The online racing simulator
"Wrecker Barricade"
(199 posts, started )
#1 - SamH
"Wrecker Barricade"
Hi everyone!

A network is in existence, which is working VERY well, which can help your public team servers keep FREE of wreckers! It's a simple system, but an effective one.

Please visit and review the form there, and see what it's all about.

Racers and Admins of servers use this form to report wrecking behaviour (primarily on S2 servers). An email notification is immediately dispatched to each of the admins in our "wrecker barricade network" individually, including a link to an MPR which has been uploaded to support the report.

There are two effects of this process:-
  1. Wreckers, who have historically enjoyed a LARGE number of servers to wreck on, quickly find themselves UNABLE to enter a sizeable number of popular servers, where good racing is occurring. Their supply of "fresh meat" is cut down/killed off.
  2. Servers whose admins participate in the barricade can confidently hold public races in the knowledge that their server is LESS likely to experience wrecking. Team members are happier, and so are their guests.
Admins are free to decide, based on the behaviour they see in the MPR, what action they wish to take on their own servers. The intention of the network is to provide INFORMATION about wreckers, not to impose on server admins, any expectations or requirements. It's a concerted attempt to provide a common awareness across servers, about the current "known" wreckers.

If you are a server admin, and would like to join the barricade, please PM me with an email address and the name of your team/server/s. Your email address will not be shared with others and will not be visible/accessible on any web page or form.

Thanks for reading!
Well done SamH/CCUK

I think this is just what is needed as a central anti-wrecker system. Properly and diligently used by server admins I think it will be a faily useful tool.

This thread could even do with some exposure in the main section IMO.
Maybe even a Sticky

Well done Sam
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Another great tool for the community to harness. Great work!
Nice work.
#6 - joen
Yes, a great community effort You guys do great effective work, thank you
#7 - th84
Well Done Sam! :clapclap:
+1, finally!!!!
ah thats great...looking forward to this being used by admins. good work
I just wanted to drop in and say that this is a great system. I hope that this makes it to a sticky.

We at Land Of The Free are using this for both servers, and are extremely happy thus far.

A big thanks to you SamH!
Is there a place that we can see the MPR of the wreckers to see what people are being baned for? Something like a hall of shame thing.

Glad this is a real thing because I was getting tired of getting the kit shicked out of me on our own server.

#12 - SamH
Quote from RaceFreek :Is there a place that we can see the MPR of the wreckers to see what people are being baned for? Something like a hall of shame thing.

Glad this is a real thing because I was getting tired of getting the kit shicked out of me on our own server.


We're not planning on a hall of shame at THIS time.. who knows, it may happen later.. it's not my decision. If/when it happens, I don't think it'll be on the official forums

If you've got a server, feel free to PM me with an email address and the name of your server and you can receive future reports!
[EDIT] DUH! I just spotted your signature, AFTER the fact! Your server admin guys have your server covered

There is a collection of MPRs that have been submitted over time, which some of our more recent "barricaders" haven't seen. I'll be sending out an email soon to all the server admins, with links to all the individual MPRs, the date they were submitted, and the names of the wreckers that are being reported.. to bring everyone up to speed.

Thanks everyone for your support! I've said it many times before.. the system is working well, thanks to YOU all, not me!
#13 - uiop
Quote from SamH :Hi everyone!

A network is in existence, which is working VERY well, which can help your public team servers keep FREE of wreckers! It's a simple system, but an effective one.

Please visit and review the form there, and see what it's all about.

Racers and Admins of servers use this form to report wrecking behaviour (primarily on S2 servers). An email notification is immediately dispatched to each of the admins in our "wrecker barricade network" individually, including a link to an MPR which has been uploaded to support the report.

There are two effects of this process:-
  1. Wreckers, who have historically enjoyed a LARGE number of servers to wreck on, quickly find themselves UNABLE to enter a sizeable number of popular servers, where good racing is occurring. Their supply of "fresh meat" is cut down/killed off.
  2. Servers whose admins participate in the barricade can confidently hold public races in the knowledge that their server is LESS likely to experience wrecking. Team members are happier, and so are their guests.
Admins are free to decide, based on the behaviour they see in the MPR, what action they wish to take on their own servers. The intention of the network is to provide INFORMATION about wreckers, not to impose on server admins, any expectations or requirements. It's a concerted attempt to provide a common awareness across servers, about the current "known" wreckers.

If you are a server admin, and would like to join the barricade, please PM me with an email address and the name of your team/server/s. Your email address will not be shared with others and will not be visible/accessible on any web page or form.

Thanks for reading!

Dam u!
Quote from uiop :Dam u!

Your wrecking fun is officially over . You should have just raced like the others instead of wasting 24 quid for wrecking, it doesn't work that way, but hey, its your money, your decision and your loss.

Great Job Sam, I would come over and give you a big pucker up, but I don't want to get you to get any ideas in there .
#15 - SamH
Quote from BigDave2967 :I would come over and give you a big pucker up, but I don't want to get you to get any ideas in there .

