Well, it won't be IXFGC anymore... Josh said his opinion that the changes are that minor that it should be in spdoDatabase as a completely new series, so it won't be there under IXFGC.
It will be called FR Class Championship (FRCC). FR class = XFG+XRG. The XRG will have ballast, but we haven't done any testing yet.
The season should be running from October 2010 to March / April 2011 with probably 12 rounds where all the interesting tracks should be used including Autocross and Blackwood Carpark with layout and autocross tracks.
4 rounds will be 3 x 15 minutes sprint races, 4 rounds 15 minutes sprint race and 30 minutes feature race, and 4 rounds 1 hour race.
Not really sure if doing it atm due to my real life situation.