damn stop it or i have to watch this for the rest of my life
NSFW - Not safe for work, stared at it for 5 minutes I think..
Quote from Boris Lozac :

You would all scream like a little baby if you got it as a gift, please stfu people..

No, I would probably work an awkward smile, and sell it.
Quote from BlueFlame :No, I would probably work an awkward smile, and sell it.

same here. i don't have a need for one so i would get rid and buy something i would use more. like a ball scratcher (obviously it wouldn't be second hand....).
Quote from dadge :like a ball scratcher (obviously it wouldn't be second hand....).

lol. I need to get myself one of those long bath brushes so I can do a sack n crack jobbie!

lol @ Pringles!!!
took me about 20 minutes of youtubing to get the joke
Nothing is sacred on the internet.
Search "backtraced" and you got it, not that hard..
yep, there are 3 different videos related to pictures as far as i understanded it. 20 minutes also involved doing some "backround research" for the story behind that backtraced video.
(Boris Lozac) DELETED by Boris Lozac
Who's with me..

(hazaky) DELETED by hazaky

Facebook is how you get chicks, so get on it if you want it.
And make sure you get a horoscope app on Facebook, then you will REALLY get some!

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The inevitable picture thread III: Revenge of the funnies
(14533 posts, closed, started )