How long does the maxxis slicks last ? This weekend i raced with the mojo d2 tyres down to the cord after just a weekend
Vegas and Mojo's are even worse than maxxis.. You can get 2 - 3(at a push) meetings out of those slicks at some tracks.. but if you want to be at the top then you just get a set every meeting :|.. Which I can't afford..
Ha. Try $300-400 USD per set for my race bike. Yeah, you can do 2-3 weekends on them, but after 2 I notice a drastic reduction in grip. And my bike is known for being easy on tires.

70-200mm F4 L USM its used however it looks like it just came out of the box, with hoya 1b all for £300


amazing recipe, il post if you want
it even says it on the packet lol. "pure cane". looks like a Columbian breakfast.
its the best fattening food ever

melt chocolate, and peanutbutter, dip the cereal in it, let it dry, and put confectioner's suger on it
Why would you want to be fat
Quote from AMB :Why would you want to be fat

Since he's american, he has to be fat by law.
taste it.

takes 15 minutes to make, recipe is on the side of the box of cereal.

and its actually now de-criminalized to be skinny now in my state
Quote from Stiggie :Since he's american, he has to be fat by law.

Quote from logitekg25 :taste it.

takes 15 minutes to make, recipe is on the side of the box of cereal.

and its actually now de-criminalized to be skinny now in my state

ROFL @ Both

Not every American is fat
Quote from SparkyDave :

70-200mm F4 L USM its used however it looks like it just came out of the box, with hoya 1b all for £300


i have just had this dropped off

thrown right should fly 600ft+ but it is pissing it down with rain outside and i am stuck at work so will have to 28 to see if it works or not
The last 3 things I bought was;

Acer Aspire 5536 Laptop

Samsung 106" LCD Tv (Not exactly the same but similar to this.)

...and, LFS S2 voucher for my friend.
Quote from Aristona :Samsung 106" LCD Tv (Not exactly the same but similar to this.)

So, you have a 269cm screen? Cool dude.
Quote from Aristona :

Samsung 106" LCD Tv (Not exactly the same but similar to this.)

106 inches!?

Something wrong here I think.

You probably meant 41"
HTC Desire

Desktop Sync Cradle For HTC Desire (Bravo)

Quote from rc10racer :HTC Desire

Been looking at that as I need a new phone, this sony one is showing the signs of age, plus many beer dips it aint to healthy. What is it like?
For another 5000km.
Attached images
Got bored of driving my current car so thought id buy something new for laughs. Did not cost that much at all, as i am clearly a 9 digit man.

Woke up an hour later and bought:

Post your Last Purchase!
(7003 posts, started )