Hi ! I'm new player on this thread, but not in game.
(dadge) DELETED by dadge : as the post relating to this responce has been removed. this my post is no longer relevent.
I'm new to everything. Game and forum. I just bought the game yesterday, and so far I really like it. There are some fast people out there!
Quote from EricB271 :I'm new to everything. Game and forum. I just bought the game yesterday, and so far I really like it. There are some fast people out there!


And trust me, you Didn'T see the "Fast" ppl yet, when you think you are fast, there is allways a bigger fish.
Quote from EricB271 :I'm new to everything. Game and forum. I just bought the game yesterday, and so far I really like it. There are some fast people out there!

welcome to LFS. in time you'll find that the fastest don't always win.
keep practicing and you'll be at the sharp end of the grid in no time at all.
Hi all... I'm new LFS racer and yes you can call me noob. Try looking now "new" Scirocco but nothing found.

" added Fri, Aug 21st, 2009 20:30

A reminder :
- The new physics will be a free update for all LFS users
- The VW Scirocco will be available to S1 and S2 license holders"

Played few hours now and hope theres some car between FZ50 GTR and formula series. Need more power and speed to basic cars (not F1 series). I feel now only GTR series cars are fun, not too much grip or not way too slow family cars.

See you on track some day
The VW Scirocco was delayed, hopefully it will be out this year sometime.
every day we don't have it brings us one day closer to its release
hi all,im stating the obvious here but lfs is one addictive game cant wait to get s2 licence in a couple of weeks
Yup, I should probably say my hellos to this wonderful forum, I'm GLAD to say I'll be getting S2 for my birthday the 25th of this month (Or 26th for Australia)

Oh, And i must not forget to smiley spam since I'm new and stuff =P
Hello everyone
Hi, I am completely new, I just found LFS a few days ago and loved the demo. So here I am.
See you all at races
Quote from bishtop :hi all,im stating the obvious here but lfs is one addictive game cant wait to get s2 licence in a couple of weeks

If you think it's addicting now, wait until you get S2.

Quote from tonovcp :Hi, I am completely new, I just found LFS a few days ago and loved the demo. So here I am.
See you all at races

Nice to hear you went straight for S2 just like me.
Hi im mario!
Where Is Luigi!!!!
Quote from dadge :too easy. but someone had to do it eh.

So you're the princess?

Then I'm Bowser.
call me what you want. i'm still pitching, you're still catching. now go make me a samich! can i call you bitch in public?
No, that's not suiting for a princess.

i'm a forocoches.com player
what does that mean?

welcome though
Looks like quite a big Spanish forum about all kinds of cars.
hi petrolheads, three days ago i received my g27 and yesterday i bought an s2 license after playing the demo..
i have to say, it's quite addicting!

i accually came here to learn more about settings/setups..
i'm more of a driver and pretty much a noob when it comes to settings for each car!
maybe someone can put me in the right direction.

but when i saw this thread i had to say hello..
so, hello!
i'm from holland (maybe that's why my english is bad?)
26 and go by the name of Tim..
but my friends call me Toex (Tooks in english)

see you later lads!
Hello Tim, welcome to S2!

Have a look in the LFS Manual http://en.lfsmanual.net/wiki/Main_Page, and look under basic and advanced setup guides

See you on-track!

E: You're English is perfect compared to some who speak English as a first language (:

New players say hi here
(3742 posts, started )