The online racing simulator
Please need Fait Oil server lapper script!
Hello everyone, visiting Fat Oil's server always envied his lapper :S Please help finding that script :S I don't want old lapper cfg, i want new lapper cfg, that has drift angle, apex things, it will be for private use no selling and etc.. thanks in advance
Sorry. Don't quite understand. You're looking for someone to steal someone else's lapper script?

If it's not been made public, that what it amounts to.

Have you asked the server owner?

I haven't seen the script, but it could just be the default lapper script, with some slight modifications.

I suggest you download the newest version of LFSLapper ( and read up on it a little.

I did think of another suggestion, but it's not fit to print.
No, no i don't look someone to steal lapper, and yes I asked the owner for script but
he said that people who were given the script tried to sell it and use in bad ways, but i need it for private use, I have lapper, fully workable, but I'm bad at programming it, i know how to change things in there and change colors etc, but Fat Oils server has such script that calculates apex, speed angle, and many other things, so I posted this, because if someone had that script they could give it.

Sorry for bad english :S
Quote from giorgobiani554 :No, no i don't look someone to steal lapper, and yes I asked the owner for script but
he said that people who were given the script tried to sell it and use in bad ways, but i need it for private use, I have lapper, fully workable, but I'm bad at programming it, i know how to change things in there and change colors etc, but Fat Oils server has such script that calculates apex, speed angle, and many other things, so I posted this, because if someone had that script they could give it.

Sorry for bad english :S

Have a look here mate.

The previous person completly understood you wrong.

What you are looking for is an insim that calculates drifting points and holds a records of the best scores over a lap. Am I right?

Then you indeed need to download LFS Lapper.

If you also want noob protection, and want to have very nice records being held of fast laptimes, and racing points, you should use LFS Lapper AND LFS Airio, which you can find here:

There is a free version with already enough in it, or a pro version, but that costs a few euro's.

Good luck!

Yeah, man thanks, but you didn't understand me right too , If you ever played Demo ver of LFS, you might now Fat Oils Server, he uses LFS lapper version 5.7.16 , I know how to use lapper, but he has well programmed script that calculates extra things, that's why i posted here, I thought that maybe someone had that script so he could post here.

One more problem here, in the lapper 5.9 , it has guiconfig.lpr , but when I copy the drift script which is at the end of the script it doesnt work. Checked everything but no luck ;(
Quote from rockclan :

The previous person completly understood you wrong.

Actually, from the reply to your post, I think I got it exactly right.

giorgobiani554 said that he'd asked for script, but script owner not willing to hand it over.

Not surprised. It may be the server owners selling point for getting drivers on his server - who'd want to give that away.

So if code not in public domain, trying to get code is stealing.

Reverse engineering what you see on the other hand, and trying to make your own?


If it is the LFSLapper being used, then this post should have been included in the LFSLapper section.

There is a default drift meter/scoreboard included in the Lapper config files. Look in the /includes folder (..Lapper\v 5 9xx\bin\default\includes). In this folder is a file called driftmeter.lpr. This is the file with all the drift config code.

In same folder is file called addonsused.lpr.

You need to change part of it from

Quote :
#### Include for drifting infos ####
#include( "./driftdef.lpr");
# OR
#include( "./driftmeter.lpr");


Quote :
#### Include for drifting infos ####
#include( "./driftdef.lpr");
# OR
include( "./driftmeter.lpr");

Note that a hash (#) has been taken away at start of last line.

The guiconfig.lpr file is Tim's (Tim[NL]) and is for different use entirely. It's for admins to change tracks, cars, weather, laps, qualy and race length, etc. Ignore Tim's drift section at end of his code - if you follow instructions it will work, but it's not really needed now.
@giorgobiani554: Put yourself on the place of the owner/s of the server. You wouldn't wanna hand your work to just some random person, just because they claim they will use it only privately, would you? 1st of all - you can't be sure if he won't be just another one of those who said that very same thing and lied. No matter how sure you are in yourself, the server owner/s can't be. They don't know you. They have never met you. And they have made something unique, which you just straightly ask for, giving nothing in return. I can go on like this forever, but I'll stop, cause I hope that you've got the point by now.

The best solution for you would be to request a drift insim app in the forums. Too optimistic, imo, but what would you lose? Nothing.
Yeah, thank you one more time guys, your answers really helped, finaly after 4hours of hard work i did a small score counting board that i wanted I'm not good at programming lapper but having seen other commands I wrote quite cool drift score counter

If you wanna try it yourself here's the script for Lapper 5.7.16

It's open source and I share it for free, it's 100% workable
Attached files
LFSLapper5.716.rar - 339.5 KB - 479 views
Quote from giorgobiani554 :Yeah, thank you one more time guys, your answers really helped, finaly after 4hours of hard work i did a small score counting board that i wanted I'm not good at programming lapper but having seen other commands I wrote quite cool drift score counter

If you wanna try it yourself here's the script for Lapper 5.7.16

It's open source and I share it for free, it's 100% workable

That sounds nice!

