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Hurricane Katrina
(43 posts, started )
glad to hear from you CW!
glad your being taken care of to.. im sure that place is a mess everywhere.. still :S
HI. CW... do you need a place to stay? My house is little, but I have a ffwheel
Glad to hear your ok CW!
Glad to hear you are OK cwmax. Best wishes to you on a speedy return.

here are some stats that i have just heard over the radio

80% of the people that wanted to get out
20% of the people are looting and whatnot
and within that 20%, 3-4% people have been killing others

and im not sure what the current results are, but this morning, it was around 80% evacuated. They have a policeman that is at the radio station talking about what all is going on, much of which.. some of these stories are quite sad.. he was saying how he had an elderly man come up to him and ask if there was any way to get to his house and so he said no and that it was most likely under around 20 ft. of water, and the old man continued on saying how all he had left of his family and wife were in that house (his wife he said died last year)

and some other unnoficial news stating that the LA government didnt want the US government in LA for some reason which is unknown.. and finally the government just gave up and went in anyways so..

its quite sad, best of luck with all families and all of those whom have been hurt by this dreaded natural disaster
Quote from Ant :hmm, U.S dont know how cheap petrol is. By my calculations,

British price for petrol £0.90 per litre,
That is £3.411 per us gallon
Convert that into dollars,
3.411 GBP United Kingdom Pounds = 6.24735 USD United States Dollars or
3.411 GBP United Kingdom Pounds = 5.00660 EUR Euro

Well, I will have some of this $6 a gallon gas if its going, might save a bit of cash

hmm, Brittain dont know how cheap petrol is. By my calculations, :-P

Norwegian price for petrol, 12kr per litre, atleast £1, most likely even more. Hvaven't filled my tank in a while, and I know the price have gone up alot.

Anyway, I feel really sorry for those in louisiana, thank god they have gotten so good help from the goverment. Sending soldiers instead of rescuers. Everything is a war for them ...
if u take all the stuff n money off the people, they all fall back in behavior like 50BC...we vote n things 4 the ones who should do better n help, if the "pooR"(dont like this word) cant help themselves, but they dont! they fly around in helicopters 2 not get their fett wet... (never saw the "us master" helping with his hands, only with his voice...blablabla...

nevermind,;I hope, the victims of katrina get the help they deserve
I just read some Norwegian news.

All the emplyeees thats emplyed at Aker Kverner (thats the norwegian name) in Houston will be offered some days off, with pay so they can help the refugee's (is that the right word?) if they want.
It's sad to read and watch news and only see how ppl trys to make money and stuff in situation like this, I mean about those gas-stations which had supa-high prizes and ppl stealing stuff what they really don't need after all, TVs and stuff like that..

If I could've had gas-station there, I would've just give all gas what I have for free to get these ppls out of city fast as possible and not even think something like money when there is loads of ppls who just lost about _everything_ what they had, homes, jobs, maybe family members even, friends? everything.. :ashamed:

I wish all the best wishes for those ppls who have to suffer because of hurricane and really good to hear CWMAX that you're ok

#35 - Myst
my impression of the current situation over there, is quite a sad one, i'm saddened by the sight of THOUSANDS of soldiers (all armed) piling in to new orleans, and THOUSANDS of ordinary people, lost, hungry, and feeling ignored by their own government, all WALKING out of new orleans. WTF went through bush's mind when he heard that the levy had broke, i wonder what he was thinking when the local govenment asked for funding for better protection from flooding? it kinda sums up a lot of the things that get my goat about the 'states(i'm not anti american, i'm anti idiot)
theafro.. he knew what was going on.. Bush was DENIED any action by the states government.. who knows what? might never know.. but it was confirmed that LA government denied outside help
Quote from Theafro :my impression of the current situation over there, is quite a sad one, i'm saddened by the sight of THOUSANDS of soldiers (all armed) piling in to new orleans, and THOUSANDS of ordinary people, lost, hungry, and feeling ignored by their own government, all WALKING out of new orleans. WTF went through bush's mind when he heard that the levy had broke, i wonder what he was thinking when the local govenment asked for funding for better protection from flooding? it kinda sums up a lot of the things that get my goat about the 'states(i'm not anti american, i'm anti idiot)

Uhhh Alot of ppl are going to use this to try and put Bush in a bad light.
In all honesty, the way New Orleans Lays out, it's location and how to get to it are the main factors as to why relief efforts were so slow. It wouldn't
matter if Bush was president or Blair, or Putin... it just doesn't matter.
Also New Orleans Has a history of Corrupt, incomepetent local government.
When you have THAT many people willing to shoot at Police, that should tell you something about how the city gov't worked (failed).

