The online racing simulator
16h 2010 Layout topic
Hello Racers!

This year the race takes place on a more or less dangerous track. There are some areas where you will be automatically set into spectate mode if you entered them. So we want you all to be aware of this problem.

There are two places on the track that we wanted to be safer than in the original track layout. First, there is a huge "spectate"-area just after the start/finish straight. We blocked it with barriers, but of course at a certain speed, they won't hold you back anymore. If you are lucky and manage to stop behind this wall, we left a small exit so you can re-enter the track.

Secondly, there is the "wall of death" Some hay bales should pretend you from ramming your hood into the brick wall

Watch the attatched pictures for the added layout features

Here you can find the layout with the wall

There are a few more places like these two but they are more unlikely to be entered. Also, we don't want to put hundreds of objects onto the area. Nevertheless, we will be open for your comments.
Attached images
Hmm Wall of death :P now i will think on it everytime i drive :P
I guess there will be objects in the first chicane for qualifying? Don't put tyre stacks there though, I think people could end up having monumental accidents if they hit them in and odd angle or fly over them after catching the curb wrong.
Quote from Deutschland2007 :I guess there will be objects in the first chicane for qualifying? Don't put tyre stacks there though, I think people could end up having monumental accidents if they hit them in and odd angle or fly over them after catching the curb wrong.

Agreeing exactly
this layout (with or without wall) will be race AND qualification layout.

we had a long discussion about how to build the layout in the best way and our opinion is, that this is the best way for both.
Why would we need your layout?
Quote from Il Nonno :

my layout...


it is a good layout, but way to much objects for such a race.

we will have our own layout. i upload the version with the wall now, so you can start using it, because there is no difference for the rest of the track.
Attached files
FE4R_RACE.lyt - 348 B - 452 views
What about qualification layout ?
Thank u Kolz .

A question: rules speak about "don't touch pole during qual lap".

It's ok, but what about tyres ?
#13 - CSF
It's surely not possible NOT to touch the tyres in either chicane taking them at any kind of speed. They arent exactly chicanes!
the main rule is: don't cut. If you touch the tires but stay on the track (with two tires) it is ok. If you crash through them and cut it is not But i would bet that nobody gets a better lap with crashing through tires than without