The online racing simulator
MiniFBM Series Layouts
Here are the layouts that have been / might be used in MiniFBM. Layouts for the 2012 Season are in BOLD. More detailed information including maps and pictures is posted below.

Also, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to use the chalk file found here so you see all track markings as intended.

Autocross (AU1)

MiniFBM1 is by Joe Ellis and was used in the 2008 and 2009 season. It was modified for the 2010 Season

MiniFBM2 is by Jonathan Palmer and was used in the 2008 season. A modified version will be used in the 2012 Season.

MiniFBM3 is by Jonathan Palmer and was used in the 2009 season

MiniFBM4 is by Phil Diaz and was used in the 2009 season and also in the 2010 season, following minor modifications.

MiniFBM7 is by Jonathan Palmer, and was a new layout for the 2010 season.

MiniFBM10 is by Joe Ellis and will be used in the 2012 Season

Blackwood (BL3)

MiniFBM1 is by Jonathan Palmer and was a new layout for the 2010 Season.

Please do not edit these without permission of NDR. These may change at any time. We will notify when changes are made.
Attached images
MiniFBM Drag.png
Attached files
AU1_MiniFBM2.lyt - 3.1 KB - 443 views
AU1_MiniFBM3.lyt - 3.7 KB - 477 views
AU1_MiniFBM4_2.lyt - 3.7 KB - 511 views
AU1_MiniFBM7.lyt - 3.9 KB - 448 views
BL3_MiniFBM1.lyt - 3.8 KB - 684 views
AU1_MiniFBM1_2.lyt - 3.8 KB - 444 views
AU1X_MiniFBM10.lyt - 5.9 KB - 758 views
AU1X_MiniFBM2.lyt - 5.7 KB - 768 views
AU2X_MiniFBM11.lyt - 5.9 KB - 824 views
(evilpimp) DELETED by dekojester
MiniFBM1: The Ellis Failring
The MiniFBM1 layout, also known as 'The Ellis Failring'. This track was built for the 2008 Season, and was used again without modification for the 2009 Season.

For the 2010 Season it has been heavily modified. Modifications include the removal of the 'Fail Chicane' (Turn 4/5) which was somewhat narrow, dangerous and not suitable for a big field of cars. The original entry to the chicane now leads to a longer straight section, which is followed by a repositioned and reprofiled hairpin and then a series of challenging high speed bends.

Other improvements include larger run off areas and a new pit lane alongside the straight.
Attached images
MiniFBM2: 'Dekoring'
MiniFBM2 layout, made by Jonathan Palmer. This layout consists of some long fast straights with a series of tight and twisting corners around the Split 1 area.

Since this layout will not be used for the 2010 Season, it has not yet been updated to include the pitlane alongside the straight
Attached images
Attached files
MiniFBM2_Demo.spr - 61.6 KB - 478 views
MiniFBM3: 'Dekoring II'
MiniFBM3 layout, some more pics and another spr proving that I'm better off race directing. :P
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MiniFBM3_Demo.spr - 71.2 KB - 469 views
MiniFBM4: 'The PMDring'
Phil Diaz's excellent layout, which has been updated for the 2010 season to include a pitlane alongside the main straight. This layout's long straights and sweeping bends make it one of the fastest in the calendar.
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Permanent track modifications are done to break up a very long flat-out section on an otherwise good track for these cars in our view. Those'll all be posted here.

SO5 (SO Town) has this installed to amend the final bend. It's fairly tight, but can fit two cars if they pay attention. See screens and attached lyt.
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Attached files
SO5_MiniFBM.lyt - 1.1 KB - 713 views
(GreyBull [CHA]) DELETED by JO53PHS : I need to add more layout posts
MiniFBM7: 'Autodromo Deko'
An interesting addition to the track lineup for 2010, the 'Autodromo Deko'. This track features a number of tight hairpins, linked together by several straights and a few more gentle bends.
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(CSF) DELETED by JO53PHS : All posts relating to sandwiches and trying tracks out have been deleted so the layout list is not broken up by random posts
(Timo1992) DELETED by JO53PHS : All posts relating to sandwiches and trying tracks out have been deleted so the layout list is not broken up by random posts
(Bee) DELETED by JO53PHS : All posts relating to sandwiches and trying tracks out have been deleted so the layout list is not broken up by random posts
(BL3) MiniFBM1: 'Parky's Run'
Another new layout for the 2010 Season, this one is the first in MiniFBM to be located in Blackwood Car Park. This layout includes mostly tighter corners as well as an unusual 3/4 circle corner.
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Just added a link to the red & white curb chalk file in first post which is recommended in order to make the layouts display properly.
The BL1r layout is good, apart from that second chicane, its just tight and horrible, even an MRT would struggle with it
MiniFBM 10
MiniFBM 10, a new layout for the 2012 season.
Attached images
Attached files
AU1X_MiniFBM10.lyt - 5.9 KB - 438 views
I believe