<corrr> Pucker up, buttercup! </corrr>:yikes: hehe
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
brilliant idea hope this really takes off, and by the looks of this thread it will
#17 - th84
Quote from hewho'snameistaken :Anyone got a number for the Iraqi interior ministry?


Quote :brilliant idea hope this really takes off, and by the looks of this thread it will

It will take off, it's to good of a idea not too!
We use it at NASSA,
When ever filur fells like releasing his plugin system, this will be pretty much obsolete. Or you could make your own plugin with in the system that could use this as a backbone. Come on filur, get a move on, I really want to see what this programing community can do.
#20 - SamH
Quote from Dygear :When ever filur fells like releasing his plugin system, this will be pretty much obsolete. Or you could make your own plugin with in the system that could use this as a backbone. Come on filur, get a move on, I really want to see what this programing community can do.

Yep, filur helped me write a function which I've adapted to the same end, and which I use for issuing bans/unbans on our own servers. It's one of the features that will be available in our upcoming database-driven version of the existing system.

The most important aspect of this system is that server bans are managed by server admins and NOT handled automatically. It's an information service, first and foremost. Improvements to the system will be primarily be to enhance and improve information flow, and secondly (a close second) to build on ease-of-use. Server admins have first AND last say on who is banned on their own servers, but the system will make ACTIONING those decisions much easier in the future
Quote from Dygear :When ever filur fells like releasing his plugin system, this will be pretty much obsolete. Or you could make your own plugin with in the system that could use this as a backbone. Come on filur, get a move on, I really want to see what this programing community can do.

Wouldn't say it would make SamH's stuff obsolete in any way tho, automating the bans is very simple, but the system design is something else.

.. on topic

I really like the idea of a distributed ban system, but i can't say i'm interested in this one. I'd like zero discussion, decisions or choices, where a ban is a ban until it expires, automatically put in effect on any new additions to the database. Could go with different 'levels of subscription' or something, but not individual review of each case for every subscriber.
#22 - SamH
Agreed, as we say here, "horses for courses". What suits one server admin may not suit another. Some server admins prefer to retain control and some would be happy to defer to the automated system. There is a role to be played in our community by ALL these systems.

CrazyICE is working on a Global Ban system, which I think definitely has merit. As the plan stands at the moment, that system doesn't fit my own system because it IS global, by design, which means that by definition decisions can be made on ONE server which have an effect on the server belonging to someone else.

The common goal across all of our upcoming systems is to ensure that good racing is guaranteed, or as close to guaranteed as we can collectively make it, no matter whose server you race on. I have talked to CrazyICE about his system and we've agreed a policy of information sharing, so if someone is reported to our system, it's reported to his system too. This way, all reasonable levels of wrecker defence will be available to server admins

[EDIT] Forgot to emphasise that the same information sharing is available to your system, filur
right. myself and sam are looking at this system, and have come up with a couple of ideas on implementation of the "admins" section. Once an Admin has decided to ban based on a submission, the Ban button will then Automatically Ban this user for the specified Period from thier server ( based on the no of Days the admin decides, if not to stick with the original period from the originating ban'er). We will be approaching the devs soon, to ask them if they would host the central Database of Server admin pass's etc, which our system will API with (so basically you wont be worried about us logging into your server and treating it as our own etc etc). However, they may (and understandably) want to shy away from this. If that is the case we are planning another way of implementing this with a 2 option scheme. When you sign up to our system, you then have 2 options. Remote API (you download a script from us.. Fill in the blank details, and upload to your website after supplying us a key you make up) and our system will then interact with the API you upload to action bans etc that you request, or the other option would be, supply our system your admin pass, our system would then login, implement a ban to that server, then logout again (basically the same API but on our server).

How would you guys feel about the system functioning in such away, or is there another way you would like us to consider us using (remembering that this will be an Information system that allows easy banning, not an automated banning system)???

Any feedback would be appreciated (post here, or PM Sam )


DanIsTheMan aka schhhtoned, named and shamed.

I would report this to the wreckers report, but not long after my first one, he wrecked again on another 2 servers, so I don't want to spam that report .

Here you can see the replays yourself .
Attached files
schhhtoned wrecking.mpr - 321.4 KB - 625 views
schhhtoned wreck number 2.mpr - 305.1 KB - 605 views
wrecker.mpr - 138.1 KB - 627 views
#25 - SamH
Not all Server Admins frequent this thread, but all those involved in the barricade receive reports

I've submitted the additional MPRs to the barricade to ensure that the "big picture" gets seen. In future, please don't be concerned about "spamming" the barricade.. there's no such thing! If an LFSer is habitually wrecking while drifting from server to server, they have more chance of impacting more good races, but their behaviour is seen on each of those servers as an "isolated incident".. which it can clearly be seen is sometimes NOT the case at all!

Each report stands independently in its own right, but also builds a picture. The more of a picture the admins get, the more SOLID is the information they have while making their decisions.


"Wrecker Barricade"
(199 posts, started )