I agree Thomas, there were two drivers who spring to mind that weren't the cleanest shall we say. One was my son, who had never karted before and didn't understand the CRC rules (to say the least). The other I think was a rush of blood to the head....
Let's hope that it will not be repeated next year, as it did spoil the spirit of the day, and I saw that it was team 1 who seemed to be on the receiving end of most of it
Apart from that, I thought everyone else drove with upmost sporting behaviour, except me (see below)
I was about to overtake Dave (stormcloud, my own teammate in lfs), had 2 cars behind, and braked quite late going into the corkscrew. I got it wrong and bumped Dave to the outside. I overtook, said sorry but didn't give the place back due to the 2 cars behind... Really sorry for that one Dave, was a genuine accident with the bump, but I still should have given the place back no matter how many places it cost me..
Let's hope that it will not be repeated next year, as it did spoil the spirit of the day, and I saw that it was team 1 who seemed to be on the receiving end of most of it

Apart from that, I thought everyone else drove with upmost sporting behaviour, except me (see below)
I was about to overtake Dave (stormcloud, my own teammate in lfs), had 2 cars behind, and braked quite late going into the corkscrew. I got it wrong and bumped Dave to the outside. I overtook, said sorry but didn't give the place back due to the 2 cars behind... Really sorry for that one Dave, was a genuine accident with the bump, but I still should have given the place back no matter how many places it cost me..