This weeks theme is... "Sunset/Sunrise With Pictures Provided"
Rules: (made by andRo., these will not be changed)
This week we are going to have something a bit different. Usually you had to make your own screen shots and edit them, but to make it more interesting this week the screen shots are already done for you. All you have to do is choose your favourite 1 or 2 and edit them.
*The edit must include the sunset/sunrise, but you must use the pictures provided in the attachment.
*It is allowed to change the background, but the car from the picture must be on the edit in your Final Entry.
*You can choose 1 or max 2 pictures from the attachment as you wish. If you choose 2 pictures, they must be put together into 1 picture.
We have never had anything like this before, so I decided to try it and see how it works out.
Images you have to use:

Cars: -
Tracks: -
- When you have finished your picture and want to enter it into the competition, please write 'Final Entry' in the relevant post.
- You must provide a preview picture (no bigger than 400 x 400 pixels) as well as the High Resolution copy.
- The preview picture does not have to be exactly 400 x 400 pixels - it can be smaller to maintain the correct aspect ratio (for example, 400 x 300 pixels)
- No renders or old images to be used and NO VOB MODS
- You may incorporate external non-LFS images into your work, but you MUST give a link to any images used.
- You MUST NOT use any LFS screenshot material that does not belong to you.
- You must obey the rules
- No bitching/moaning/arguing