The online racing simulator
BioShock Infinite
(36 posts, started )
BioShock Infinite
The new Bioshock has been announced!

In April, Chairman Strauss Zelnick of Interactive Take-Two said that Irrational Games, the studio behind the massive hit BioShock, is working hard on a new Bioshock that is completely different. However, recent rumours said that the studio was working on a sequel to the undersea BioShock 2, developed by 2K Marin. It now appears that both were sort of right. Irrational officially announced BioShock Infinite this afternoon. A game that bears the name of the franchise but is not connected to the original story of the series. However, it will contain many elements of the series of the older BioShock like plasma, power-ups, guns, enemies with glowing eyes and a surreal metropolis embroiled in chaos.

That said, it should be clear that BioShock Infinite is not taking place in the ocean but in a giant flying metropolis of the early 20th century. The city is called Columbia and was designed by the U.S. as a demonstration of their technological progress.
The narrator of the game is Booker DeWitt, a former member of the feared Pinkerton National Detective Agency which was the largest security company in the U.S. in the late 19th century. He will enter the world where people and horses were replaced by steampunk robots and where people stir crazy revolution with foreign forces and many guns.

BioShock Infinite should come out in 2012 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC . For a closer look at the game, I refer you to the debut trailer below.

Trailer : ... ;feature=player_embedded#!

PS: Please correct any not-so-well running lines, because my I never write any 'big' English stories.
Quote from Bose321 :PS: Please correct any not-so-well running lines, because my I never write any 'big' English stories.

Try to use less commas and just write shorter sentences next time.

Don't have anything to say on-topic since I'm not much of a gamer.
Quote from Bose321 :In April, Chairman Strauss Zelnick of Interactive Take-Two said that Irrational Games, the studio behind the massive hit BioShock, is working hard on a new Bioshock that is completely different. However, recent rumours said that the studio was working on a sequel to the undersea BioShock 2, developed by 2K Marin. It now appears that both were sort of right. Irrational officially announced BioShock Infinite this afternoon. A game that bears the name of the franchise (no comma needed here) but is not connected to the original story of the series. However, it will contain many elements of the series of the older BioShock like plasma, (one "like" is enough ) power-ups, guns, enemies with glowing eyes and a surreal metropolis embroiled in chaos.

That said, it should be clear that BioShock Infinite is not taking place in the ocean but in a giant flying metropolis of the early 20th century. The city is called Columbia and was designed by the U.S. as a demonstration of their technological progress.
The narrator of the game is Booker DeWitt, a former member of the feared Pinkerton National Detective Agency which was the largest security company in the U.S. in the late 19th century. He will enter the world where people and horses were replaced by steampunk robots and where people stir crazy revolution with foreign forces and many guns.

Tried to improve it a bit instead of moaning since you asked for it and I like writing in English anyway.

I'm pretty sure there are a lot of things that a native speaker could still improve.
The trailer was gorgeous.

I'm in no way interested in another Bioshock game.
Quote from Electrik Kar :The trailer was gorgeous.

I'm in no way interested in another Bioshock game.

The trailer is very good looking indeed. I actually am interested in this game, I wasn't in the previous ones, because of the under-water setting, but I love how this looks.
Well, the usual Nazi moderation here cleaned my useful posts up, and left this garbage behind.

Good job guys!
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Well, the usual Nazi moderation here cleaned my useful posts up, and left this garbage behind.

Good job guys!

The difference between you and him is that he could actually be bothered to write up the story by himself instead of taking an article and copy/paste it.

Or did I miss something?
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :The difference between you and him is that he could actually be bothered to write up the story by himself instead of taking an article and copy/paste it.

Or did I miss something?

If you write something yourself.. make it sound appealing?
No wonder you love how it looks, as it's just a rendered trailer.
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
that gameplay vid was way better than trailer, made me curious about that game now.
I will quote myself from a other racing board where we discussed this game, as it's all I can say at current time after playing through it:
Quote :OH MY ****ING GOD MY MIND ****ING BLOW ALL OVER THE GOD DAMNIT ROOM!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111
This is the most ****iningly absurd and awesome ending I have ever encountered in a video game, ever!
As a big fan of things like Fringe etc this really blew my mind and and... I have no words! It was beautifull and I must admit I almost got a tear in my eye.

GOD DAMNIT I am impressed by this!

Mind blown!

And lastly, not just the ending, the game was superb. Really great and stylish graphics.
The only bad thing I can say is that enemies was more an "obstacle" for me to continue the great story. This thing should have been a movie or something, it's that great and and.. blergh my mind is still not recoverered of this awesesomness.
The ending was a total mind****.
Downloaded it, but haven't installed it yet. Looks boring as ****.

Tor, It's interesting once you start to think about it. The Luteske twins throughout the game, particularly near the beginning. Asking you to choose heads or tails.. the bird/cake necklace choice. What if (hypothetically), the opposite choice would have had a completely different result. Each choice theoretically creates an alternate universe.

The ending was very cool.
Spoiler alert too
Not sure if I understood correctly but:
Anna was Booker's daughter that he gave away to pay the debt, but the he regret it and in the future he went back to the past to take Anna away and lock her into the tower and renamed her, and Booker renamed himself Comstock, that's why Comstock asked Booker about Elizabeths finger?

Yeah! It was superb! I ended up chosing the bird, because in my head I wanted Elisabeth to be free and I though at some point a bird would resemble her beeing trapped forever... which made me sad =(

Btw, this PAGE explains the game good for me. It sounds reasonable.
Oh god my head is still trying to think of everything, and then I start relating it to real life...god now I'v done it, I upset my own mind and that is something which produces no good

The only negative thing is that the enemies was a botter for me, all I wanted was to see the next step of the story, understanding, free Elisabeth. This should be made into a movie with good actors, I would end up like a little girl in front of Justin Bieber!

