The online racing simulator
online login
(7 posts, started )
online login
I can't log in online game, the program say: this username can't be find... why. please send me a message on: [email protected]
You don't need to "log in" unless you have a license. At least according to the forum software you're a demo user, so you don't have to worry about this.
^ what he said ...

No need for bold letters and underlined letters, it's your mistake not the softwares ....

Why should someone e-mail you? The reason for the forum is you post a question people answer it

I have a funny feeling that he's using crack and cant connect to S2 server.
#5 - Y-noT
if you are only a demo user, then you can only go onto demo servers not S2 servers
I tried that ages ago when i signed up to the site. I thought that now i signed up i could login and get all content, but, no joy then i read about buying a licence and cried. lol
and still bought license, eh?

online login
(7 posts, started )