The online racing simulator
Fusion Racing Team -06-
(84 posts, started )
#26 - arco
That beer loving Aussie! Yeah, diz is a nice mate.
Thanks everyone, yes we do have a good friendly bunch of guys and girls
Our Skin was made by Defekt so all credit goes to him, Thanks Mate

We are in the process of organising a Big Event i will let you all know when everything is finalised.
thats all for now, Cheers

I would like to welcome our newest member to the team.

Hi Rev Good going!
#30 - DR3W
Quote from Arrow. :I would like to welcome our newest member to the team.


Good job Fusion, rev is a good friend and good driver. I bet hell get you some WR's.
Hurry up and get everyone on S2!

ps: I miss using my fusion skin :P
hi are fusion racing recruting as i am very interested in the team
#34 - arco
Quote from oliver17491 :hi are fusion racing recruting as i am very interested in the team

Not for the moment.
for future reference, DUCK is a wrecker.... right now being a noob () at citylife, stay safe people! nice team by the way. Lovely skins
Quote from robato :for future reference, DUCK is a wrecker.... right now being a noob () at citylife, stay safe people! nice team by the way. Lovely skins

duck usually acts like a duck, so get used to it
Quote from Knight_Atack :I'm sorry about the "team member" thing. It's just that he had [APEXi] in front of his name when I played. And that I know of, I didn't do much wrong... Fell to the back of the pack. Some time in the back straight, wanted to shift gear, accidently changed car camera, had trouble finding mine again, and as I did find it, I saw my car take a rail and fly away. He said he had enough of me... Oh well.

Thanks Arrow! It's appreciated.

Hi Knight_Atack, it was me that kicked you from the server, and ultimately went on to ban you after you kept comming back.

When you joined the server there was a message popped up that said '1.34.99 is required to stay'

and the line below that said

'Slower drivers may be kicked to make way for team members or faster drivers'

I had seen you collide with a couple of cars in the race before, and I saw your laptime at the end of that race was 1.36.57, so I spectated in the following race to make sure you were not crashing people on purpose, sadly we get a lot of that on our demo server, kids will be kids.

Im sorry, but after watching your second race and your style of driving where you go off the track on to the grass at a lot of corners, I did not consider your times to be fast enough to stay on our server, 1.36.57 is a lot slower than the required 1.34.99, and all the drivers in the race before made 1.34.99 or better.

I watched you for a few laps, I checked your best time on the server, and when you crashed out I decided I had seen enough and that our 'pro 1.34.99' server was not the place for you.

I typed you a line in the chat that said exactly those words and I kicked you from the server.

2 seconds later you came back, and when you joined you would have got the same '1.34.99 is required' and 'drivers may be kicked' messages, at which point I said 'please don't make me ban you' and I kicked you again.

2 seconds later you came back demanding that I explain my self, and so I banned you, I was on the server to race, not to have some big debate with someone about why they were not fast enough when our server policy is clearly posted every time you connect to the server

Furthermore Im not going to go in to detail about the nickname I was using on the day in question, enough to say that I have already spent more time on this post that I would have preferred to and I am entitled to connect to my server with any nick name I see fit.

Sorry for the lateness of my reply to this matter, your post has only just been brought to my attention, but fortunately I have my LFS set to save every replay after the race is over, and thanks to the date of your post, I managed to easily find the replay of the race when you claim 'I just suddenly turned around and said enough of you and banned you instantly'.

You can check what actually happened by watching the attached replay of the race and I will thank you not to twist the truth and post lies in the teams thread, we have a web site, the link is in this thread, and you could have come there for an answer rather than posting here, so I have no reservation about attaching the replay of the events that led to you being banned from our server.

Im sorry if you felt you were not treated fairly on the day in question, I always try and be respectful to everyone that uses my servers, I did send you a message before I disconnected you and I did not ban you instantly as you claim. Having watched the replay in the cold light of day, I still stand by my actions and I do not think I was out of line or unreasonable, perhaps a little short on words, but no more.

Attached files
BL1_race_5L_8R_7F_2-Knight.mpr - 963.7 KB - 222 views
#39 - th84
Quote from Shoe Maker :
Im sorry if you felt you were not treated fairly on the day in question, I always try and be respectful to everyone that uses my servers,


Do you also normally ban people for not agreeing with you? I have never been (well once, but it was andre so i dont count it) banned from any server until last night. On your (well, you were admining) server last night "redline racing" or something, yourself and a team mate of mine were talking between each other about the meaning of the blue flag. You obviously didnt agree with his comments, so not only did you ban him, but the rest of my team that were there (5 others) who werent even involved in the conversation. I dont really care about the ban, but dont say you treat people fair and with respect. I would say, if you dont want this to happen in the future, learn what the blue flag means. I hope you remember the incident in question, if not.. here's a refresher.

Sorry for the mis-placement of this post, i didnt want to start a thread, or even post about it at all, but cant help myself after reading that post.
Attached files
noobsban.mpr - 1.6 MB - 239 views
th84 -

nice job at hijacking someone elses thread, very respectful...

Having read the front page of your web site, it's clear what you guys are all about and why you don't know or care what blue flag means, after all, America rules the world , right ?

Anyway, you can talk to your mate nikkaa about why you got KICKED from the server, and while you are at it, you can point him to this web site ttp:// where he can read what the blue flag actually means. I don't know why he felt compelled to start an arguement over something that had nothing to do with him, but as I said in my last post in this thread, I am here to race, not debate the finer points of what someone else thinks, if I wanted to go to a chat room, I would. If you take the time to read the chat from other players in the server, they all thought I was right too !

