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need help with excel 2003...
(9 posts, started )
need help with excel 2003...
Well, for someone who's familiar with ms excel it's probably ridiculous but I'm struggling...

Me and some mates were karting last week and we came up with the six of us ending up like shown in the excel sheet. (I finished 2nd although being almost 20 years older than the youngest guy )

Now I'd like to see the times in a diagram that displays the times of all 55 laps horizontally with each line in a different colour for each driver - to show how consistent one was.

Maybe someone with a few minutes to spare could help me out please? (and it needs to be excel 2003)
Attached files
kart.rar - 2.3 KB - 102 views
(DevilDare) DELETED by DevilDare
(rediske) DELETED by rediske
Do you mean like this? Excel attached in zip.

You use commas for decimal points, so the graph scaling might be out. Simply double click on each scale to adjust it.
Attached files - 5.9 KB - 113 views
Yeah. Tristan got it.

I was just about to upload mine.
Quote from tristancliffe :Do you mean like this? Excel attached in zip.

You use commas for decimal points, so the graph scaling might be out. Simply double click on each scale to adjust it.

Brilliant! Thanks! But I thought it would have come out a little clearer... the multiple graphs look a little too crowded and confusing.

How difficult would it be to add a function to make the graphs separately turn on and offable?

Or any other ideas? (But the graph you provided was already more I could have asked for - thanks! )

edit: and maybe some sort of averaging would help with the readability...
(DevilDare) DELETED by DevilDare
You can play around with the graph types. But I doubt it will get any clearer. There just too much going on.

Right click and select "Chart type"
Hmmmm, there is a lot going on.

Perhaps you can change the axis values so that only the areas you're looking at are shown - i.e. cut off the slowest laps of the slowest driver, so the whole graph is over 2 seconds rather than 6 or 8.

The other way would be to print it out bigger - change the page size to A3 and see if you can find an A3 printer somewhere - work, school, library etc.
Thanks again! :up: This is what I'll file and show the guys...

edit: I'll tell them that I got some kind help here...
Attached images
And you are Driver 6?
Bumping. Dont want to make a new thread.

I am looking for a simple function that would tell me if I have entered a duplicate record.

Say I have a table full of product ID's....

1283 etc.

Couple days later I receive a new product. However, I cant remember if I already have it entered into my data. So I need a function that would go over the data and look/check for the number to make sure I avoid duplicates.

Sounds simple, and it probably is, but neither I nor anyone I asked can figure it out.

Thought I'll ask here.

Edit - Ignore. Solved.

need help with excel 2003...
(9 posts, started )