The online racing simulator
Skins updating?
(5 posts, started )
Skins updating?
Sorry for the confusing title, and for a question that I'm sure has been asked before, but I just couldn't get any decent search results.

The scenario is this: I have completed a skin, uploaded it to LFSW and played with it online with plenty of people. Later I realise that there's a tiny detail I want to fix, so I edit the skin and upload a new version with the same name as the previous one. LFSW will of course automatically replace the skin.

Now, the question is, if I play with the same people as previously, ie people that already have a skin with that same filename in their folder, will it check time stamp or something similar to replace the skin for them as well, or would I have to rename it? Maybe there's some kind of cache system so that they might see the first version of the skin to begin with but after some time it will eventually get replaced with the new version?
Quote from maxter :
Now, the question is, if I play with the same people as previously, ie people that already have a skin with that same filename in their folder, will it check time stamp or something similar to replace the skin for them as well, or would I have to rename it? Maybe there's some kind of cache system so that they might see the first version of the skin to begin with but after some time it will eventually get replaced with the new version?

They would get the updated version.

From LFSworld "my online car skins"

Quote :When you update a skin just re-upload it with the same name. LFS checks the file-date of a skin to decide if people should re-download it.

Ah, I really should have thought to check that before asking. I did have a distant memory of reading something similar before.

Anyways, thanks for the quick reply!
#4 - Rolle
sorry, to hijack this thread but I have a similar question
which I don't find a clear answer

I have on my PC the skins in 2048x2048

but for lfsworld it must be 1024x1024

so what happends if I resize the skin, save it somewhere else
and upload it to lfsworld

so lfsworld will have my 1024x1024 skin
and on my pc I have 2048x2048 skin
saved with a different time but the same filename
That's the way to go. LFSW only accepts 1024* size (best would be also to save under 400kb, otherwise LFSW will change the compression)

You can have even 4096* skins in your game-folder, as long as the filename is the same as on the LFSW version

Skins updating?
(5 posts, started )