Ah man! Truely a masterpiece, and I am glad it was not longer! If they had dragged the game longer with just shoting and pointless stuff it would not have been as good as it is! I mean, holy ****, this thing has 9.7 on IMDB (why it's on IMDB i don't know) and 90%+ positive ratins on several other pages, and I guess that proves quality over quantity!

Edit: In the one timeline (or several) he regret that he gave away his child, therfor tried to get her back from Comstock. He did not go back in time, but did that in the same timeline as he did the choise... following?
At the end Elisabeth shows him what choises lead to what, the possibilities, the memories he had forgotten (the twins mention that his mind is confused and some memories are a scrambeled mess).

So basically what he did was to chose none of the choises (chosed death instead of life or batism). Then Comstock would never happend, then Dewitt would never give away his dougheter but... ? Well who knows what this other universe would let to. And with all these billions universeres there must have been at least one where they could be togheter..**** I hope so or I will cry myself to sleep tonight lol!
Quote from bmwe30m3 :Spoiler alert too
Not sure if I understood correctly but:
Anna was Booker's daughter that he gave away to pay the debt, but the he regret it and in the future he went back to the past to take Anna away and lock her into the tower and renamed her, and Booker renamed himself Comstock, that's why Comstock asked Booker about Elizabeths finger?

Spoiler alert

From what I understood, is that in the Baptism at the Battle of Wounded Knee.. there became a quantum split. The Booker that took the baptism eventually became Comstock. However, in an alternate universe.. there's a Booker who didn't get baptized and that's the Booker that you play as.

Anna is your Booker's daughter, that the alternate universe Booker (Comstock) managed to arrange a deal to bring her into the Comstock universe (and then she became Elizabeth).

The Lutesk twins, at the very beginning, effectively brought you into the Comstock universe in the quest to get your daughter (Elizabeth in that universe) back.
So freaking complex.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Spoiler alert

From what I understood, is that in the Baptism at the Battle of Wounded Knee.. there became a quantum split. The Booker that took the baptism eventually became Comstock. However, in an alternate universe.. there's a Booker who didn't get baptized and that's the Booker that you play as.

Anna is your Booker's daughter, that the alternate universe Booker (Comstock) managed to arrange a deal to bring her into the Comstock universe (and then she became Elizabeth).

The Lutesk twins, at the very beginning, effectively brought you into the Comstock universe in the quest to get your daughter (Elizabeth in that universe) back.

That's right!
Also the twins are there of their own accord. In the one universe they were bought togheter and killed by Comstock. However on the sideline from a other universe they learned that / saw that, and therfor desided to take part with Dewitt...

This is so much win, I love it!
Quote from The Very End :That's right!
Also the twins are there of their own accord. In the one universe they were bought togheter and killed by Comstock. However on the sideline from a other universe they learned that / saw that, and therfor desided to take part with Dewitt...

This is so much win, I love it!

They're actually not twins. The girl (who discovered the universe jumping) went and actually found a universe where she became a male, and brought him over. They're actually the same person, with only a differing chromozone.
God damn, you just had to make things even more complex.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :They're actually not twins. The girl (who discovered the universe jumping) went and actually found a universe where she became a male, and brought him over. They're actually the same person, with only a differing chromozone.

Yeah that's true haha!
They are one and the same from different universes

Then you have the fact that they two was killed in one, meaning it impacted several universes, but somehow from a other or several other universes this same person tok notice of this. Therfor desided to part up with him/herself from a other universe to take a stand togheter with dewitt.

The "twins" used machines to open this gates, however, Elisabeth, how did she get her powers? Was it the experiements from Comstock that lead to this, or was it because she crossed universes...or..or?????

Jesus christ man
It's a rare game where the ending has more and more questions the more you think about the events that transpired, and even looking back earlier in the game as well. The other choices that I can think of (which actually DOES make a slight difference) is when you choose to throw the ball at the interracial couple, or at the announcer. There's also the choice when you choose whether or not to execute Slate.

All of those theoretically are creating alternate universes in which different events transpire.

Although I do think Bioshock 1 actually had "better" gameplay than this Bioshock. Less environments, but you went back and forth within the same environments.. You felt familiar with the environments and knew where things were. This bioshock was definitely "push push push".. Although this does make sense in the context of the story as you have more of a direct goal in this game, where in Bioshock 1, you were more trying to figure out what's going on and what you needed to do in this place.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :It's a rare game where the ending has more and more questions the more you think about the events that transpired, and even looking back earlier in the game as well. The other choices that I can think of (which actually DOES make a slight difference) is when you choose to throw the ball at the interracial couple, or at the announcer. There's also the choice when you choose whether or not to execute Slate.

All of those theoretically are creating alternate universes in which different events transpire.

Although I do think Bioshock 1 actually had "better" gameplay than this Bioshock. Less environments, but you went back and forth within the same environments.. You felt familiar with the environments and knew where things were. This bioshock was definitely "push push push".. Although this does make sense in the context of the story as you have more of a direct goal in this game, where in Bioshock 1, you were more trying to figure out what's going on and what you needed to do in this place.

Sounds reasonable. I have not played the first two games of this series, so I most likely missed out some references (tho I understood the reference to the underwater city hehe).

Now I do feel bad for the 11-12 years old kids playing this, I wonder what they make out of this game haha!

BioShock Infinite
(36 posts, started )