The online racing simulator
Live for Speed on Windows Vista
(74 posts, started )
Quote from Bob Smith :If you are sensible and create a small partition on your main drive just for Windows, you can format and lose nothing.

And you can backup the whole partition and restore back to complete (drivers and all) install
To give me some info, please can someone with Vista try running this small exe I've attached. You can get a crash address by pressing the space bar - it will do a harmless crash, by trying to write to an inaccessible part of memory. But you don't need to do the crash, it will be enough to just tell me the address of the crash function, which the program displays.

Run the program and you will see "Crash Function 004011d0"... maybe. If you have a different number there then that will be the explanation.

EDIT : Thanks John (below) for the test. I've looked in the code and I think I know where the problem is. I will need to investigate a bit more to find out how to fix it. It's not a fundamental problem, just something that needs to be done a different way.
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Ello Scawen,
I ran the space_to_crash program on Vista, and i got the same address as you, 004011d0.
EDIT: When i pressed the space bar Vista kicked in, and prevented me from getting any new address that may have been generated.
Quote from SamH :On the subject of Vista, dual boot may not be feasible. There looks to be a bit of an issue trying to remove Vista from a disk partition and retain a MBR for your XP. I'll get more info on that.

No problem, there's a little app in the /boot for the Vista DVD that you can use to write any Windows MBR back to a drive.
Quote from dUmAsS :um, its so easy to restore the MBR anyway. just boot from the windows cd into the recovery console and type fixmbr

and spsamsp: if you need this much help burning vista to dvd then you shouldnt even think about installing it

It's not help, it's info and advice!I didnt ask how to burn i said do i burnillepall
(IReallyHateBureaucracy) DELETED by IReallyHateBureaucracy
Im also getting the unlocking error, but i can get the MP list up as a demo racer and have a race. I ran the wee .exe and also got the same address!

I'm using the 64bit version if that helps.
i think every 1 on this thread went off topic, i just bought s2 just 10 mins ago, and i get unlocking error, im litarly PISSED OFF. i have 3000 + hours on this game and just got s2 and not being able to play is just retarded, does any 1 kno the solutions to this problem
#33 - Jakg
your using a Beta OS, so the problem might not be LFS, firstly, does it work under another version of Windows?
yea im usin vista -.-
#35 - Jakg
Quote from e2blade :yea im usin vista -.-

thats my point, you cant take it out on LFS that you are having problems in a beta OS, tryed unlocking in windows to make sure you can?
works in windows but i dont have a back up disc lol, i just have 32 and 64 bit vista disc
#37 - SamH
Quote from e2blade :works in windows but i dont have a back up disc lol, i just have 32 and 64 bit vista disc

Your first point is disproportionate to the situation. You can't install a beta OS and be annoyed with the LFS DEVS that their 98/ME/2000/XP-developed program doesn't work with it.

Nobody I know who is beta testing is DEPENDING on the beta environment. It strikes me that that would be a very foolish thing to do.

Get XP or some other real OS installed on a different partition, and rely on THAT for your LFS racing. Keep a copy on your beta install for the time, in the future, that the unlocking situation is resolved.
i never said i was annoyed with the devs did i?, i just wanted a answer jesus im not blaming any 1 -.-
In fact e2blade is just angry. Ok, maybe too angry, but if you look closely he's not pointing fingers, just expressing a feeling.
The point is: do you want to avoid troubles? Stay away from a beta or a release candidate operating system that's going to expire quite soon. XP can be problematic too, but it's quite stable, at the moment. Vista isn't, because Vista cannot be. When Microsoft says the product is not intended and not ready for a production environment, you've got to BELIEVE Microsoft. Enter at your own risk and don't lose your nerves, because you'll risk losing your nerves very, very often with Vista Beta2 or RC1. Ask for help, if you like, but remember that you're on own. True, help could be offered, maybe, who knows. But showing anger doesn't help to get it, for sure.
#40 - SamH
Quote from e2blade :i never said i was annoyed with the devs did i?, i just wanted a answer jesus im not blaming any 1 -.-

Ahh okay..
Well, the answer is: You can't unlock LFS S2 Alpha on Microsoft Windows Vista Beta
well this sucks lol, guess i'll never beable to play s2
#42 - joen
Why can't you just use XP? Make a dualboot if you want to use Vista that badly.
I'm sure LFS will run just fine on Vista in the future when Vista is released and Scawen has taken the necessary actions. I think Scawen will wait till Vista is final otherwise he could be making a fix that becomes useless when a new Vista build is released and it turns out the fix doesn't work anymore. If I had to make a choice between an OS and LFS I wouldn't have to think about it for one second
Beta OS'es are fun to try out but just not suitable as your main OS.
how do u dual poot when u dont have another OS
What did you have before Vista? XP? Install that as a second OS.
its gone -_________________________-
Well that's your own fault for not keeping windows XP on there! There are plenty of Vista + XP dual boot tutorials... Why did you only have a BETA OS on your main computer?
Maybe I am mistaken, but it seems to me like some dirty anti-debugger protection isn't working on Vista. Why not get rid of it altogether? It is not an issue for the crackers to break it anyway. When the new version of LFS with BF1 was released, the crack was in wide circulation only a few days later.
Quote from wheel4hummer :Well that's your own fault for not keeping windows XP on there! There are plenty of Vista + XP dual boot tutorials... Why did you only have a BETA OS on your main computer?

didnt even think twice about it, i'll just call up my manufacter and get a new cd, warenterys rock
e2blade : Don't worry, you will be able to unlock S2. I don't know exactly when but I do know where the problem is. I will soon try a test patch so you can test and see if it solves the problem. Sorry but I can't say when "soon" is, if it is a week or a month. But you are welcome to remind me again in a week, just post on this thread, ask me if there is any news...

It's on my development sheet. Only there are a few things going on at the moment so I can't give it my full attention.
Where else do you get developer feedback like that!!

Unlike some other poor buggers trying to get info out of their developers
Sorry for that!!

Live for Speed on Windows Vista
(74 posts, started )