair drivers too and hate those who care only about themselves and not about cars around but setups and watching perfect laps help me get better which is what I want...
but I parcially agree with you...sometimes it is a better feeling to have a nice clean fight on a track than doing some good hotlap alone
Quote from zeugnimod :We are different then.

I value a fair and friendly racer more than someone who I can get sets of and who otherwise might be an **** (not naming any names :razz.

I'm the ****! \o/

Scavier set up a brilliant simulator, with very nice systems such as LFSWorld + the ease of skins.

Also they brought together a close community where they may be proud of.

Just look at the UK Kartmeeting, just TO many want to join this year since Jason and co did lots of work trying to bring the community together in a wonderful event.

Also the simulator it self was the very best when it came to the market, was the best again when S2 came out, and I'm sure with the upcoming patch, and S3 it will be at the top again.

I have full trust in Scawen, Eric and Victor!

Scavier, good luck with making this simulator even better then it is right now.

I enjoy it since the very first public demo, and I am still in love. No single game ever done that for me.

The End!
Quote from rockclan :IMHO:

Scavier set up a brilliant simulator, with very nice systems such as LFSWorld + the ease of skins.

Also they brought together a close community where they may be proud of.

Just look at the UK Kartmeeting, just TO many want to join this year since Jason and co did lots of work trying to bring the community together in a wonderful event.

Also the simulator it self was the very best when it came to the market, was the best again when S2 came out, and I'm sure with the upcoming patch, and S3 it will be at the top again.

I have full trust in Scawen, Eric and Victor!

Scavier, good luck with making this simulator even better then it is right now.

I enjoy it since the very first public demo, and I am still in love. No single game ever done that for me.

The End!

So called Aliens will probably come back for the same reason they came here in the first place.
I'm pretty sure I'll be back to rallyX with new patch

I still remember demo times when I had 6 WRs in rally
XFG, XRG and XRT in BL2 and BL2R

Do any demo racer had more WRs than I've had?
Quote from scipy :I'm the ****! \o/

Not really. Well, maybe a bit.

You at least qualify for 2 of the 4 F's.
Quote from Scawen :I got run over or contracted a fatal illness or perhaps someone will come and offer me a flight to the moon but I have to train at NASA for a couple of years. Unlikely, and there's really nothing better I can do than work on this simulator. I just don't want to write about every step on the development path, so that's why there is a long time between progress reports.

jokes aside, please try not to get sick scawen

i had faith, even though i just read your first post
Its smelling the new Patch !
Thanks Scawen !
i think scawen tired to see this another whinners

Thanks for these posts Scawen.
Nice to hear that you did not end up in a dead end for tire physic.
I feel that there is still a lot to do, but I am confident as you also seems confident.
Anyway I will be glad to give it a try when it is done.
Quote from Speed Soro :I think many here cant understand my point: I am not saying that they are obligated to give us s3. What Im saying is that anyone here that complain, has the right to complain, because it is a client right. It is business, not joke.

If Scavier will not give S3, so say "we will not give S3". If they "plan" to give S3, and people wait for 3 years, I think this people has the right to come here and protest.

If there was a Duke Nuken Forever forum, people would be there also complaining. And if Scavier keeps this forum alive, they cant complain against complainers that come here.

It is about the right of complain that Im talking, not about obligations of the Scavier team, however I could say a lot about it too.

You know - S3 isnt in even in development yet. The NEXT is 0.6A ALPHA - which hasn't been marked as S3 by anybody, officially or not .

In other words NO ONE has promised us S3 with anything yet.

He is working on what he said he is working on ( Scawen, that is ). His promise is "Its done when I feel its good enough to be done!"

Thats all we need.

Quote from CodieMorgan :You know - S3 isnt in even in development yet. The NEXT is 0.6A ALPHA - which hasn't been marked as S3 by anybody, officially or not .

Now you got confused here with LfS developement and release system.

The 0.6A is the version number, while the S1 to S3 are content stages not connected to LfS version. So while the next content stage isn't released the same time as the next LfS update, it's still in developement, as we've already seen a glimpse of the new S3 content: Rockingham. And there's the yet to be announced car that will be S3 too.
After reading these Scaven posts i am not worried. I never complained why LFS has slow progress, but i dont care. LFS is good now, and everybody who started moaning, are just bored of lfs and wants something new. For example, i got 2 years break from LFS, now, 3 months ago, I am the most active member of our team.

Everything else is cool, i'm lfs everyday, and i will never leave lfs because of "slow" progress. That's because i love lfs.

Can i ask for something Scaven?
Well, as you maybe know, there is a problem with Red/White barriers, and bouncing cars. Why this is happening?

Also i cant wait to try the new AI system with my team mates.
Quote from CodieMorgan :You know - S3 isnt in even in development yet. The NEXT is 0.6A ALPHA - which hasn't been marked as S3 by anybody, officially or not .
  • S1 was basic simulation and gathering a community to work with

  • S2 is all about accurate physics and a little bit of extra content <- we are here somewhere

  • S3 is/will be pure content and eye candy, and most likely MDKs for the community <- we know of Rockingham and the mysterious new car already
Quote from ACCAkut :
  • S1 was basic simulation and gathering a community to work with

  • S2 is all about accurate physics and a little bit of extra content <- we are here somewhere

  • S3 is/will be pure content and eye candy, and most likely MDKs for the community <- we know of Rockingham and the mysterious new car already

Where do you get these information?

There are no exact declaration of the 'stages'. Scawen posted somewhere, that the physics/program/etc updates will be released to all stage users, and the stages will contain different contents, as it is right now.

There is no word about eyecandy, MKDs, etc. Go play NFS.
Quote from uttoro :Where do you get these information?

There are no exact declaration of the 'stages'. Scawen posted somewhere, that the physics/program/etc updates will be released to all stage users, and the stages will contain different contents, as it is right now.

There is no word about eyecandy, MKDs, etc. Go play NFS.

Take it easy now sir.

What ACCA was explaining, is the periods of "stages" LFS goes trough.

He didn't mean that S1 people with get this, S2 people that, etc.

He was just explaining where was the most time going too on the stages. We are now all looking forward to Stage 3, and that's what he was talking about, what probably will happen in Stage 3.
Scawen posted somewhere that there will be no stage 3 but the game will be finished (no stages anymore)

Now, that's how the gossip becomes existant.

Would you mind giving us some proof and/or some kind of quotation, sir?
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[OLD] Tyre Physics Progress Report
(4434 posts, closed, started )