My mate Dave runs a 15hp honda on the back of his tender like your little quicksilver Gino. It looks ridiculous! He can't run it flat out or it will flip.
Next year my motor is 15Hp too, i only need to change the carb since the motor is identical to a 15hp except for a smaller carb. And a different prop, i am aiming for 45kmh.
But in a couple of years i will buy a Thundercat, which is basicly a 4,1m inflateble catamaran with a 50hp outboard and capable of speeds over 100kmh.
driving an 15ft aluminum with a evinrude 9.9 on the back was enough to freak me out, especially when you're sitting in the front and it won't stay down.
You are just a pussy, i love jumping my boat and hearing the revs go up for a second.
I did have some moments when i was sitting all the way in the back and catching some waves which made me fly from left to right nearly falling out.
That must be a pretty strong inflatable being only around 4 metres to withstand the weight and power of a 50hp! Like I said earlier in this thread, my 16ft aluminium quicksilver is overpowered with just a 40 on the back and it keeps up to speed with a 300hp centaur rib that does seascape expeditions where I go on holiday! Looks great fun though Gino, love catching airtime!
I have heard of the Thundercat but didn't know of the specs. Amazing the kind of crazy things that can be done. It must be very rigid at the back to take a 50hp outboard.
I disagree with your opinion however, I explained earlier in the thread. Get an engine with more power than is meant for the boat and the bow (nose) of the boat will plow into the water making it slower and use up a shit load more fuel. An engine with more power is very likely to be heavier so the boat will sit lower down in the water too. You can get an engine that gives higher power than is meant for a boat and you can make it work but you have to balance out the weight, power and stability first. To stop the bow of the boat plowing into the water then you need more weight in the back, but with a heavier engine the stern of the boat will already be quite deep in the water, which could compromise stability and end up getting quite dangerous, especially if the water gets a bit choppy!
Gills you know there are several trim positions on each motor to move the bow up? The bigger the engine the higher it will raise the bow, since there is more weight at the back and more power to move it forward.
I have a great example of a small boat sitting very deep in the water with a huge engine and it does fly. It does have powertrim i know, but the thundercats don't and they don't plow into the water. Bullet bass boat - Mercury 2.5 SS 300hp drag motor - 109mph
The only way to go fast is haveing a light boat with a big engine or a catamaran.
If you look back earlier in the thread, I am aware of trim positions. As I have previously said, I have power trim on my boat where I can raise and lower the engine remotely from the drivers seat at the wheel using a switch on the gear lever. I didn't say that a boat sitting very deep in the water will plow the bow down. I was saying that by having more weight in the back it can be more dangerous with the boat sitting much lower in the water. Having the extra weight in the back will prevent the bow from plowing, which I said in my previous post, but with the boat sitting lower in the water there is a higher risk of taking on water, especially when the water is choppy if a wind blew up.
Of course the only way to go fast is by having a light boat and a big engine, but you need to have a boat, like that Thundercat, that is designed to take the weight while being light and remain stable. That being said, I highly doubt that Thundercat could handle the kind of chop on the water that my boat can. It looks like it is designed for flat calm water. As does the boat in your last post, which is designed for high speeds.
I doubt it. My boat is designed to handle rough stuff. A Thundercat is a small inflatable. Sure it might be designed for speed but it won't be able to handle the sort of stuff I can go through, certainly not at high speed. I don't know what that video is supposed to prove, the sea there is not choppy at all. Maybe it's your idea of choppy but certainly not mine. That's very calm water with the occasional bigger wave coming into the shore. I also saw one of them tip over trying to go over a wave side-on at speed, which kind of proves my point.
Yes the bass boat is used for fishing purposes, but the boat you have put in your post is designed for very high speeds with a more shapely V'd hull. Some bass boats only have a small outboard on the back for trawling purposes and are built differently to the bass boat that you're talking about. The one you are talking about is quite clearly designed for high speed and not simply fishing.
Catamarans handle rough water way better than V hulls, thats just a fact so i highly doubt your boat which isnt much bigger will handle rough water as a thundercat.
My boat is about a metre longer. Catamarans handle rough water better but you have to put it into context. A wee little diddy catamaran is not going to be as stable as something bigger with a V-shaped hull. Inflatable ribs with V-shaped hulls are very very stable and can go side-on to large waves at very high speeds. A flat bottomed small catamaran will have a much greater risk of flipping over because it is so light and sits right up on top of the water. The Thundercat in one of your videos flipping over going side-on to a wave is exactly what I am talking about. In the video in your last post the water is choppy but not really that rough. It doesn't look like the boat is going anywhere near full speed either.