Hey everybody ,
So I'm an addict to LFS , I constantly mod it , and , I bought a new computer , with one of the best graphics card I could find
But...the graphics are a bit screwed up
For example look at this screenshots , clear , good colors and stuff :
And look at my own screenshots , pixelised cars , and some parts of the track ,
illepallshining etc...:

Also all the graphics are to the max , so please answer me , is it from DDS i've copied or from my graphics card whose I haven't updated the driver from so long or something else??? Thank you in advance
LaTeRZzZ:grouphug: and cheers
So I'm an addict to LFS , I constantly mod it , and , I bought a new computer , with one of the best graphics card I could find
But...the graphics are a bit screwed up
For example look at this screenshots , clear , good colors and stuff :
And look at my own screenshots , pixelised cars , and some parts of the track ,

Also all the graphics are to the max , so please answer me , is it from DDS i've copied or from my graphics card whose I haven't updated the driver from so long or something else??? Thank you in advance
LaTeRZzZ:grouphug: and cheers