Quote from EQ Worry : (Sorry, Anthoop! )

..np...It is all above my station really, just trying to help a fellow Noddy fumble through.
Quote from EQ Worry :I believe Dave is correct. To get the LFSEI, at least download of personal records and personal online stats from LFSW is required. But these requests are accompanied by other, such as LFSW hotlaps, and AIRW records plus hotlaps. This in fact makes 5 requests:

10.07.30 12:39:15 #1 C01P00 åir - Requiring LFSW OS data...
10.07.30 12:39:15 #1 C01P00 åir - Requiring AIRW VB data...
10.07.30 12:39:15 #1 C01P00 åir - Requiring AIRW VL data...
10.07.30 12:39:15 #1 C01P00 åir - Requiring LFSW HL data...
10.07.30 12:39:15 #1 C01P00 åir - Requiring LFSW PB data...

If just one unpaid LFSW key is used, then getting all the data will take almost 30 seconds, and even (much) more if there are other requests already queued!

There are two solutions to speed up requests. One is to use paid service. Put some money on your LFS account and specify in Airio CFG file that the service is paid for. My estimate is that on RR the monthly cost will be between 0.5 and 1 pound. I did a test, and month paid requests cost 3.5 pounds on AA demo servers, but they are rather a busy lot.

The other solution applicable for FULL and PROS versions is using multiple LFSW keys, which you may get e.g. from your teammates. Note that each much generate only one key and that key must not be used anywhere else, or requests may fail. (From this perspective generating multiple keys under one account is the worst you can do.) If you can use e.g. 5 additional keys, then all the requests will be done in 5 seconds, which is rather reasonable time. (With paid service the time is usually under 1 second.)

Hmm... I am using a paid key since we started with Airio and it is not used in any other insim. Also my account still is balanced with around 15 GBP... So, that´s not the problem I guess..

I also set IdentPay=true...

Is it possible to mix paid and unpaid keys in PROS?

It really is strange: Let´s say we are having 15 guests on the server. If I type !ex I only get a few listed with a LFSE index...

Perhaps there is a problem at 500Servers - as you know Dean set up all servers from scratch again... perhaps there is a port closed that is used for a decent communication...
Quote from Crady :Hmm... I am using a paid key since we started ... I also set IdentPay=true... Is it possible to mix paid and unpaid keys in PROS? ...
It really is strange ...

Hm, that really is strange. With paid key everything should work smoothly. I just connected to RR and my experience was shown almost immediately, meaning the paid service really works. Also !ex was showing full experience of everyone connected. But then I tried !exr to refresh my rating and I received no response. Hm... No, it is not possible to mix paid and unpaid keys, that would not work. As always log from about the time I'm writing this would (maybe) help...

PS: I'd suggest to erase the used LFSW key, generate new one and use it...
Quote from Anthoop :!car.
The help menu shows available commands.

Yeah, it shows classes, not how many people are in each class.
EQ, could you add that, to where it would show how many people are racing in each class?
Hacker, i discovered a hacker today,
Wrong section please.
Though, an AIRIO-hosted global banlist might be an interesting idea...
Well perhaps a page on the Airio website with a list of people, with a replay, who are on the Airio global banlist, which you could be used with a boolean config value per Airio server; the list could also include those banned from a number of Airio servers and which servers - then other server owners could add them to their banlist.
Quote from cargame.nl :Yeah just banned him although I don't want other servers to have influence on our ban rules.

Maybe a threshold, if someone gets banned on 5 (self adjustable value) independent Airio systems (not server connections) that the ban gets global.

It would have to be opt in.
Quote from Dygear :Yeah, it shows classes, not how many people are in each class. EQ, could you add that, to where it would show how many people are racing in each class?

I'll try to come up with some solution, a list of number of people currently on track in available car categories.

Quote from lnny :... He is a s2 accounter, but i discovered him on Demo.

I can't help to comment on this: All stats of Inny (author of the post/report) were erased from AA servers and the username permanently banned for trying to cheat (and failing miserably). But that is just AA no tolerance policy.

Quote from cargame.nl :Maybe a threshold, if someone gets banned on 5 (self adjustable value) independent Airio systems (not server connections) that the ban gets global.

Quote from boothy :Well perhaps a page on the Airio website with a list of people, with a replay, who are on the Airio global banlist...

Hm, good ideas, I think. The problem is that banning code inside Airio is quite complicated (because of the custom banning system), so it would require careful placement of any communication about bans. Well, in fact I could maybe limit it to the custom banning system only (the one which lets people connect, but kicks them straight away with info about remaining ban length and optionally also the ban reason).

Jason and Boothy came with some global Airio racing data statistics and possible use, which sounds interesting, though it will require quite a few updates both in Airio and in the AIRW Web scripts/pages. So I guess the banning info could be included there somewhere and communicated back to clients when they ask for initial AIRW data after connection.
Quote from EQ Worry :...All stats of Inny (author of the post/report) were erased from AA servers and the username permanently banned for trying to cheat (and failing miserably). But that is just AA no tolerance policy...

Uhm, actually it was rhama who cheated...
Nothing like shooting the messenger
Quote from VoiD :Uhm, actually it was rhama who cheated...

