The online racing simulator
IGTC 2010 Season Rules

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You will find attached a copy of the rules. They are very much the same as last season however there are some key points that have been changed.
  • A 2.2: The break between qualifying and the race has been set to 20 minutes
  • B 1.2: The maximum a driver is allowed to drive is 70% of the race
  • G 3: C2 penalty can be applied for spinning a car under safety car conditions
  • H 8.1: Drivers must come to a gentle stop at the first corner of the track after the race has finished.
  • J 1: only 3 driver changes may be made in the 4 hour races, 6 changes are allowed in the 8 hour race.
  • G2:Changed so the green flag is used to show the SC is in pit lane and restarts are determined by the lead car. No overtaking before the start finish line which will be denoted by the green posts in the layout
  • K 2: Wave around laps removed
Attached files
IGTC 2010 Season Rules.doc - 474.5 KB - 530 views
Rule C2 (name format) has been changed back to the old format.
rules updated
Can you give a little hint about what has been updated especially?
Quote from phoenixIlooka :Can you give a little hint about what has been updated especially?

as far as I remember, it's just:
  • G2:Changed so the green flag is used to show the SC is in pit lane and restarts are determined by the lead car. No overtaking before the start finish line which will be denoted by the green posts in the layout
  • K 2: Wave around laps removed
(quoted from OP)
Rules updated slightly, just wording.
The following are proposed updates to the rules for the final round:
  • change B 1.2 No single driver may drive more than 70% of their team’s total laps. Laps over 70% will be removed from the team’s total.
  • removed B 5.2 If more than one team misses the deadline, these teams will be gridded in order of points standings.
  • add F. 6. 6. Teams who did not qualify
  • change G. 2. At this point the lead car should maintain Safety Car speed, allowing the SC into the pit entry before passing it at the restart. The lead car may return to full race pace when they choose to. Once the leader has begun to accelerate they must not then slow back down again other than for natural braking points.
    The green flag will be shown once the leader has begun to accelerate.
  • change K 3.2 If the lead car in the SC queue pits, all cars between the SC and the leader will be waved around when safe to do so. The leader should be the first car to take the green flag at the restart.
  • change Q. 1. Chatting is strictly forbidden during Qualifying and Race sessions. This includes binds, intentional chats and not unblocking messages immediately. Violations of this rule during qualifying will result in a rear-of-grid penalty as described in rule F5. Infractions during the race will result in an immediate DT penalty.
I´ve just read the rules and I cant find there any rule explaining the situation:
the driver times out (is disconnected) Does it have to be personally him who reconnects or can anyone from his team do so?
(boothy) DELETED by boothy
#9 - CSF
Quote from boothy :It can be anyone on the team so long as they are on the lineup posted in confirmation thread and also in the team's application.

Forgot to mention this before now, just a minor thing:

remove J .1 Each team may execute a maximum of 3 driver changes (6 in the 8 hour race) per race, per car. Driver changes resulting from disconnects will not count toward this total.

It was noticed that a maximum of 6 driver changes would result in someone needing to do a double stint, which was probably as a result of Benji not realising that doubling the 4 hour number of 3 changes wouldn't work for the 8 hour.

As there is no penalty specified for breaking this rule, and the lack of sense/purpose it achieves, I feel it's best to remove it. To me, make as many driver changes as you want.

I am reminded of this post by Jackson :

Quote from J@tko :
  • Driver swap as often as you like, whenever you like.
  • Under Green Flag, pits are open. Go in as much or little as you like. Although, research has shown that number of pitstops is proportional to finishing position. So don't go in there too much.