The online racing simulator
LFSCART 2010 Round 9: Race Discussion
Chase Cup time. What was called "Road to victory Cup" in 2008 is now the LFSCART Chase Cup. The final races of the season will determine, who gets this special award. With one oval, one autocross track and one roadcourse, it will take some allround skills to earn this title. The drivers who won't score for the LFSCART Series 2010 Chase Cup are:
Sebastian Hutchinson (seb66) GBR
Simon Cattell (SCA-F1) GBR
Dominik Engel (Deutschland2007) DEU
Lims Chebbi (CARRERA GT) FRA
Liane Solfrank (LianeS) DEU

The ninth stop of the season takes us now to the track, which has seen a modification recently. This modification is used by the big leagues in LFS and shall provide better racing. The Boothy Chicane at Kyoto Grand Prix Long. To honor this invention, it is the Chase Cup Grand Prix Of Boothy.

Quote from :
Short: KY3
Length: 7.4 km / 4.6 miles

This configuration has its own pit area and main straight. It uses only one corner of the oval, but has very fast straights and sweeping curves. One of the longest tracks in LFS.

Raceday is Saturday, 21 August 2010. All times are UTC. You may convert them to your local timezone with the help of the Time Zone Converter

17:40 15 Minute Free Practice
18:00 Qualifying 1 for 10 Minutes
18:15 Qualifying 2 for 10 Minutes
18:30 Superpole
18:45 Race - 34 Laps (+1 formation lap). Standing Start. 2 hour time limit. Compulsory pitstop, all tyre change between leader lap 9 and 26 (LFS 10 and 27).

Final pitstall is still reserved for whoever drives Car #58.

Qualifying Group 1:

Qualifying Group 2:
Attached files
KY3_BoothyChicane_NDR_grid.lyt - 1.3 KB - 251 views - 341.5 KB - 264 views
#2 - Seb66
Yeah, so I'm not on holiday this time
#3 - CSF
Don't take a default set and time out son.
So is the race gonna be 34 or 44 laps long then?
#5 - Seb66
Still not decided yet?
34, as per the schedule thread. I reckon that Thilo lifted that from the last round thread...I'll edit it momentarily
I want to excuse my fail... just returned home again so I didn't see it...
Since the LFSCART server is locked up for the LLSS race, I've attached the layout and the chalk kerb texture to the OP.
Sorry, I think I'm not racing this one
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :For next season I suggest a rule establishing very strict conditions on mid-season joining. Like, successively taking part in a full season of a respected LFS league. I recently noticed that most mid-season joiners, for the majority, can't bothered to RTFM or to behave like sane persons. Sadly they are only causing havoc, until they loose interrest, piss off, and allow other nutters of their kind to replace them. Sadly this is an endless circle.

Don't let those people ruin this league please.

Applies to LFSCART aswell, although less people are concerned.

(I'm not refeering to the new CoRe/Friends of CoRe folks obviously).
(SilverFang) DELETED by SilverFang
I'm sry to whomever I hit in the chicane just before the restart. I was experiencing sevear framedrops eversince the grid got closer together. :/
#12 - CSF
Quote from SilverFang :humble apology

Quote from scipy :I'm sry to whomever I hit in the chicane just before the restart. I was experiencing sevear framedrops eversince the grid got closer together. :/

No chatting/discussing in the Protests thread, please.