Juls, you're intuition on this one is spot on. I've been doing things in a very similar manner for quite some time now and it indeed works very well

For any others here who have heard of "problems with Pacejka" when it comes to car sims, you've now seen exactly what developers run into and the dilemmas that pop up. Historically most sim developers have been completely unaware of these very issues. So when folks say "yes, Pacejka's fine, but you need to be very careful about combined grip" you now have an idea of what they're talking about

Pacejka has published solutions to this, so again I encourage anyone who wants to use Pacejka's magic model (he's written tons of other models too, this is just the only one that sim folks hear about), make sure you use one of his full, combined solutions that solves these problems or at least minimizes them.