The online racing simulator
Quote from Wheeling :Jon606,
i have got the bonus??? in race 3 on 1:10 min. on you


Unfortunately Wheeling, I was sideways when you hit me, and the bonus clearly stated that it has to be a follow-in (both cars going in the same direction), so you don't get the bonus points.
Quote from Jon606 :Unfortunately Wheeling, I was sideways when you hit me, and the bonus clearly stated that it has to be a follow-in (both cars going in the same direction), so you don't get the bonus points.

I desagree, the first car always take the turn to the right, so you can never get that bonus
Quote from Wheeling :I desagree, the first car always take the turn to the right, so you can never get that bonus

Not necessarily; if the two cars are close together, then you would be able to get the bonus if the car behind sped up and the car in front didn't have time to react before its front end hit the barrier.
Quote from Jon606 :Not necessarily; if the two cars are close together, then you would be able to get the bonus if the car behind sped up and the car in front didn't have time to react before its front end hit the barrier.

i do not agree......
but ok, lets go racing next time:bump:
Just a few updates:

The first post in the thread is now being turned into a general "information hub", where all the relevant threads and posts can be found.

Also, as with last season, the committed DD driver that is General Hybris has made an online table which shows all the separate points gained by the league drivers over the rounds. Here's the link to said table, where you can also see last season's results:

Round 2 is in 8 days, so if you haven't confirmed yet, or sent your league skin to me, then do so soon! You don't wanna miss out on the DD fun now, do you?
#106 - Uke
Is the round 2 today?
Quote from Uke :Is the round 2 today?

Yes, Round 2 is today

I'll be sending along the Race and Server Information as soon as I get the last skin I need.
#108 - Uke
Aww.. I just bought Mafia II, can't play it today then ;<

Well this will be fun anyways : D

This time i will be focusing more into crashing, last round someone won one of the races with crash points but he finished the race last : D
Round 2 Post-Discussion
Well... wow. This felt like an entirely different series tonight, compared to last time.

With an all-time record turnout of 87.5% from the confirmations (with 2 guys who sadly turned up too late to race and 1 who told me afterwards that something had unexpectedly turned up), this has made me think twice about changing the day.

Races-wise, there was action all over (surprising for such a large track); 606 RIOT SQUAD and 22 Lertz, and 021 Blackout and 69 H.v.Promotech both had some big battles in Races 3 and 4 respectively, with the former coming off better each time, and 834 uiop somehow managed to land on top of the wall just in front of the golden gates in the last race! Also, well done to 69, who had signed up last season but due to other commitments couldn't race, for taking one of the races tonight (but have you won that race, hmmm? )

There didn't seem to be any bad points apart from some lag, but everyone enjoyed the round once again. Let's keep these numbers in the double figures, and hopefully increasing!

Round 3 is going to be subtitled "The 9/11 Memorial Round", as it takes place on Saturday the 11th of September. What will we be doing on that day? Tearing up Blackwood GP Reverse in "Classic Crashing II: Demo Days Demolition"; how many suspension springs will be wrecked by those ramps over the course of the round? 100? 200?? 300???

Hopefully you'll show up for another action-packed round of DD fun. If you, or a friend, want to join in the fun after reading this, just click here and sign up! You won't be disappointed!
Yeah, that was fun. People gathered around the rooftop hotspots chicane and hillclimb and honked in canons, trying to lure those lucky enough to still move forward into pushing them back on wheels, while the latter (approx. three) were busy enough keeping their wrecks on track.
Round 2 Replays
Great stuff tonight!

Won't be able to make round 3 sadly
seems like great fun
i hope i won't miss the 3rd round
#114 - Uke
Are the results up soon?
Round 2 Results
Here are the results of the second round.

Once again, neither bonus was achieved (although Wazzaaaaaaa! came close to achieving the crash bonus, and many of the drivers tried to get the stunt bonus... and failed :tilt, but once again the 1000 point barrier was broken by at least one driver in each race; let's keep this up!

The second race of the night saw two records broken; after an insane flatliner on uiop and many hits on fellow drivers, Wazzaaaaaaa! broke the crash points record for one race with a crazy 1525 points! uiop also broke the probably unwanted record of lowest points scored in a race without spectating, only scoring 50 from his 10th position placing. This race also had pretty much everyone wrecked by the hillside after trying to get over it and failing miraculously

Wazzaaaaaaa! took the round, 125 points ahead of league newcomer BLACKOUT, and 405 points ahead of RIOT SQUAD. Many thanks to all who turned up yesterday, including Fighter and JHI who sadly missed the start of the last race.

The League and Race Standings will be updated shortly, with the online scoreboard also getting updated.

Race 1

Race 2

Race 3

Race 4

Round Standings
Wow, points inflation.
I've been away.
Hybris has now rehosted the online standings because the original host sucked

You can now find the online table here:
sry for bejing late forgot all about the meting
Quote from Jon606 :Hybris has now rehosted the online standings because the original host sucked

You can now find the online table here:

It also has improved content. Hope you like your pics, drivers!

I won't be able to make it on the 11.9. either.
I hope the next round has random grid order for each race, I don't want to be starting in the same place for each race.
Quote from LineR32 :I hope the next round has random grid order for each race, I don't want to be starting in the same place for each race.

It should have been random grid order... I'll have to double-check on the server for that.
Round 3 Post-Discussion
After the record total last round, I'd have to say I was disappointed with the 9 from 15 confirmations, a turnout of 60% (with one guy who showed just after the round finished, another who I knew wouldn't be able to make it in time, and 4 who I have no idea about). Please try to meet your confirmation if you can; if you can, then please tell me in advance if you won't be able to show.

Onto the round itself, and despite the single-digit turnout, I'd have to say that everyone who raced enjoyed it. As usual with the Blackwood layout, there was a lot of broken springs and rolled cars, with Race 4 having over half the field out at one point! Due to the ramps, there was a lot of aerial attacks as well, which will give those drivers big big points. One hilarious point of note was at the end of Race 2, where 606 RIOT SQUAD decided to kill his car by throwing it into 427 Mookster, only for Mookster to actually land from the hit and gain 50 points away from RIOT SQUAD!

The only bad point I can think of was that the server had quite a big lag on it, and this affected some drivers, but apart from this, there was no moaning of the sort.

Round 4 is the money round as we'll bank the points gained so far at Aston Club for The Upmarket Destruction II: TH£ D€STRU₡TI¤N D₤RB¥ ¢A$H-IN", coming into circulation on the 25th of September.[/terriblefinancialpuns]

Hopefully you'll show up for another action-packed round of DD fun. If you think a friend or team mate would want to join in the madness, just tell them to click here and sign up! They won't be disappointed!

P.S. Next time I'll proof-read the server and race information before I send it!
Sorry for not turning up, I didn't get any sleep Fri night, so I slept most of Sat.

I'll be at the next round and I might be able to get another driver to sign up.
Round 3 Replays
Quote from LineR32 :Sorry for not turning up, I didn't get any sleep Fri night, so I slept most of Sat.

I'll be at the next round and I might be able to get another driver to sign up.

No problem about that, plus thanks for getting someone else to sign up! :thumb3d:

Round 3 Replays available here:

Results up sometime tonight.

LFS Destruction Derby Season 2 Thread!
(175 posts, started )