LOL, contrary to what seems the be the widespread and popular belief, I could understand the post very well. But in fact I do not care about rhama, I do not know that guy from AA servers (but will check to be sure). The fact is that I have a replay here where Inny drives real magic car (I double checked to be sure right now). Also it is a hacked FBM with speed limited to 230 kmph (above which AA Airio always spectates for security). So it was an attempt at limiting the cheat and hiding it, double cheat then.
Airio 2.4.8
New Airio version is available (see my signature below). It corrects known problems and improves several existing features. There are more textual parameters available to be used in custom messages/buttons, such as {CurrRateValue} or {CurrRateText} in FULL/PROS version. New is also the !cat command showing categories and cars of people currently on track, with total numbers. I'm not able to properly update the changelog now, hopefully my notebook will be repaired next week and all new things will appear there.

Quote from cargame.nl :Can Airio store last known IP address?

If server log capturing is active (only in FULL/PROS version, using LogServer and LFSPath in SRV file), most IP addresses are captured, assigned to just connected people and used for initial language assignment, and also for temporary IP blocking after a ban. The address is not stored in Airio stats, it is only in Airio log file. Also the IP block is only temporary (15 minutes by default), because many many IP addresses are shared and blocking them for longer periods have negative impacts. But the length of blocking is configurable using IPBanLength in CFG file.
There are a lot of damn cheaters online atm - and the devs don´t do anything agains

Well I would like to use Airio to catch some of these idiots at least.

Does someone already have reliable values for "MaxSpeedNodes" and "AllowedSpeed" for XFG/XRG @ BL1?

I think we all should work together against cheaters and it´s way easier to share such information.

An other thing would be to add a acceleration check to Airio too. If an XFG manages to accelerate 0-100kmh under 6 seconds, it is a cheat.
I'm afraid I have nothing special available above the defaults. A word of caution concerning the speed: LFS server updates the speed values at best just twice a second or even with longer intervals. And a second is great speed difference when braking hard. Thus defining and activating braking zones is dangerous - people may get spectated because of lags and not because of crashing.

On the other hand speed check in acceleration zones would work well. If someone is seen moving at 200 kmph where regular cars move 150 kmph at best, something is very wrong and spectate for security would be great. The speed hackers actually use sort of limiters that would make them slower at max speed, but still accelerate impossibly.

The acceleration check could be an implementable idea, with max acceleration allowed per car. But impossible accelerations happen quite often during crashes. Unfortunately if acceleration check is available and applied, all such cases would be addressed, resulting in spectate for security...
Hmm... well taking a look at the replays only the acceleration cheaters have is way better - the top speed however seems to be locked at the common possible speeds with drafting.

So only a acceleration check would work. But how to find out what values to use?

At race start it is no problem to check I think, but acceleration out of a turn... hard to say indeed. So the only thing to check would be the "MaxSpeedNodes" at a few nodes only.

The "impossible" split times are not very useful Normal sad kids that cheat are not able to drive turns - they are only fast at the straights. So they mostly don´t have impossible splits. But there indeed are very fast drivers that manage to at least drive one split faster than the WR...

I don´t think there really is much to do against those idiots
Well, before some kind of acceleration check is available, I'd suggest using MaxSpeedNodes in TCD file. The default ones are for braking zones, and as already mentioned I have some doubts about real usability.

However, creating MaxSpeedNodes at acceleration places should be possible and in fact very effective. For a start, I'd suggest adding the following item to the TCD file, under BL1 and XFG plus XRG plus FBM:

MaxSpeedNodes=0,0|74-80 + 0,0|170-174 + 0,0|208-212 + 0,0|250-254 + 0,0|292-296

The zeroes mean there will be only speed measuring going on, both in 1st and subsequent laps, this all in every major acceleration zone, after chicanes and main turns.

For the speed check to run you need to have CheckMaximumSpeed set to true in SRV file. This check is available only in Airio FULL and PROS version. Also advanced check must be turned on, as shown by !chk.

Entry speed into the zones is measured, so you may move them a bit, maybe. While the zeroes are in effect, the measured speed is stored into log file as a DEBUG message, which means LogDebugs must be active. (I'm not sure now, maybe using !deb admin command also turns the debug logging.)

From logs then maximum speeds could be read and zeroes replaced by kmph data. one catch though... This check runs only during race, because of its primary intention, to prevent crashes. Eh, should be optional...
I know a bug in airio tried to connect you for a while about it but I never get a respond when I try talk through !admin... Also I don't know your mIRC nick if you happen to have one. Rather talk it online or something than on forums. Nothing major but still a bug.
Not sure if it is a bug:

if a limad2 uses the commad !pl, he can see the ban buttons. But if he uses !rn he can´t see them.

Did I miss something or is that a feature?
An other thing:

is it possible to also check if someone is using a gears cheat?

I mean: XFG and 6 speed gearbox = lifetime ban everywhere...
Quote from fatalunfair :I know a bug in airio tried to connect you for a while about it but I never get a respond when I try talk through !admin...

Hm, I believe talking to host works, it redirects output to an IRC channel, and so should !admin work. Certainly it should display something - if the hidden message was forwarded or not. I'll check, one day...

Quote from JustForFunRacing :if a limad2 uses the commad !pl, he can see the ban buttons. But if he uses !rn he can´t see them.

By default limads level 2 can only ban online people and only for 12 hours. That's why the Ban button is not shown for them in !rn list, these people are not online anymore.

Quote from JustForFunRacing :is it possible to also check if someone is using a gears cheat? ... I mean: XFG and 6 speed gearbox = lifetime ban everywhere...

OMG. Well, theoretically, using an intricate solution, it could be possible, I think. The problem is gears are not available using the standard TCP packets, they are only available as OutGauge data, using UDP communication and only for the currently viewed car. To implement the check, server would need to request OutGauge data and cycle through all cars constantly (I'm not sure now how this could be done). Uhm...

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