Nice race folks!

Yet another Endurance Race where the voting was not disabled on the server :P

Big Thanks to all the Hosters and the Teams!

Big Thanks to Fast Forward too, for giving us a thrilling race at the end!

Too bad it was all killed by an unfortunate disconnect.

See y'all at the next endurance event
#178 - Dmt
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :What a shame. Why didn't he at least pull into the pits and let someone else takeover?(Or the rest of the team was sleeping trying to get some rest I assume).

Anyway did he at least give a reason for quitting like this?

I feel bad for you guys seriously.

He said he is tired. After 6 laps.

So idiotic to let Egon drive 8 hours in a row. Biggest prick I ever know.
Quote from Dmt :He said he is tired. After 6 laps.

So idiotic to let Egon drive 8 hours in a row. Biggest prick I ever know.

Know the feeling.. I was left alone because momo had some connections problems and i should've gone to sleep hour ago. Still no signs of momo and I just wanted to have another go for 30 mins. Well, after pitting and doing half a stint I make a mistake, spin, no signs of momo so just wanted to go sleep..

Another thing to mention, admins, you suck
We sent you e-mail + PM telling that ifastlt was added to our lineup. Tell me now, why he wasn't added to the insim? Thaankkss
I R tired o/
egon will wake up in early 2009 with epic hands pain :|
meh :|
Quote from Dmt :He said he is tired. After 6 laps.

EPIC! Thats real endurance driver
ahahaha fail XD
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh tired.
Hey guys,
I just got back home a few minutes ago from our Lan-House in Linden

I am thanking all participants and spectators who showd interest in the 24 Hours of Team ALTERNATE!
I hope you had a lot of fun and nice Racing Action.

As it has been our first 24 Hours Endurance Race that we organized there still were some situations we didnt find the best solution immediately but I hope there werent any incorrect decisions so far...

In the next couple of weeks we are going to analyse the replays about all those disconnects and we hope to post the official results as early as possible. So keep cool for a while. We are working on it

So, after being awake for more than 50 Hours now I think I have to get some sleep now. good night!

Keep Racing.

Provisional Results:
So who has the full replay? :P
We do, uploading now 4 guys, 24hours straight from the same machine.
for me it wasnt the best race to remember but still Thanks to all organizers and participants
Quote from GuRu_PL :Yea nice idea, but would be great to know who is who, i only can recognize Bashor and Dreaf :P Or just could u tell us who is there?

Edit: Or make a video for us like Bashor with Commander did from 24h moe race

Nice to see the video was seen by some people

But I can assure you that Marius has not been at that Lan-Party, you must've been mistaken
Quote from GuRu_PL :Yea nice idea, but would be great to know who is who, i only can recognize Bashor and Dreaf :P Or just could u tell us who is there?

Edit: Or make a video for us like Bashor with Commander did from 24h moe race

That is very kind, but i wasn't even there
Quote from baSh0r :That is very kind, but i wasn't even there

Lol, sorry for mistake, quality of the cams weren`t 1080p, but face of one guy in lan-house and your face that i remember from your youtube video from 24h of moe in my opinion were very similar :P

Quote from Commander :Nice to see the video was seen by some people

Hehe, i like to watch this kind of videos :P

I was watching the live cams (and some other: Troy`s and Tomhah`s :razz almost all free time between my stints, great idea with these live cams
yeeeah, my pedals stood on the ground as firm as a rock during the race, i love that duct tape

i hope everybody enjoyed the race.
Quote from schw4rz :yeeeah, my pedals stood on the ground as firm as a rock during the race, i love that duct tape

i hope everybody enjoyed the race.

nice handel on the tape
Quote from Metalass :Yet another Endurance Race where the voting was not disabled on the server :P

YES, just a detail, but worth mentioning. i quote lfs\docs\commands.txt:

"/vote X :no / yes (allow guest voting)"

admins will still see kick & ban buttons, if i remember correctly. and they don´t start votes, instead they kick instantly. but it is VERY good for guests not to have those buttons any more. so they can´t accidently click on them in the take-over process. no need for votes in such an event any way, am i right?

