The online racing simulator
18.00 CEST: Just lost a 50 S2 Servers ?
Situated in DK, our server experience a disconnect at 18.00 CEST.
Not just me, the picture from LFSWorld shows. Any idea ?
Attached images
150 server lost.JPG
Major malfunction/crash on London interconnect router, my servers lost connection too for that period of time.
Had this for at least a week now..
A week? No it lasted about 30 minutes like the picture shows

Thats a weakness by the way, by having only one master server location in the world.
Quote from :A week? No it lasted about 30 minutes like the picture shows

Thats a weakness by the way, by having only one master server location in the world.

He meaned it happends every time at 18:00
Ah hhmm no that is something else then..

This interruption was also around 15:00 - 15:30 CEST (as the graph shows)

I understand from earlier conversations, that you Mr. Kolz, hosts a server @home on glass fiber? Maybe ask your service provider why?

Some providers are resetting the line every day on purpose, like in Germany (T-home) for example around 23:00 - 2400 CEST.
Quote from : Maybe ask your service provider why?..
Some providers are resetting the line every day on purpose.

Done that already. And the do not reset their connection,they replied.