Phil Diaz thinks that perhaps FZR 21 / FXR 24 / XRR 25 might work. Feel free to test it and give us some data 
There's a server set: NDR.GTAL 2011
There's still the GT2 of last season.
But now a GT9 class is in Airio. FZ9 = FZR w/21% / FX9 = FXR w/24% / XR9 = XRR w/25%
Feel free to pop in and test. There's no password on for now. Post here with your opinions.

There's a server set: NDR.GTAL 2011
There's still the GT2 of last season.
But now a GT9 class is in Airio. FZ9 = FZR w/21% / FX9 = FXR w/24% / XR9 = XRR w/25%
Feel free to pop in and test. There's no password on for now. Post here with your opinions.