As fas as FEMA is concerned... that's a shining example of the dangers of Bureacracy. They've have a "rubberstamp" approach to handling disasters.
They were trying to handle the situation like a Florida Hurricane. They
would have shone like stars if the hurricane had hit Florida like that instead of Louisianna. Factor in that with indecisiveness and turf disputes with Home Security and you're not going to have a decent relief effort.

And there really shouldn't be as much Blame cast on FEMA either. They were trying to stick with what worked before and were just totally unprepared for the challenges New Orleans would bring.

If you just HAVE to blame somebody, Blame the guys that was warned of
New Orleans Levee problems 20 or so years ago and did nothing about
it then.

@ CW Max: Dude if you're reading this, My offer still stands
#39 - th84

if u had a small idea what u were talking about it would make urself look less like a idiot then a anti idiot. lousiana had been allocated millions and millions of my(and fellow americans) tax money for many years. the LOCAL government chose to use those funds on other things ie casinos, sports venues etc etc. bush deserves some of the blame for the awful aftermath of the event, but to say its the american governments fault is simply ridiculous. the local government, mainly the governor of louisana is where the blame belongs. however, i feel if gw wasnt so worried about his oil war, it woulda been much easier for him to act faster. its a shame so many people have made snap judgements about a situation that they have no idea about. those people knew this hurricane was coming as did the rest of the gulf coast, problem is, some choose to ignore the warnings, some didnt. so whos really to blame?
problem is.. not all people had the means/capability of leaving so that was another serious problem

anyways, as you said th84; LA's primary means of treasury is through the casinos; hence the fact that there are casinos

anyways; check out that link Myst showed.. its quite frightening (but not nearly as bad as i thought it would be [havent seen much on tv.. been in school so .. ya lol]) but the one thing that brings a huge amounts of attention to me.. is the marble statue of mary.. that huge tree.. missed mary.. to me that means alot

owell.. atleast the mess is starting to clear up now
#41 - th84
by no means did i mean that the people of new orleans were to blame. But, as much as i hate to say, george bush isnt the one to place the blame on. he declared lousiana and mississippi under states of emergency, which gives full authority to local government to do whatever it needed to do. the leadership of lousiana and new orleans greatly underestimated this strom, or didnt care enough about the people of new orleans to leave the country club and start making moves.i wish people would stop looking for reasons to bash our government(although sometimes very much deserved) and country as a whole! the best thing people could give, instead of negative comments about who coulda done what, is thoughts and prayers for the people of the gulf coast. new orleans and beluxi are beautiful citys with great people. i hope one day soon they will rebuild and be better than ever.
You said people know it was coming? But didn't they think it was only a Cat3 Hurricane coming and the Levee could with stand that Cat Hurricane.

I am from UK, but have Sis in Florida. but she said, the same as, hhmm, somebody in this thread. You don't stand in the way of a Hurricane.

Heard a sad story yesterday. 30+ bed ridden people died, because there carer left to save his Fiance, and now he is up for possible man Slaughter charges? That is wrong. My wife is a carer and she is told,

its a real shame that it takes something of the catagory to make people stand up and think, Oh Shitte, should of done something about that.
i hate to do this fordman but;

if you were 90 years old.. how would you leave? if your wife had died a year earlier, and that house is all you had left to remember her.. would you leave? and if you tried to leave do you think you would make it? most likely not

not only were streets blocked from all the traffic, alot of people had no way \ no reason to leave.. may sound dumb, but if you have no car it would be a bit hard to get out of there

im sure there were good reasons why most people stayed (for the most part that is)

Hurricane Katrina
(43 posts, started )