Start Button
(15 posts, started )
Start Button
Hi guys I'm new to the Forum,

I came across this awesome start button on ebay , but I was wondering how could you wire it up to work with lfs, is there a program or a kit I can get to make this work?

Many Thanks, Harry

Link: ... M&hash=item4aa3a88fb1
Make some laps first
Would I use one of these?
You could, but why would you want to spend so much money for a simple start button?
Im building a small dashboard, but will this work with lfs?
Quote from Harry18 :Im building a small dashboard, but will this work with lfs?

If you know how to do some basic electronic circuitry and wiring and coding it will, many people have made such things in the past. If you don't know how, I'm sure it's fairly easy to learn. I bet I could even learn if I had the attention span
#8 - senn
i use a button on my G25 shifter. wayyyy easier if you ask me
#9 - Ziroh
you can buy the start button in first post, and just wire it into an button on a joystick/wheel/shiftpad ++? Not that hard as you think it is i think ^^
Why build a whole dash if ur only a demo user with 1 track and 3 cars?... Bit overkill dont you think?..

Buy S2 first then think about ricing up ur setup once ur bored...
Quote from Foilpact :Why build a whole dash if ur only a demo user with 1 track and 3 cars?... Bit overkill dont you think?..

Buy S2 first then think about ricing up ur setup once ur bored...

You should go to play S2...

"Why build a whole dash if ur only a demo user with 1 track and 3 cars?"

- What's wrong with that? it is exactly same if I go to buy a 500bhp car but then whining that I should try 200bhp car before 500bhp car just because it is overkilling?
#12 - Neo_
This can be done. If you have a G25/7, you can open the shifter, and wire the start button up to one of the shifter buttons.. Basically the same method of attatching an E-brake to a G25/7. Have a look at . Follow that tutorial, only wiring up a start button and not an e-brake. Or if you liked the e-brake idea, you can even do both if you want!

Hope this helps.
Quote from Foilpact :Why build a whole dash if ur only a demo user with 1 track and 3 cars?... Bit overkill dont you think?..

Buy S2 first then think about ricing up ur setup once ur bored...

Wth is important if he is demo or s2? Yes more content, but imo he can see in demo this game is not worth buying atm! (outdated,tire psichics make lil jesus cry and so on..)
@harry I suggest you to make your rig other games compatible too, since lfs is in phase where its not moving for players. But lets hope this will change soon.
buy a cheap controller, hook the start button on the controller.


Start Button
(15 posts, started )