After putting up with his nonsense for a few minutes, I decided I would prefer to race with out him and his over active opionions, and knowing that if I kicked one of you the rest would start a holy war, then I kicked the lot of you.

Initially KICKED not BANNED as you claim, it cracks me up when people lie like that.

If you want to see the whole replay, that shows you all connecting again and again and again after getting kicked the first time, then I will be happy to find it for you. Your team mates reconnected 4 or 5 times before I finally decided I had enough and banned them so I could race.

After getting kicked 4 times in a row, you really would have thought that was enough of a message, but as it clearly wasn't, then I had no alternative but to ban you, what else was I supposed to do ? Let you guys come back in and start a big row over something that was nothing to do with you in the first place ?

Perhaps I should rename the server RACE not CHAT racing.

Once again, Im sorry you feel you were not treated fairly, but at the end of the day, I just want clean and fair races, not arguements with people that don't know what they are talking about, I am not obliged to put up with nonsense on my servers.

Anything else to say? email me, my contact details are in my profile.
#41 - th84
What does the front page of our hp have to do with America ruling the world? Im one of only 2 Americans on the team, so im not sure where you come up with that? He stopped arguing with you and even said "whatever" (as anyone can see from the replay), you decided to start cussing and then kicking. You need to watch the replay again because you were the ONLY one that agreed with you. Ill save you the trouble of looking for the other replays. He connected 2 more times to ask why you kicked us all. NO need to pm you, the replays speak for themselves. I think you must have been pretty drunk, because what you describe is nothing like what happened.

Oh well, nuff said!
Attached files
redline-2ndkick.mpr - 231.6 KB - 245 views
redline-ban.mpr - 66.3 KB - 209 views
No one agreed with me ?

I suggest you watch your first replay again and read what CTK typed, and also what Fragile dog typed.

Considering that Fragile dog was the car in front of the car that held me up, he saw the whole thing.

It took a good few minutes for you lot to irritate me enough for me to ban you all, it wasn't, as you suggest, ' oh you don't agree with me so I ban you now', I don't know where you get off...

And my suggestion to PM me was out of respect for another teams thread, something else which you clearly don't care about.
#43 - th84
It was only one "of us" that was even involved in the conversation. Ive watched several times, no need to watch again. FTR it was jaikai who was the one that "held you up" who was also kicked, and fragile dog also disagreed with you when he said "nah, it means let pass when safe to do so"

But whatever dude, im done, have a great day!
Sorry if I offended with my comments in that race (which I obviously did cause I was banned straight away) But you went off on one, at someone who was obviously a newbie. Yes I did see it, and the other dude was in the wrong. But your reaction to him, typing in caps and shouting him down really annoyed me. Seemed to me you where making out the blue flag means pull over straight away, when it doesn't. And you wheren't listerning to anyone, just having a little paddy.

Can I just ask how long the ban is for? Was having some fun races before that point.
This has gone beyond a joke now... why do people think it's cool to hijack another teams thread and post this stuff.....

th84, nice of you to come back and edit your post and change what it said after the fact, clearly you and I read two different things out of what was said on the server, I refer once again to the link I posted that explains the meaning of the blue flag, I suggest you read it, thats all.

Fraglie Dog, you were not banned from the server as far as I know, I have already explained what happend, who got kicked, and then who eventually got banned, Im not going over it again. I didn't ban anyone else.

If you have not seen the server then it's either off line or it's set to private, just because I run an S2 server, I am not obliged to keep it open to the public 24 hours a day, or explain why it's closed.

Why assume, because you can't see the server in the list, that you are banned ?

Either way, I am not replying to this thread any longer, if you want to reach me, my details are in my profile, and that goes for anyone that may have been acting stupid on the server and got banned, my server has nothing to do with this teams thead so STOP POSTING IN IT please, any further posts will go unanswered.
#46 - Jakg
Quote from th84 :Do you also normally ban people for not agreeing with you? I have never been (well once, but it was andre so i dont count it) banned from any server until last night. On your (well, you were admining) server last night "redline racing" or something, yourself and a team mate of mine were talking between each other about the meaning of the blue flag. You obviously didnt agree with his comments, so not only did you ban him, but the rest of my team that were there (5 others) who werent even involved in the conversation. I dont really care about the ban, but dont say you treat people fair and with respect. I would say, if you dont want this to happen in the future, learn what the blue flag means. I hope you remember the incident in question, if not.. here's a refresher.

Sorry for the mis-placement of this post, i didnt want to start a thread, or even post about it at all, but cant help myself after reading that post.

ROFL, hes just annoyed because he drove into the back of another car, o well, thats one server i wont be going on!
Hi guys please stop the arguing in this thread
just letting you all know shoe maker has nothing to do with Fusion now, she has made her own team named Redline Racing.
Good to see that Fusion is still growing but get some more guys in the OLFS league, you can't leave Alex to fend us all off on his own!

Take the hijacking somewhere else, but just to veer completely off topic, th84 deserves to be banned from EVERYWHERE! Only jokin, banning a whole team for something 1 guy said is wrong but i'm not joining this argument today.

Keep growing Fusion, may the force be with j00.
#49 - th84
Ill say again, im sorry to the Fusion team for posting my original post in this thread, but Shoe Maker seemed to have been speaking on behalf of the team in previous posts, so i didnt really consider it hijacking. I am sorry to fusion though.

I have nothing else to say about it anyway, she/he knows she/he was wrong, so no need to beat a dead shoe. I didnt realize it was against the rules to edit your post's though, shame on me.

I love you too barfbag!!
Thanks for the kind words Bawbag
Yeah please stop the arguing here..

Fusion Racing Team -06-
(84 posts, started )