The online racing simulator
LLSS 2010 Round 9: Race Discussion
Discuss !

Quote from :Short: KY3 (with Boothy Chicane)
Length: 7.4 km / 4.6 miles This configuration has its own pit area and main straight. It uses only one corner of the oval, but has very fast straights and sweeping curves. One of the longest tracks in LFS.

Raceday is Friday, 20 August 2010. All times are UTC. You may convert them to your local timezone with the help of the Time Zone Converter.

1740 15 Minute Free Practice
1800 Qualifying 1 (7 Minutes)
1812 Qualifying 2 (7 Minutes)
1824 Superpole
1840 Sprint Race: 7 Laps (+1 pace lap). Rolling start, 30 minute time limit.
1915 Feature Race: 19 Laps (+1 formation lap). Standing Start, 60 minute time limit.

Qualifying Group 1 (29):
2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 35, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 51, 67, 74, 84, 91, 92, 95, 96

Qualifying Group 2 (29):
0, 4, 9, 13, 14, 15, 18, 24, 47, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 60, 63, 69, 73, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 98, 99

Car numbers not listed have not yet participated in the championship. Drivers using those numbers will be sorted into a session on race day.

Qualifying Tracking Document
Attached files
KY3_BoothyChicane_NDR_grid.lyt - 1.3 KB - 277 views - 341.5 KB - 350 views
I've added a copy of the layout and the chalk kerb textures (well, it's not the Kyoto style like was made, I don't have that, this is just red and white here.)

There won't be any enforcement of pole hitting in qualifying for this race because of the limited time to work in.
Tbh, the pole is such a bastard in these cars, you don't gain too much from it anyway.

I'm just hoping TEM don't sign another non-member to beat us. :|
Quote from SCA-F1 :Tbh, the pole is such a bastard in these cars, you don't gain too much from it anyway.

I'm just hoping TEM don't sign another non-member to beat us. :|

We allready signed yer maw
gonna miss again!
guess i cant race another one either because school starts next week
Quote from Mustangman759 :gonna miss again!
guess i cant race another one either because school starts next week

Quote from SCA-F1 :I'm just hoping TEM don't sign another non-member to beat us. :|

Because of Server Issues we'll switch the server. However, Servername and Password will stay the same.

Wegen Server Probleme wechseln wir den Server. Servername und Passwort bleiben identisch.

Parce qu'on a problemes avec le server, nous le changons. Le nom et le mot de passe ne changent pas.

Yhteysongelmien vuoksi vaihdamme palvelinta. Palvelimen nimi ja salasana pysyvät samana.

Vi har undergått en serverbyte. Namnet och lösenordet blir kvar.

3(4U53 0Ph $3R\/3R 155U35 \/\/3'LL 5\/\/17(|-| 7|-|3 53R\/3R. |-|0\/\/3\/3R, $3R\/3R|\|4/\/\3 4|\|D p455\/\/0RD \/\/1LL 574'/ 7|-|3 54/\/\3.

I was very stupid on quali. I got very bad first sector (45.32), so I just slowned down and decided to safe tyres to second attempt. On the oval part I realised that I don't have time to change tyres. So, i just changed tyres, made 2.28 after pit, was last.

Sorry for whoever I caused to go off in the Feature.

Nice finish in Sprint but got pwned in Feature and I just RQ seeing as I was in a decent position. Shame as Ill probably lose the decent points I got in the sprint :|
The worse ever race i ever had in lfs, thx to who ruin my day and my interest in this league.
One thing im sure off, it will be my last season in this league, and that will be cos of rude and stupid racers who knows only one thing is to reck.
For next season I suggest a rule establishing very strict conditions on mid-season joining. Like, successively taking part in a full season of a respected LFS league. I recently noticed that most mid-season joiners, for the majority, can't bothered to RTFM or to behave like sane persons. Sadly they are only causing havoc, until they loose interrest, piss off, and allow other nutters of their kind to replace them. Sadly this is an endless circle.

Don't let those people ruin this league please.

Anyway, thanks for your time and patience admins. I belive evenings like this must make you let down afterwards.
#13 - CSF
And then... Out of nowhere!

A wild isaac appears in the middle of the road!

Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :For next season I suggest a rule establishing very strict conditions on mid-season joining. Like, successively taking part in a full season of a respected LFS league. I recently noticed that most mid-season joiners, for the majority, can't bothered to RTFM or to behave like sane persons. Sadly they are only causing havoc, until they loose interrest, piss off, and allow other nutters of their kind to replace them. Sadly this is an endless circle.

Don't let those people ruin this league please.

Anyway, thanks for your time and patience admins. I belive evenings like this must make you let down afterwards.

Our spirits come back up after we take a look at this photograph:

By the way, to save my mental status, I'm not going to look at the protests thread for the next 6 hours :P
Quote from dekojester :Our spirits come back up after we take a look at this photograph:

By the way, to save my mental status, I'm not going to look at the protests thread for the next 6 hours :P

That image is down I'm affraid.

I'll give you the hi-res(-ish:hide one k?

(hyntty) DELETED by hyntty
Go **** yourself Chris.

Never do I want to see such retardism and disgracious behaviour again.
#17 - CSF
Quote from hyntty :Go **** yourself Chris.

Never do I want to see such retardism and disgracious behaviour again.

Lol and your one to talk. Go get shot in a war with a bean bag.
I don't care how people interract with others. Social networks aren't my thing.

Screw up on track, however, and fear the... fear.