Having said that, i still want to thank everyone who was involved in this, no matter if you made this possible or if you "just" drove. I enjoyed every second once again. I´m just loving these events!

Oh, and my opinion on disconnect-penalties:

- first of all, I wouldn´t change rules half way or even after the race. if you think this penalty is too harsh, don´t give it in the next race. but this time, everyone knew what to expect. It was in the rules.

- second, the penalty came up for a reason. think of a team who´s got a damaged engine or a car on the roof. they might want to shift-p or shift-s to get a new car, even at the expense of a penalty lap. now if there was an alternative way of leaving the track without a penalty, they would use that alternative. the alternative would simply be: unplug the network cable on your machine. time-out. quickly plug it back in and rejoin.

so if you don´t want people to do that, you´d have to lift the 1 lap penalty for shift-p as well. and i don´t think you want to do that ...

edit: of course noone can force team alternate to take the price. if they want to give it to the second place, what a nice gesture
Quote from Egon-est :for me it wasnt the best race to remember but still Thanks to all organizers and participants

respect son
Quote from GuRu_PL :ny: ... guru/2010-09-11132718.jpg Its old playseat, and g27 pedals are just too big for it and there is no way to fasten them to playseat :P

Great piece of engineering

Quote from eimer_ :YES, just a detail, but worth mentioning. i quote lfs\docs\commands.txt:

"/vote X :no / yes (allow guest voting)"

admins will still see kick & ban buttons, if i remember correctly. and they don´t start votes, instead they kick instantly. but it is VERY good for guests not to have those buttons any more. so they can´t accidently click on them in the take-over process. no need for votes in such an event any way, am i right?

Having said that, i still want to thank everyone who was involved in this, no matter if you made this possible or if you "just" drove. I enjoyed every second once again. I´m just loving these events!

Oh, and my opinion on disconnect-penalties:

- first of all, I wouldn´t change rules half way or even after the race. if you think this penalty is too harsh, don´t give it in the next race. but this time, everyone knew what to expect. It was in the rules.

- second, the penalty came up for a reason. think of a team who´s got a damaged engine or a car on the roof. they might want to shift-p or shift-s to get a new car, even at the expense of a penalty lap. now if there was an alternative way of leaving the track without a penalty, they would use that alternative. the alternative would simply be: unplug the network cable on your machine. time-out. quickly plug it back in and rejoin.

so if you don´t want people to do that, you´d have to lift the 1 lap penalty for shift-p as well. and i don´t think you want to do that ...

edit: of course noone can force team alternate to take the price. if they want to give it to the second place, what a nice gesture

As posted before, our main Admin Carsten is currently checking the Replay, for Disconnects. As far as i know, we will not remove all penalties, but only these which occured in sector 3, because we do not want to "double"-punsih. The not completed Lap is penalty enough. The additional Lap added by our Tracker, will in contrast be removed. We will also remove penalties that resulted, when 2 or several disconnects followed whithin a very short period of time.

If there will be a 2nd LFS-Event from Team ALTERNATE, we will consider not giving a Drive-Through penatly for accidentially chatting (i.e. hitting F1 insted ESC at the end of a stint) neither for the first chat command of a Team, but for every consequent use of the chat. All Teams know that chatting is not allowed, and i think we dont need DTs for some little issues. We also considered that during the race, but to be consistent with our (short) rulesheet, we had to give these penalties. Also we will provide a much more detailed rulebook.

We will also solve the problem with the vote-kicks then. We simply forgot about that. We had enough to focus on before, like setting up the Tracker, Stream and everthing

Of course our Team #1 will not take the prizes, we didnt announce that, but that should have been clear before. (And was as far as i know announced serveral times on our stream (unfortunately german only))

ALTERNATE 24 Hours of Aston GP
(251 posts, started )