The online racing simulator
Hopefully the V3 will come xD. But really, good luck!
Quote from PoVo :Hey, I started developing an application for S60V5. Only working on a "proof of concept" right now... If the V5 succeeds, I will more than likely release a V3!

Yes! I hope it will work out fine
PoVo, if it works, you will be one of my heroes!
and mine!
#32 - PoVo
So, I finally found an SDK for the OutGauge. I will be using Qt for Symbian, which means the application will be able to run on both - S60v3 and S60v5!

All you will need installed is "Qt", which is a 12mb installer from Nokia.
Yay! Can't wait
Thank you dude
any news?
Sorry for my impatienceness, but any progress on this?
He is porting the whole game into S60V5
#38 - PoVo
Quote from Takumi_lfs :He is porting the whole game into S60V5

Yeah I am

Can't seem to get the hang of Qt for Symbian. Everything's so different
#39 - PoVo
So... I've got some bad news and good news.

The good news is, that MadCatX has developed a base on Qt for Symbian, which is able to read OutGauge from LFS, in Windows and Symbian.

The bad news is a starting point OR a permission issue is stopping the application from running on Symbian.

So I will be working on the application all night, and hopefully will have it running!

All credits go to MadCatX for the wonderful work
Thx for report and wish you luck
Perhaps you're missing a package rules file. In the demos I got with the Nokia SDK was "symbianpkgrules.pri" included in the .pro file. So maybe adding a file like this

!symbian: error(Only include this file for Symbian platforms)

RSS_RULES ="group_name=\"OutGauge_test\";"

vendorinfo = \
"; Localised Vendor name" \
"%{\"Test\"}" \
" " \
"; Unique Vendor name" \
":\"Test\"" \
" "

supportedVersion = \
"; Supports S60 3.2 and 5.0" \
"[0x102752AE],0,0,0,{\"S60 3.2 Product ID\"}" \
"[0x1028315F],0,0,0,{\"S60 5.0 Product ID\"}" \
" "

outgauge_test.pkg_prerules += vendorinfo supportedVersion
DEPLOYMENT += outgauge_test

to the demo app's source and including it in .pro file like "symbian: include($$PWD/symbianpkgrules.pri)" might do the trick... but then again, I know squat about development for S60.
#42 - PoVo
Extremely weird :O I've added the permission file, and it still doesn't start. Once built, the IDE doesn't display any errors, warnings or anything

Damn Symbian
Perhaps this article might contain some valuable info? Would anyone be interested in a simple Java ME version of this app?
As far as I can use it in my Symbian 3rd edition, and the screen stays lighted, I don't mind how it's done
As long as you don't care, good I haven't tested this on an actual cell phone, but if you have a phone that's MIDP2.0 compliant (every modern phone should be), this thingie will provide a basic OutGauge output including gear indicator, rev counter, shift light and low fuel warning. Just unzip the archive and install the app onto your phone.
Attached files - 8.2 KB - 310 views
I'll try this as soon as I find my USB cable :worried:
Quote from MadCatX :As long as you don't care, good I haven't tested this on an actual cell phone, but if you have a phone that's MIDP2.0 compliant (every modern phone should be), this thingie will provide a basic OutGauge output including gear indicator, rev counter, shift light and low fuel warning. Just unzip the archive and install the app onto your phone.

I have instaled this on my nokia 5800,connected via usb,try with 29999 and 30000 porta but nothing.. And why this app connects to gprs/wifi?
Quote from dmartin :And why this app connects to gprs/wifi?

These kind of aplications work like that. It's easier to stablish the connection via LAN than using the USB
You know how to set up OutGauge in LFS, right? To get this working you have to connect you phone to your home network, get it's IP address and tell LFS to send OutGauge data there.
Looking good
I'll try it later
Thanks to you both