Yeah i crashed AIs on blackwood, got that inspirated from video i saw, there it was an Oval lap, in first lap i made ramps and AIs cars went crazy, as they jumped over it and crashed, as the laps went the sicker it went, in the video and in blackwood.
Well i dont have a boring life, i have some hobbies, and my family is just ok.
i wrecked because i didnt got the good laps and it just threwd up and i went a lil bit crazy, i really regret it that i was sucha fool. ill think on a momo wheel but that is just a waste of money? but mouse driving is hard too.
Yeah it is irritating when a lamer takes u out for nothing, i have felt it on my own and its not good.
I think, its best to start a clean sheet. Once my ban is over, really 30 days without lfs is bad for me, ill start proving myself on the S2 servers.
admins, can u just give me a second chance, just for a try? Take the bans off and ill prove that i want to get better!