Will try once back home!
Quote from giorgobiani554 :I wrote quite cool drift score counter

If you wanna try it yourself here's the script for Lapper 5.7.16

It's open source and I share it for free, it's 100% workable


Not sure many people still using this old version of lapper, however most people using lapper have probably put some custom things in themselves (even if only their own server name, password, etc).

By the way, I saw a password in your script - you might want to think about changing it now!

Rather than give everybody the old version, might be better to load a small text file with the code in it, and tell people how and where to copy and paste into their lapper config file.

Only had quick peek thru it, but drift section looks bit like TIM [NL]'s, so I assume you've done something else I must have missed.

Can you take image? Not just for me, but to show people what you've done - makes it easier to tell what finished item should look like if they've changed their script.


And welcome to LFSLapper!
i got a private message about this thread and read it.

First some precisions

the author of this thread 'giorgobani' has been ip banned from my servers with a windows system ip ban
LFS bans proved inefficient after banning at least 25 different accounts from that same guy.
People that dont respect a ban period from my servers, and connect with a spare account, that spare account will be perm banned for non respecting ban period. If user still connects with more spare accounts, then a windows ip ban happens. File closed.
4 peoples are ip banned atm, and am sorry about that too.

I always shared my insim with people that asked me, it's written in the !ver command of the insim.
Just last time i said no, 2 weeks ago, because i have currently stopped coding it and there still much work to make it user friendly for editing clips. I said no because i dont want to provide technical support anyhow.

Now, this thread is here so i put an archive of LFS Lapper Fat Oil Edition on my site, with a default marker file for BL1 track

archive is complete with LFS Lapper standard files + modified lapper.exe + modified lpr config file + some tracks apex markers + some corresponding layouts for apex markers + C# source code

- the source code is quite commented and modified parts are isolated with "// rtz code" and '// end rtz" comments, the whole drift scoring algorythm has changed, there's a whole new 'driftmark' class too.
feel free to ask me things if u need

- the config file needs editing of server ip and password, also take a look at added commands in the #Command actions# section and change allowed usernames according to ur needs

master angle+score display switch

!guest username
invite/leave switch for private tchat system
use /i message ingame to send to private tchat

other commands available for competition and things but quite useless

- the clips marker .mrk files are new. They contain apex and grass zones location, size etc...
the insim ALLWAYS look for the 'temp.mrk' file, if it is not present, lapper will start anyway, but apex scoring wont be available
the current temp.mrk file in the archive has info for BL1
there are other tracks available, check the other .mrk files, if u want to use another one, just copy it and rename it to temp.mrk and restart lapper, also check layout i provided in bin/layouts and load it to get cones at markers location

editing of track markers and changing marker file when track changes is not user friendly at all and would need some more coding, and thats the part i dont want to provide technical support, it is too user unfriendly

now some copy/paste of some infos i wrote

Corner scoring

Now score depends on entry, apex, exit and average car attitude in the 20m zone of marker position.
An attitude bonus multipler is available when best apex distance < 4m and average angle +25°.

From each angle, speed or distance recorded, a formula is applied to get a factor with logarithmic progression (the higher, the harder to increase).
Then all factors (angle speed distance) are multiply with the following weighting (still experimental) :
2 entries + 3 apex + 2 exit + 6 average
(edit june 2010 : maybe i changed the formula, i dont remember, check source code...)
So most important is average attitude then apex then entry and exit.

I added a stability bonus. It is triggered when car angle variation in zone of marker is less than 15°. The bonus is higher as angle stability is higher = angle variation is lower. For 15° variation u get 6% bonus, for 1° u get 100% for 0.5° get 200% etc. (this may change) Then stability bonus is added to the existing attitude bonus if there has been one, then corner score is increased according to the total amount of bonuses.
This feature may allow to stretch drift angle limit up to 100° or more, as keeping stable a 90° drift angle during whole corner should definitely get a bonus. On the other hand if the drifter makes wide angle entry and looses too much of it (15° atm) even a small amount of time, then bonus factor is lost.

in game u can type !showstats to have a display of scoring parameters. Display will only happen after a scored marker. Then u'll get for each entry, apex, exit, average, the scoring factors and raw data for speeds angles & distance

There's now a spin detector when car is inside 20m zone.

Grass penalty

Anti-lawnmower system !
Grass markers added. Driving on one displays warning on screen, and cuts the totalscore to 95% of its value at time of eval. If next eval reports grass again, then another cut to 95% etc,... endlessly till car exits the grass marker zone. This can be heavy penalty when score is high.
Marked BL1 GP for demo server, now scans 289 grass markers + 8 apex... runs fine but system is pretty heavy in CPU processing atm (now my lapper eats 1% of a core on a quad6600 at 3Ghz (which is quite huge seen what the toy does...), and the positioning is a pain, I may rewrite it.
But it works fine : )

Twin scoring (still experimental, i dont remember where i stopped code)

!twin username

very touchy, some bad bugs left, can crash insim when !twin or !twinoff commands not correct

The scoring is based upon those parameters (in decreasing order of weight in the magic formula) :

