I am so wanting to hide under a rock after watching these movies..
And I just wanted to say sorry for beeing a completely bastard, I blame Bob's "wonder drink"
Jason - great event. I'd happely join a other any time, and I am sorry I could not be there to clean up today.
Good laugh seeing the pictures...
The event:
It was great. A lot of known and unknown faces, and I had a real good time. Becky beeing kind letting me sleep at her place and driving be half across England is really kind, and I ow you a BIG thanks! Also we were the fastest team wwehey! Thanks to Dan and Der Buttz for that aswell. Also Becky you were the fastest in our team, way to go girl!
Der Buttz - your a nice chap, very kind and funny lad. I hope to see you more. On the track you were fast. I envy your ability to not get hangovers, can I haz one?
Dan - Thanks for a fun weekend! I personally hate you for the videos, but I guess beeing a retard (me) is shown best in movies 'aye?

On the track you were good, you did not spin and the consistency of yours helped us taking the win in race 1.
Franky - Your a good lad, and I really apreciated the discussion we had last night, got to know you a lot better then, and some prejudices I have thought about your way doing things have been liftet. Good we sorted that out, wankface
Bob - I failed, thanks to you. First you give me drinks, then ...well I don't even know how it started, but you raping me on the pool.
Was fun getting a little more known to you, and I had a great evening. Sorry for the kicks in the face, I did mean no harm by those, just..drunk legs does what drunk legs wants.
Felplaced (right spelled?) - Thanks to you and your other swedish people there. You were very fast on the track, and very much fun on the evenings. Forgive my shitty language, and I hope to challenge you on the track some day.
There are a lot of people that deserves a thank and sorry I guess, but for everyone I did not remember to write: THANK YOU! It was a great weekend, we had a lot of fun. I hope seeing you more at a later time!
PS: Where is the rallypack?