The online racing simulator
Momo Racing and no ForceFeedback at all - really annoying!
Hi folks,

have looked for some other threads but I couldn'Ät find one regarding an momo Racing and some Force Feedback trouble. I can't get Force Feedback running properly (honestly it doesn't work I think). I don't have feedback if I drive over curbs or when the car gets loose.

enable FFB in LfS and Wingman software, nothing happend. Reinstallment didn't work too. I'm deperate on solving this problem.

Has anyone an idea how to solve this problem? I wanna feel what the car is doing cos it's more driving a car on the monitor. Driving without any feedback from the whell can be complicated sometimes. I need some info about what the car is doing and when it's breaking out.

Appreciate any help or suggestions.
#2 - ajp71
Does Force Feedback work with other sims and in the game controler test page?

I get FF in RBR and Papy sims but not in LFS atm. I think it may be that I changed some FF settings for my DFP that mean my wheel (broken old Logitech FF GP) isn't getting the right data. When I play LFS with the wheel plugged in the wheel is really light, as if the FF is removing the natural resistance in the wheel. When I unplug the wheel gets its natural resistance back and is more usable.
#3 - P1lot
Do you have more than one controller plugged in? Maybe a jostick as well?
In which case you need to select which controller receives the ffb information in the options (see screenshot).

Also, try setting 'persistant profile' in Logitech profiler. I always do for LFS for best results.
Attached images
#4 - Vain
Does the FFB-test in the calibration-tool work?

Hey FF workls in F1Challenge but in Richard Burns Rally im not quite sure cos the wheel is soooooooooo easy to turn. I mean I can drive the rally car with my little finger!

But it works in F1Challenge. Worked once with Nascar 2003 Racing Season but it's gone there too I think.

Doesn't sound good, does it?