- angle synchronisation between the 2 cars : same drift angle at a given time awards more points
- speed synchronisation between the 2 cars : same speed, more points. (Thanx Glazer for this one)
- distance between the 2 cars : the more distance, the less points.

and of course :

- average drift angle of the twinmates at given time
- average speed of the twinmates at given time
- average drift time length of the twinmates at given time

When twin mode is handshaked by both twinmates, the first 3 parameters are displayed on top of the player screen when in twin mode under the form :
- distance
- angle difference in the twin ( best is 0)
- speed difference in the twin (best is 0)

So, the most important is to keep synchronous, then keep close, and then after u can think to get wider and faster and longer. The variation is exponential, not linear : try twin 50m away other car or just drift while twinmate goes straight, then the score can actually become negative because too far and/or angle amplitude too high.
As it is a twin the score is shared by both twinmates.

if u have problem to run it, plz try to figure out yourself, use your brain, give it some patience/time, look for info on original lapper thread from gai-luron, and if u are really stuck, u may try to ask me

have fun
Quote from giorgobiani554 :No, no i don't look someone to steal lapper, and yes I asked the owner for script but
he said that people who were given the script tried to sell it and use in bad ways,

Sorry for bad english :S

yes bad english.... never said such things
#13 - nssf
Quote from giorgobiani554 :Yeah, thank you one more time guys, your answers really helped, finaly after 4hours of hard work i did a small score counting board that i wanted I'm not good at programming lapper but having seen other commands I wrote quite cool drift score counter

If you wanna try it yourself here's the script for Lapper 5.7.16

It's open source and I share it for free, it's 100% workable

is iut only the script or is lapper in it to couse i just download it and try to put it on and he sy password does not match with admin apssword
Yeah, thank you for information, but I don't quite understand about BAN, honestly I have never gotten any bans from Fat Oils Server, and from any others, too.
Maybe that's because I play LFS on LAN, so that could affect, I'm professional driver, I don't cause crashes, or stupid accidents, I obey all rules, and hate when they aren't obeyed, so I can do something, that could improve my situation just write, and by the way thank you for sharing your lapper, you could see me on you server with iLo`, on the end of the name )
Quote from sinanju :Hi

Not sure many people still using this old version of lapper, however most people using lapper have probably put some custom things in themselves (even if only their own server name, password, etc).

By the way, I saw a password in your script - you might want to think about changing it now!

Rather than give everybody the old version, might be better to load a small text file with the code in it, and tell people how and where to copy and paste into their lapper config file.

Only had quick peek thru it, but drift section looks bit like TIM [NL]'s, so I assume you've done something else I must have missed.

Can you take image? Not just for me, but to show people what you've done - makes it easier to tell what finished item should look like if they've changed their script.


And welcome to LFSLapper!

Unfortunately no , I just changed colors and , edited drift score so it could be centered I'm noob in such things but I'll try to learn something
Quote from giorgobiani554 :I have never gotten any bans from Fat Oils Server, and from any others, too.

I share, and you lie... U know what ? get lost, get ****ing lost, pig.
Quote from giorgobiani554 :Yeah, thank you for information, but I don't quite understand about BAN, honestly I have never gotten any bans from Fat Oils Server, and from any others, too.
Maybe that's because I play LFS on LAN, so that could affect, I'm professional driver, I don't cause crashes, or stupid accidents, I obey all rules, and hate when they aren't obeyed, so I can do something, that could improve my situation just write, and by the way thank you for sharing your lapper, you could see me on you server with iLo`, on the end of the name )

why do you play LFS on LAN? and how!, i always thought you had to connect to the lfs master server to connect to any servers
Quote from franky500 :i always thought you had to connect to the lfs master server to connect to any servers

Of course not, that would make the LAN option incredibly stupid. Even online hosts can legally be run without the master by use of /usemaster=no.
clearly you missed the trap...
I removed link to insim, due to people running it, removing credits and claiming they made it ([Apex] drift demo server). A wormhole full of pigs, thats lfs community Nice spirit guyz.
Quote from fat-oil :I removed link to insim, due to people running it, removing credits and claiming they made it ([Apex] drift demo server). A wormhole full of pigs, thats lfs community Nice spirit guyz.

And this is why everything should be open source.

Can't claim you made it if it shows up on 100 servers now can you?
Quote from Dygear :And this is why everything should be open source.

Can't claim you made it if it shows up on 100 servers now can you?

1. LFS Lapper is already open source... Do you know what u are writing about ?

2. is this the main intent u have for open source ? being able to change credits to your own name without actually adding or modifying anything else ? OMG !

My modified release of lapper will remain open source, but for OMG reasons i wont distribute it anymore. Find it elswhere.

facepalm seems appropriate for the whole thread, so :

Quote from fat-oil :is this the main intent u have for open source ? being able to change credits to your own name without actually adding or modifying anything else ? OMG !

No, you missed my point completely.
Quote from Dygear :No, you missed my point completely.

oh nice, so u mean there's some hope left ?
something like laxatives to be shipped with new membership ?

omg sry i got an emergency bb