Last semester I had to pick a project for my embedded systems and micro controllers labs. First thing that came to my mind was led tachometer for lfs. So it's a "led tachometer for simracing made with Atmega8535, 12 leds, and max232 for rs232 communication."
I had no experience with micro controllers (apart from programming them at university), soldering etc, so the goal was to produce my project as simply as I could. This thread is for people who don't have experience with micro controllers, like I didn't, but who would like to make some outgauge lfs device.
I'm sharing everything that is needed to construct it:
- Scheme.
- parts info,
- data sheets,
- micro controller c program and hex file,
- dll api for communication with tachometer,
- sample lfs outgauge app, which synchronizes lfs revs with tachometer. I am using LFS External library for outgauge.
Things you need:
- Free time,
- com port in pc,
- soldering tools,
- programmer for avr (can buy one cheap, or make one yourself),
- parts, which are freely available.
Tachometer functionality:
- It lights up as many leds as user wants - send 4 to light up 4 leds, 5 to light up 5 leds etc.
- It has 3 modes:
* leds light up from left to right
* leds light up from right to left
* leds light up to the center
Also it can be easily extended, for example 7 segment displays can be added etc.
Video Presentation
Video Presentation BF1
The way I soldered it is not very ergonomic, as my first goal was to make it work. It can be soldered much better, for example with a custom made circuit board and proper placement of ports.
google code page with source code, data sheets etc: ... /source/browse/#svn/trunk

nice page about avr micro controllers:
Enjoy and have fun.
I had no experience with micro controllers (apart from programming them at university), soldering etc, so the goal was to produce my project as simply as I could. This thread is for people who don't have experience with micro controllers, like I didn't, but who would like to make some outgauge lfs device.
I'm sharing everything that is needed to construct it:
- Scheme.
- parts info,
- data sheets,
- micro controller c program and hex file,
- dll api for communication with tachometer,
- sample lfs outgauge app, which synchronizes lfs revs with tachometer. I am using LFS External library for outgauge.
Things you need:
- Free time,
- com port in pc,
- soldering tools,
- programmer for avr (can buy one cheap, or make one yourself),
- parts, which are freely available.
Tachometer functionality:
- It lights up as many leds as user wants - send 4 to light up 4 leds, 5 to light up 5 leds etc.
- It has 3 modes:
* leds light up from left to right
* leds light up from right to left
* leds light up to the center
Also it can be easily extended, for example 7 segment displays can be added etc.
Video Presentation
Video Presentation BF1
The way I soldered it is not very ergonomic, as my first goal was to make it work. It can be soldered much better, for example with a custom made circuit board and proper placement of ports.
google code page with source code, data sheets etc: ... /source/browse/#svn/trunk

nice page about avr micro controllers:
Enjoy and have fun.